Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
When I entered the seminary some 39 years ago, one of the first choices I had to make was who I wanted as my spiritual director.  Unlike my course load that was pretty much set for me (and was quite a challenge with some of my professors being from Hungary, Viet Nam and Argentina), I was given a number of priests to choose from and found it easy to select Fr. Frank Colavechio who was a priest on loan from our diocese and was head of spirituality at the seminary.  I found him comfortable to talk to, a good listener, and one who offered me support in my spiritual growth.  He was also greatly responsible for me switching from receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation anonymously to going face to face to him.  Even though Fr. Cal (as he was known) died a number of years ago, I have still chosen to go "face to face" to all priests whom I go to when "celebrating" the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Today, I am happy to share with you that we are blessed in this wonderful parish to have 2 trained spiritual directors (Paula Doyle and Deb Troxel) and 2 spiritual directors in training (Cherri Schwulst and Carolyn Westmoreland) who are able to take on people who want to grow in their spiritual life as parishioners of Sacred Heart Church.  Of course, I am also available to a limited number of parishioners for spiritual direction as it can be worked out in mine and the parishioner's schedule.

Since I don't have enough space in my pastor's column to go into the particulars of "spiritual direction" we are including in this bulletin an insert with questions that someone or anyone might ask about spiritual direction and the contact information for the ladies mentioned above.  it is important that one developes a connection with the spiritual director that makes it easier over time to share deeply with the director one's thoughts, feelings, experiences and even failures when it comes to their spiritual life knowing that anything that is shared remains STRICTLY confidential and always supportive for the person to discern what God is saying to them at any given time in their lives.  It is always up to the one receiving spiritual direction to decide if or when they would like to discontinue the sessions with no questions asked by the spiritual director.  Please take the time to read the insert in the bulletin and in prayer consider this help to your faith journey.  A safe and confidential space will be provided here in our parish building for the spiritual direction to take place.