Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
When I arrived at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church over 10 years ago, this parish (and its pastor, Msgr. Malone) were blessed to have 5 permanent deacons active in various ways in this wonderful parish.  Religious education offerings for adults were among those ministries headed up by some of our deacons.  Besides RCIA, which prepares people to enter into Catholic Church through sacraments of initiation,  there were scripture studies offered and other programs encouraged and offered by the diocese including the "Why Catholic" small group studies which went on for many months.  Fast forward to the present and we are down to one deacon, Larry Lipsmeyer who is officially retired, but continues to be involved in some aspects of parish life and ministry (for which I and others are very grateful)! 

I believe it is time (or maybe past time) to put out feelers to see if we have anyone in the parish who has some background and is interested in heading up religious education for adults in our parish.  Many parishes are blessed to have lay persons as heads of their overall religious education programs.  At the present time Margaret Keearns oversees our religious education for children and teenagers (also known as R.E.Y.).  We need a lay adult to head up our religious education offerings for adults.  This would start out and perhaps always be a part-time position with monetary stipend being offered to this person.  They would have an office to work from and would obviously be working closely with me and our education commission on adult religious education offerings for our parishioners as well as a program to welcome and prepare people who are interested in becoming Catholic. 

While some degree in religious education or ministry would be desireable, at this point we are open to someone who has a love for their Catholic faith, and a desire to help others grow their knowledge of the faith, while growing in this area themselves.  Administrative and people skills will be apreciated for anyone who might want to take this position.  Please pray that we have people step forward who could take this ministry on here at Sacred Heart Church.  I am truly grateful for all those who have been leaders of our adult religious education offerings of the past and those who are leading groups now (like our "Walking With Purpose" ladies groups).  While I invite all our parishioners to grow in their faith individually through offerings found on our parish subscription to, I know there is a hungering spirit for groups to gather and grow (especially after the current pandemic is over).  I want someone who can give time to make this happen to an even greater extent than now here at Sacred Heart Church.  (Please pray as well if you would, that the Lord through our bishop, will send this parish a deacon sometime in the future)!