Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I don't know about you, but I will readily admit that I don't normally like to read the "fine print" that is part of some documents that come across my desk or are put before me for my attention.  Not only is the "smallness" of the print a challenge, but also, the length and content of the small print can be discouraging, to say the least.  Such, I believe, is not the case with the small print that was included on the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal envelope that many of us saw, and some of us used, to give our donation to help support the many needed ministries that are funded by this annual appeal.

Since, to date, almost 500 of our registered parish families have yet to make a contribution to support the work of the Lord for people, ranging from the Unborn (Respect Life Office and Catholic Charities) to our children (through our Catholic schools and Religious Education programs), to our young adults (Campus ministry), to our adults (Religious Education and many other ministries), I want to inform you of another option to give besides using the envelopes marked for this Appeal in the narthex.  On that envelope (in small print), it tells us that we can make an online donation by going to and selecting the tab "Online Giving."  You can either make a one-time donation or a pledge to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal that can be paid off througout the rest of the year.

As we continue to contemplate the miraculous growth of the early Church in which Christian communities helped one another in many ways, including individual financial gifts (see Acts of the Apostles), I strongly ask every family at Sacred Heart Church to support the mission churches in our state and so much more through CASA.  God bless those whose faith in God is shown in many way including their generous hearts.
The Easter Season is a time to CELEBRATE the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and so many blessings that flow from the Risen Lord, like His real presence in Holy Communion (First Communions) and in our mothers (Mothers Day) to name a few.  Last week we celebrated here at Sacred Heart, Christ present and acting through volunteers in our Helping Hands ministry.  As we recalled the many people who were helped and the various ways they were helped, and recognized various people for their efforts in certain areas, we not only gave thanks to God for them and their efforts, but I also wondered if there are parishioners out there who need help, but who are not getting it for a number of reasons.

This week we are including in the bulletin an insert that details the services provided by Helping Hands.  Please keep this somewhere even if you don't need any of our services now.  You might benefit from the time and efforts of a volunteer in this ministry sometime down the road whether it be a month, a year, or years down the road.  PLEASE don't hesitate to ask for help!  In addition, we are hoping that some of you will consider making yourself available to help your fellow parishioners when they have needs that they are struggling with or can no longer do.  There's a volunteer application that clearly indicates what you can do to help, and provides a place where you can indicate the days and times when you are normally available to lend a helping hand. Please mail this application to Cathy Wedwick at the address provided on the bottom of the application form.  Call Cathy at 915-8456 or Pat at 922-1395 (after May 13) if you have questions.  I recognize and rejoice in how many people in the Village and in our parish, are already lending a helping hand either short-term or long-term, to a neighbor or friend in need.  Keep up the good work and let others be Christ to you if you are in need!  If you know of a fellow parishioner who might benefit from some of our services, please give me a name and I or someone, will follow-up.  Call me at 501-209-2502.
During the Easter season, as we read from the Acts of the Apostles, which chronicles from St. Luke's perspective, the growth of the early Church, it is good for us to ponder and give thanks that we are part of the "Body of Christ" that goes back almost 2,000 years.

Through our Baptism we became part of something that is so much bigger than ourselves.  Those who have an individualistic mentality and who say they are spiritual, but not sharing in the life of encounter with Jesus in the sacraments and as an active member of His Church, are missing out on an important means of growing in holiness and in accomplishing  much than they can do on their own for Jesus.  Even as we celebrate the wonderful growth in the "Body of Christ" through people who received the Sacrament of Initiation at the Easter Vigil and in the Easter season, we are called to give witness to what we believe and how we live our faith within a community (or family) of believers and encourage those who are not to "Come and See" what the Lord has in store for them.  Throughout our lives, we will continue to see (and hopefully help) His Church continue to grow as it has grown since the day the Spirit came upon the Apostles at Pentecost, and join with other faith-filled believers in doing Christ's work until our risen and  ascended Lord comes again in His glory.