One of the many challenges (and blessings) for any parish and pastor is to encourage and inspire parishioners to give (in answer to their baptismal commitment) their time, talent and treasure to various activities and ministries that a parish has to offer. In some instances, people step forward on their own and find great reward in the ministry or activity they want to do. Others step forward when a need presents itself to them and others, whether it be a one-time need or an ongoing one (like our Helpin gHnads ministry). The there are instances where I, as pastor, need t discern God's will and ask someone to take on a particular leadership role that I believe they are capable of and qualified to do. 

Our VIP for the month of October, Deb Troxel, was recently asked and agreed to be our parish point person forthe national Eucharistic revival that is going on right now in our diocese and throughout the United States. I knew before asking her that she has a love for Jesus and his "Real Presence"in the Holy Eucharist as she is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass (she often attends daily Mass) and for the sick at CHI St Vincent Hospital. She participates in Eucharistic Adoration here and is a valuable substitute who often covers for absent Adorers more than a few times each week. She has shown herself to be a competent leader in the Walking with Purpose Bible Study, as well as, our Advent and Lenten studies as a facilitator. She is a trained and experienced spiritual directory/companion who ha used that gift and is available for parishioners who desire a deeper union with the Lord. Deb is a regular cantor at our Sunday Masses (especially the 8:00 a.m. Mass) and enjoys leading people in give thanks and praise to the Lord. She and her husband, Jack, moved to the Villate and to our parish in 2017 and she used her skills as a registered nurse at a CHI clinic until she retired in 2020. She is a regular participant in Linda Broome's exercise classes on Tuesday and Thursday and is testifying this weekend before two of our Masses about the benefits of participating in this or any exercise regimen in the hopes that more of you will give it a try. As with anyone who says "yes" to a call from the Lord ot serve, I was happy when she said she would be the point person for our participation in the national Eucharistic revival and, in a short time, she has exhibited her organizational skills, her communication skills to me and to others and initiative in recruiting parishioners to help her lead our parish in growing in our love and appreciation of the gift of the Holy Eucharist for our spiritual food and our adoration! (By the way, she has recently offered to run for a parish council position as a representative of the education commission). Thanks, Deb, for all you have done, are doing and your willlingness to do more!