Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Have you encountered Clarence, the guardian angel yet?  Hopefully, more than a few of you know that I"m referring to the character from the holiday classic movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" which has already aired at least once on television during this time of the year.  There is no question that this "guardian angel" played a key (but not long) role in this movie as he guides George Bailey to change his mind about committing suicide and aids him in appreciating the true riches of his life which were his family and friends.

When the subject of guardian angels comes up or of speaking of your own guardian angel, do you accept and appreciate this belief of our faith that God gives each person a guardian angel to be with us throughout our life "to light, to guard, to rule and to guide" us in the way that God wants us to live?  During this time of pandemic when taking precautions against contracting it, are leading to more time alone and times of loneliness, our guardian angel (who has no particular name, unless you choose to give it one) can bring us the comfort of knowing that God is ALWAYS present to us with his love and peace and ready to give us strength to get through the most difficult of times.

In the book I have on quotes from St. Padre Pio to his spiritual directors and to those he directed in their spiritual journey (including now me), he speaks clearly and fondly about the presence of Raffaelina Cerase's guardian angel including the future consolation of seeing her "good angel" at the hour of her death.  I want to share with you a longer quote from St. padre Pio to Raffaelina and invite you to comtemplate this with regard to your own guardian agngel, especially in these difficult, pandemic times.  "Be aware, Raffaelina, that this good angel prays for you.  He offers all your good deeds and all your holy and pure desires to God.  During the times you seem to be alone and abandoned, do not complain about not having a friend you can open up to and with whom you can share your sorrows.  For goodness sake, do not forget this invisible companion who is always there to listen to you and always ready to comfort you.  Oh, what a delightful intimacy!  On, what blessed companionship!  Oh, if only everyone knew how to understand and appreciate this great gift:  God, in the overabundance of his love for humanity, has assigned this heavenly being to us!  Remember his presence often!!