Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I received this from a friend today and am sending it on and sending BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER AS WE WORSHIP AT HOME THIS YEAR.  Easter Greetings! 

Fr. Bill  

How the Virus Stole Easter

By Kristi Bothur (With a nod to Dr. Seuss)

Twas late in ‘19 when the virus began
Bringing chaos and fear to all people, each land.

People were sick, hospitals full,
Doctors overwhelmed, no one in school.

As winter gave way to the promise of spring,
The virus raged on, touching peasant and king.

People hid in their homes from the enemy unseen.
They YouTubed and Zoomed, social-distanced, and cleaned.

April approached and churches were closed.
“There won’t be an Easter,” the world supposed.

“There won’t be church services, and egg hunts are out.
No reason for new dresses when we can’t go about.”

Holy Week started, as bleak as the rest.
The world was focused on masks and on tests.

“Easter can’t happen this year,” it proclaimed.
“Online and at home, it just won’t be the same.”

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the days came and went.
The virus pressed on; it just would not relent.

The world woke Sunday and nothing had changed.
The virus still menaced, the people, estranged.

“Pooh pooh to the saints,” the world was grumbling.
“They’re finding out now that no Easter is coming.

“They’re just waking up! We know just what they’ll do!
Their mouths will hang open a minute or two,
And then all the saints will all cry boo-hoo.

“That noise,” said the world, “will be something to hear.”
So it paused and the world put a hand to its ear.

And it did hear a sound coming through all the skies.
It started down low, then it started to rise.

But the sound wasn’t depressed.
Why, this sound was triumphant!
It couldn’t be so!
But it grew with abundance!

The world stared around, popping its eyes.
Then it shook! What it saw was a shocking surprise!

Every saint in every nation, the tall and the small,
Was celebrating Jesus in spite of it all!

It hadn’t stopped Easter from coming! It came!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!

And the world with its life quite stuck in quarantine
Stood puzzling and puzzling.
“Just how can it be?”

“It came without bonnets, it came without bunnies,
It came without egg hunts, cantatas, or money.”

Then the world thought of something it hadn’t before.
“Maybe Easter,” it thought, “doesn’t come from a store.
Maybe Easter, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

And what happened then?
Well....the story’s not done.

What will YOU do?
Will you share with that one
Or two or more people needing hope in this night?
Will you share the source of your life in this fight?

The churches are empty - but so is the tomb,
And Jesus is victor over death, doom, and gloom.

So this year at Easter, let this be our prayer,
As the virus still rages all around, everywhere.

May the world see hope when it looks at God’s people.
May the world see the church is not a building or steeple.

May the world find Faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection,
May the world find Joy in a time of dejection.

May 2020 be known as the year of survival,
But not only that -
Let it start a revival.

Contribution StatementDue to the most recent changes in the Income Tax laws, the Finance Council has decided to make contribution statements available to those parishioners who specifically request them.  There is a table in the Narthex where you can indicate if you would like Sheila, our bookkeeper, to prepare a 2019 contribution statement on your behalf.  You may also stop by the front office or call Sheila directly at 501-922-2062, ext. 12 to request your statement.
CalendarIf you haven't picked up your Catholic Extension, Illustrations of Catholic Life in the Twentieth Century, 2020 appointment calendar there are a few remaining in the narthex of the church.  These are an annual tradition parisioners seek out from year to year.  Sacred Heart of Jesus was fortunate enough to have our own parishioner, Ike Eisenhauer, from State Farm/Ike Eisenhauer Insurance Agency, 4705 N. Hwy. 7, sponsor this time honored tradition.  Sacred Heart thanks Ike Eisenhauer for his generosity and continued support of our beautiful parish.
Offering EnvelopesOffertory envelopes are being mailed bi-monthly to the homes of parish families wishing to use "hard copy" offertory envelopes in 2020.  The first mailing of these envelopes went out the week of December 22nd.  The front office has been working diligently to update their records but understand changes and updates will continue to exist.  If you do not receive your envelopes in the mail, please contact the front office at 922-2062, ext. 10 so we may make an update for you.  Also, please update the front office if you DO NOT want "hard copy" offertory envelopes in the mail.  It is easy to make changes, please give us a call.  

Offerings may be given via online electronic giving.  This is a simple process by by accessing the parish website homepage, and clicking the "GIVE ONLINE" link.  You may contact the front office for an easy to follow instruction sheet or for any additional assistance.  Thank you for allowing us to serve you.

