Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
choirOur Sunday Mixed Choir will begin choir practice on Wednesday, August 28, at 3:00 p.m. in the main church.  All voices are welcome.  Our men would really appreciate some additional help! There are no auditions!  You do not have to be able to read music!  Just come with a willingness to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!  Please call Lynne Border at 922-2062, extension 13, with questions.
92080-Royalty-Free-RF-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Black-Number-6-Outlined-In-Green-With-Colorful-Flowers-And-ButterfliesIt is time to sign-up for the fall Sociable Six.  This is a way to meet new and old friends for a pleasant get-together.  A brunch or simple meal is all that a host needs to plan.  Three couples will meet three times, taking turns hosting for the evening. Call Jan Winters at 922-0526 to join or get more information.  You can also e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Your group listings and any other pertinent information will be given to you early in September.
handandfootAll parishioners who would like to meet once a month for a fun evening of cards while meeting other members, should call Ed Harrigan at 915-0314.  Better yet, transmit a e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Current members can use these same communication channels to advise of their e-mail addresses.  This will help streamline information sharing.  We will play starting in September and through the month of May.  So, your membership must be set by August 20, 2013 so that the schedule can be made for the season.
Religious_EdOur parish is blessed to have a small, but eager, group of young people who participate in the Parish Religious Education Program.  These students are excited to learn more about the Word of God and we are looking for more adults to help them grow in their faith.  Our goal is to have two teachers for each age group who will work together to plan and teach the class.  Several dedicated parishioners have already committed to this ministry, but we still need more.  Do you have a love and rapport with youths who range in age from Kindergarten to High School?  Would you consider volunteering one hour a week, or every two weeks, to teach them about the Catholic faith?  If you are interested in learning more about this important service to our Church, please call Terry Poldrack at 922-6095 or 501-960-6095.
christianbooksBy popular request, we will be continuing the Parish Book Club throughout the year. We believe that before we can effectively evangelize others, we need to know more about our faith.  Books that bolster our spirits and renew our pride in this wonderful Church will be selected.  Come join us!  If travel, doctor and dentist appointments, out-of-town visitors, etc. keep you from attending a meeting, come when you can.  We meet every Thursday at 9:45 a.m. (after Mass) in the A&E Building.  Contact our Librarian, Georgia Janush, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 922-5770.
littlerockartcenterOn, Tuesday, August 27, the Sacred Heart Singles will be visiting the Little Rock Art Center to see the special exhibit of such famous artists as Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Gainsborough, etc.  There will be 48 masterpieces on display. Admission is $10.  After exploring the exhibit, we will have lunch at the Art Center's restaurant, dutch treat.  Of course, there will be time to visit the gift shop.

Be in the church parking lot by 9:30 a.m. and we will carpool to Little Rock.  Any questions, call Ann at 922-6963 or Eileen at 915-9229.  Please remember to sign-up in the narthex.
Credit_cardSome of you may have received a letter from Parish Pay about using your credit card or to set up direct deposits from your bank account for your monthly donations to Sacred Heart.

We have had several announcements in the Bulletin over the past several weeks and it has also been mentioned on the Parish website.

If you have not received a letter, and are interested in considering this option, we will have reply cards that will make it easy to call or mail your information to Parish Pay.  You do not need a card to apply.

Several parishioners have already signed up and found it very easy and self explanatory.  If you have a computer, go to the Parish Pay website:    You can also call them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 866-727-4741. This information is on several signs posted on the doors and in the narthex.

Next weekend, after all the Masses, there will be some one in an A & E classroom to answer questions.  If you have questions now, you can call Larry Stein at 501-226-5105 or David Witchger at 501-922-9058.

This option may not be for everyone, but it does make sense if you contribute weekly or monthly to consider using Parish Pay.  Please note there is a $20 minimum.  As you know, there are fees and charges involved when using a credit card and in this case, the Church is bearing the fees.  With this in mind, you encouraged to consider making your monthly donation a few dollars more to help cover this cost.
BulletinOur weekend bulletin is an important way for us to communicate with you.  Producing it every week could be very costly, but through our arrangement with the J. S. Paluch Company, this parish does not pay for printing, saving thousands of dollars each year.  The Paluch Company arranges for the bulletin to be supported through the generosity of the businesses you see advertised on the back cover.  Most of these advertisers are members of our local community, and many belong to our parish.

During these difficult economic times, we are urged to support our bulletin advertisers with our patronage.  Please tell the business owners that we appreciate their support through their advertisements in the bulletin.  This is one small way that we can work within our own community to weather the challenges we face.  A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community and a thriving business community is good for our parish.
PerpetualadorationWe had a wonderful response last weekend!  Two Hundred Seventy-three (273) parishioners signed up, and we expect more to come. There is still time to accept the invitation to be an hourly adorer each week.  Invitations are on the display table in the narthex.  Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration will begin the later part of November.  For information, call Roger Bresnahan at 922-9190.
Kneeling are seminarians (l-r): Dan Ramos, Joseph de Orbegozo, Patrick Saint-Jean, Jose Luis Quijada, Joseph Friend, Jon Miskin, Stephen Elser. Standing (l-r): Deacon Bernie Bauer, Msgr Bernard Malone, Bishop Anthony Taylor, seminarian Jack Sidler, Msgr Scott Friend, Father Bill Elser, and Grand Knight Dick Breckon
On Wednesday, July 17, the Knights of Columbus held its second fundraiser to support the physical enhancement of the seminarian House of Formation in Little Rock.  Special guests included Bishop Anthony Taylor, Monsignor Scott Friend, Monsignor Bernard Malone and eight seminarians.  The seminarians were Joseph de Orbegozo, Stephen Elser, Joseph Friend, Jon Miskin, Jose Luis Quijada, Daniel Ramos, Patrick Saint-Jean and Jack Sidler.

