Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The "Very Important Parishioner" for the month of May is Renee Steinpreis.  Renee and her husband Bob (who has been a longtime usher at Sacred Heart Church) have lived in the Village since 1996.  She serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, an altar server, and a sacristan.  In these roles she is seen doing the Lord's work before, during and after our liturgies.

We (and she) are also blessed by the ministries she does "behind the scenes."  She has been a member of the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration team since the beginning of this ministry and took some of the "overnight hours" that helped make it possible to have Eucharistic Adoration going 24/7 for a long time.  She is a member of our Prayer Warriors who pray for parish members and others who are in a crisis situation.  She has been administrator of our "Scheduler Pro" since its inception in 2014 and works to see that all our liturgical ministries are covered at all of our liturgies.

She has been a member of LOSH and the parish council and is currently the head of our liturgy commission.  She has stepped up as needed as an "experienced" photographer at many of our church functions and uses state of the art equipment on the ground and in the air to capture and print many pictures that have appeared on our website, the Village Voice and other places.  She has made herself available to help me adapt to newer technologies and has "offered herself" whenever a need arises in all areas of parish life.  She is active in the Village community especially on the tennis and now pickleball courts and in computer and/or photography clubs. 

In my observations and reflections, Renee is inspired to "do" all that she does through the Holy Spirit who touches her in many ways, especially through her time in public and private prayer.  She is clearly a healthy branch on the vine that is Jesus and is bearing much fruit.  Please look her up in the pictorial directory if you don't already know her and thank her the next time you see her for her faithfulness to the Lord and our parish in the ways I've mentioned and other ways as well.  Also, if you see her husband, Bob, thank him for his ministry (as an usher) and the support he gives her to do what she does!  I can truly say about Renee that she is always on call if I need her!  What a blessings that is for me!