Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
"Unforgettable" is the name of a beautiful song famously sung by Nat King Cole (and one of mother's favorite songs).  It is also a word that will be used by many people long after this pandemic is over.  While it has affected almost everyone to one extent or another (and many have suffered the effects of the coronavirus and some died from it), it has certainly altered our gathering or not gathering to celebrate the Eucharist, splintering our congregation as some come to church for Mass, some to the parking lot for Mass and hopefully the rest are participating in Mass at home on television or by livestream with their computer.  I pray that as more people are vaccinated and warmer weather becomes more prevalent, we will ALL be coming back to Mass in church where we can be together in giving worship and praise to God and growing in his love and our love for all.  I have seen some of our "normal" parking lot Mass people coming back to Mass in church and hope more of you will recognize that it is safe to come back to Mass in church AND for those who have stayed at home, to receive Jesus in Holy Communion again.

As we near the start of the Easter Triduum, this Holy Thursday evening, I can tell you, I am truly looking forward to celebrating the most beautiful and meaningful liturgies of the entire Church year with people in the pews.  While we offered virtual liturgies for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday last year, I did not offer the liturgy of the Easter Vigil, which was a hard pill to swallow for me (and I hope more than a few of you)!  Please consider coming to all of the liturgies of the Triduum this year.  They will be somewhat altered because of COVID safety protocols (like no kissing the cross on Good Friday), but we will have more music than we've been having, led by Lynne Border and cantors and we will be welcoming a new Catholic, Kim Bailey through a profession of faith and reception of Confirmation and Holy Communion.   We will also renew our Baptismal promises at the easter Vigil and at the Masses on Easter Sunday.  In some ways it seems we have been in a "Lenten Desert" for now over a year, and I hope we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and are ready to celebrate the eternal light that is Jesus, as we recall the great Paschal Mystery of our salvation through the Paschal Triduum!