The Triduum was beautiful and meaningful for all who participated.

I must admit that it seems to be a more complete Triduum when we have candidates for baptism and already-baptized believers who have decided to enter into full Communion of the Catholic faith community.  This year we had one of each.  Nathan Rust was baptized, confirmed and received his First Communion at the Easter Vigil and Gerri Erwin was received into the Church through a Profession of Faith, Confirmation and Holy Communion at the 8:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass.

The Church strongly promotes keeping the focus on those to be Baptized at the Easter Vigil Liturgy and to welcome already-baptized believers at any time during the Easter Season or throughout the Church year.  We congratulate Nathan and Gerri, and offer our continued support and example of what it is to be a witness to the risen Lord.  Perhaps this Easter Season we can all reflect on what it means to be a witness to the risen Lord.  It certainly takes a conscious effort to exude the joy and peace of the Lord at all times.

Pray to the Holy Spirit that he will enkindle divine love in each one of us and all disciples of Jesus.  That effort will hopefully mean that we will welcome more into the faith at next year's Easter Vigil and at other times during the year.

A Blessed Easter Season to all of us!!!