helpinghandsPlease remember to return your recommitment statements and updated volunteer information sheets, if you have not already done so.  These were due on March 6, 2020.  We are so grateful for the prompt and heartwarming response so far!  Thank you for your past, present and continuing service to our parishioners in need.  Anyone wishing to become a new Helping Hands Volunteer, please call either Cathy Wedwick at 915-8456 or Pat Widlowski at 922-1395, Helping Hands Coordinators.
Scrambled eggs sausage and biscuitsOn Sunday, March 8, the Knights of Columbus woud like to invite everyone to a Parish Breakfast.  The menu will consist of scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy, hash browns and juice, coffee or milk.  This breakfast is being underwritten by Jack and Jean Eatinger, as well as, Rose and Bud Campbell.  Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate and as always children 12 and under are free.  All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund the Knight's charitable activities throughout the year.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  See you there!
food basketBecause of the generosity of our parishioners, Sacred Heart will be delivering food baskets of meat, fresh produce and dairy products to provide the Easter dinner for needy families again this year.  We need volunteers to deliver the baskets.  Information will be mailed to the home address of each volunteer on March 27.  The volunteer will contact the famly to set up delivery, shop for food and deliver a food basket to provide the meal at Easter.  The food should be delivered between March 29 and Easter, April 12.  The receipts from the purchases must be mailed to the Sacred Heart Basket Committee for reimbursement.  If you can help with this project, please contact Marvin Young at 501-915-8028 or by e-mail, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
LOSHLOSH General Meeting will meet this Monday, March 9 after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in the Lower Hall.  Guest speaker is Toni Hobbs with the Muses Project.  The Muses 2020 season begins with "Celtic Spring," March 13, 7:00 p.m. at the Woodlands Auditorium.  March 14/15 in Hot Springs.  Much in the style of "Celtic Women," this show features five professional female lead voices, talented young singers, professional instrumentalists featuring Irish harp and flutes, and dancers, in a magical, joyful, musical celebration, just in time for St. Patrick's Day!  Tickets are $35, students are FREE.  We will receive a performance by their Irish harpist, flutist as well as a soprano performance. 

Also included is a wonderful brunch served by Guild 7.
Mens BreakfastWe invite more men of Sacred Heart to join us for breakfast!  The group was started to get men of the parish together and also to meet others.  Come on Monday, March 9 at 7:30 a.m. at Debra's Restaurant, 198 Carmona Road, HSV.  If you need a ride, please call Bob Bowman at 922-6619 or Randy Schnoeblen 501-204-9178.
2020 Rev. Fr. PohlmeierDon't miss this wonderful Lenten spiritual event.

When:  March 9 - 12, Monday 3:00 p.m. to Thursday noon.

Where:  Fletcher Hall, St. John's Catholic Center, Little Rock

What:  Masses, Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross, Retreat Sessions, personal spiritual development, fellowship, and social time.  Your enrollment includes three nights of private room accommodations, eight meals, and a wonderful Retreat experience.

We are blessed that our retreat will be led by the Rev. Fr. Erik Pohlmeier, the newly appointed Pastor of Christ the King Parish, Little Rock; Director of the Diocese Faith Formation Office, Director of Diocese Clergy Education and Director of Diocese Diaconate Formation.

Please sign-up now by providing your name, phone number and email address.  Please mail your check for $200 (includes all retreat costs) to Tom Donnelly, 20 Zarina Lane, HSV as soon as possible to confirm your reservation.  Further information will be provided to all men with confirmed reservations.  You may contact Tom at 501-915-0880 with any questions.
Blood DriveThe next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.  Previous donors with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors can contact Tina at 501-352-5491.  Thank you, in advance, for sharing your "gift of life."
BabyThe Baby Shower campaign kicked off on December 28 and ran through January 13, 2020.  There were several people that signed up for the committee to sort the incoming baby items and bring the baby goods from the crib in the nartex to the Upper Hall.  Some of the things that were accomplished by this wonderful group was the planning for the shower itself, informing the congregation about the details and creating the lovely poster displayed in the narthex.  This committee also sorted, packed and delivered the bountiful supply of baby goods to the pregnancy centers.  These wonderful parishioners who gave of their time to volunteer for this project (without them the shower would not have been a success):  Edie Gray, Mary Costello, Sandra Stevenson, Linda Durrett, Bobbie Rhodea, Deb Sprecher, Nancy Webster and Joe & Terry Sczerzen.  The people of Sacred Heart in their generosity donated $1024.00, which is at least $400 more than last year.  Also, from what I heard the money is still coming in.  Boy we sure love those babies!
3rd Degree KofC LogoKofC Council 10208 General Meeting will be held Tuesday, March 3.  The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a rosary, followed by a social, dinner and then our meeting. 

The menu will include Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Cole Slaw, Corn on the Cob and Dessert.  In order to assure adequate quantities, we need your RSVP no later than Sunday, March 1.  Email reservations to Art Morissette, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you may phone Art at 501-915-8021.  Deadline to reply, once again, is Sunday, March 1.
Arkansas Catholic1Arkansas Catholic is now offering the digital version of the weekly newspaper for FREE, thanks to donations from Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal.  It is the page-for-page replica of the print edition you can read anywhere you have the internet access.  Every page, every story!  Sign up for a FREE account at  The printed copy of the newspaper is still available for a small fee, which covers the postage and printing costs.  For more information, visit or call 501-664-0125.  Enjoy this awesome opportunity.
Restored DVDSacred Heart will once again offer evening Mass on the Wednesdays of Lent at 5:30 p.m. with an opportunity to share in a light meal and short video afterwards.  The video series titled, "Restored Stories of Encounter," presents the stories of ordinary people whose lives have been radically moved by Jesus Christ.  Each video lasts about 25 minutes.  The light meals will be prepared by various groups of the Parish Life Commission and will begin on Wednesday, March 4.  The Singles group will be hosting the first meal: Chili with a vegetarian option being offered.  Sign-ups for those planning to join us for the first light meal will be in the narthex this weekend, February 22/23.  It is necessary to sign up for planning purposes.