The funds raised from this event, almost $22,000, will be used to develop an outside area as an extension of the House of Formation where seminarians can go to sit, meditate and pray in a setting close to nature.  It will be called the Daniel Phillips Memorial Garden in honor of a seminarian who was killed in a car accident returning from Conway last December. Daniel was an RSVP seminarian supported by Council 10208, and he liked to work in a garden.

For the complete article and more event photos, check the Knights of Columbus web site.
drivingThe AARP Driver Safety Class will be held at Sacred Heart on Thursday, August 8, from 12:30 to 5:00 p.m.  Please sign-up for the one day course in the hallway of the Administration and Education Building. Class will be held in the Upper Hall.  Bring your driver's license and AARP card and a check payable to AARP for $12.00 for each AARP member and $14.00 for each non-member.  Call Gene Widlowski at 922-5170 with questions.
begginghandsMembers of the Fourth Degree Assembly of the Knights of Columbus is actively working with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and the Purple Heart Association to support the above listed program.  St. Francis House is in Little Rock and has been active in the Reintegration Program since the year 1986.  Our involvement started two years ago through the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

One of the many facets of this support program is providing clothing and personal hygiene items for Veterans.  For those interested in donating items to support the program, please contact Mike Kerwin at 922-1531 or Phil Carl at 922-9045 to arrange for pick-up.  Clothing other than under garments can be used a  long as they are in reasonably good condition.  Undergarments and personal hygiene items must be new and in their original package.  Also needed are watches, alarm clocks, laundry detergent and dryer sheets, wash cloths and towels, pillows and pillow cases, sheets and blankets, cookware (pots, pans and utensils), suitcases, duffel bags and small appliances.  Thank you for helping. 
prime_RibOn July 17, the Knights of Columbus will present a sit-down dinner to benefit the House of Formation for the Diocesan Seminarians in Little Rock.  The diner will be specially prepared by Danny and Sandra Celestin (formerly of Danny's at Ponce restaurant.)  The menu will consist of Prime Rib, Sensation Salad, roasted fresh vegetables, shrimp corn chowder and Father Bill's nationally-acclaimed ice cream for dessert.  Ten seminarians, along with Bishop Taylor, Monsignor Friend, Monsignor Oswald and Monsignor Malone will be attending as our guests.  

Because the dinner has sold out, call Bob Honzik at 922-2702 if you would like your name placed on a waiting list. 
pull_tabA BIG thank you to all parishioners who have brought in their pull tabs from soda pop, beer, soup, fruit, vegetable and pet food cans!  We started collecting in the month of November, and turned in just over 22 pounds of pop tops on March 28.  Our efforts were certainly appreciated when we presented our bags of tabs.  Thanks from the Ladies of the Sacred Heart for all your efforts and keep 'em coming!

Caroline Eisenhauer
Sarah Isaacs
Two of our Sacred Heart seniors have graduated this year. Caroline Eisenhauer, daughter of Ike and Sonya Eisenhauer, is an honor graduate with a 4.0 grade point average from Jessieville and will be attending the University of Central Arkansas on scholarship. Sarah Isaacs, an honor graduate of Mount Saint Mary's and daughter of Scott and Angela Isaacs, has a scholarship to continue her music education at National Park Community College.

These two young ladies have participated in our Parish Religious Education (PRE) program and have been an asset to our parish by their years of service as lectors, servers, and cantors at our liturgy. Caroline has also been an active member of Diocesan functions by serving on the Youth Activity Council. Both young women will be attending the Steubenville convention for Catholic High School students this summer. Congratulations to two outstanding members of our parish!
Buddy Dixon and Travelers Mascot
Buddy Dixon with the Arkansas Travelers team mascot, Shelley.
108 Sacred Heart Men's Club members, wives and friends participated in the second annual Take Me Out To the Ballgame trip.  The attendees gathered at the Sacred Heart Church parking lot on Monday, June 17, 2013 and boarded two buses from the Ouachita Bus Line Co., leaving at 4:30 p.m. headed for North Little Rock.  Along the way the attendees received a package of "in the shell" roasted peanuts that went along with the song "Take Me Out To the Ballgame, Buy Me Some Peanuts, etc.".  Upon arriving at Dickey-Stephens Ballpark, home of the Arkansas Travelers baseball team, a dinner consisting of hamburgers and hot dogs and all the fixings was waiting.  After a prayer, led by Fr. Bill, the attendees ate their fill and were ready for the ballgame which started at 7:10 p.m.  The Travelers were playing their arch rivals, the Naturals from Northwest Arkansas, and unfortunately lost 5-2.  After the game the attendees again boarded the buses for the trip home, arriving at 11:30 p.m.  A good time was had by all and the Men's Club thanks Buddy Dixon, and his wife Martha, for all the hard work they put in to plan and execute a great outing.

Click on Photos for more photos of this event.