Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
A few weeks ago, while I was visiting one of our parishioners who is "shut-in" I was engaging in conversation with a hired caregiver.  At some point, the caregiver inquired if she could ask me a question.  I was not surprised when I heard her question, as it was (and is) one that is aked of me and perhaps many of you from our Protestant brothers and sisters in the Lord, especially in this part of the country.  Do Catholics worship Mary?  Of course, the shortest answer to this question is NO.  I would hope, however, that all of us can use this opportunity to help our friends to understand firstly, that according to the Catholic Church and the First Commandment (of the Ten Commandments), we (and everyone) should worship God alone. 

It would be good to go on to explain that we honor Mary as the Mother of God and hold her up as the best example of what it is to be a disciple of the Lord.  Given the reality that "Bible-based" Christians are always looking for answers and wisdom from God's Word (which we Catholics do in our liturgies and on our own or in group scripture studies), I would urge you to give witness to our belief in honoring Mary and asking for her help by quoting the very familiar "Hail Mary" prayer.  The first part of it quotes the Angel Gabriel who says to Mary, "HAIL FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH YOU." (Luke 1:28) while the next part quotes Mary's cousin, Elizabeth who, the bible tells us, who, "filled with the Holy Spirit cried out with a loud voice to Mary, BLESSED ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB. (LUKE 1:41-42).  These two bible quotes, make it clear just how special Mary was (and is) to God AND to us.  Then the final part of the "Hail Mary" prayer speaks indirectly of the fact that we look to God and God alone to answer our prayers and we look to Mary, who we believe to be close to her Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus to intercede to her Son when we say "PRAY FOR US, SINNERS, NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH. 

The same, Mary, the Mother of God, who interceded to her son on behalf of the newly married couple at the Wedding Feast of Cana (John 2:1-12) is, we believe always ready to help us or anyone who believes in the power of her Son, Jesus Christ to answer our wants and needs.  The "Hail Mary" prayer is indeed a good scriptural answer to those who question our belief about Mary and it certainly is a prayer worthy of us echoing over and over again as we pray the rosary and meditate on the great mysteries of our salvation in and through Jesus Christ!!!