Your 2024 Contribution Statements will be available for pick up at the church office, beginning January 31, Tuesday through Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm or call the office 501 922-2062 to request your statement be mailed.
All the earth shall bow down before you, O God,
And shall sing to you,
shall sing your name, O Most High!
And shall sing to you,
shall sing your name, O Most High!
Psalm 66 (65):4
Christ the King Church in Little Rock will host this one day retreat from 8:00 am-3:00 pm Saturday, February 1. "Women of Hope, A Day Retreat" provides a simple and sacred day of retreat in which women can be filled with Jesus, the author of hope. The day will fill your souls and transform your heart. All women in the Diocese of Little Rock are invited. Lisa Cotter is the feature speaker. Franchelle Jaeger will be retreat guide and Sarah Kroger is to lead praise and worship. The event will include Mass with Bishop Taylor, reconciliation, adoration, presentations, music and lunch. An evening preparation will be offered from 5:15 pm to 8:00 pm Friday, January 31. It will include quiet meditation, reconciliation, guided reflection, adoration and benediction. The cost is $70per person. Register at
The 50/50 will work like your typical super bowl squares. The per square donation is $20 and payout is as follows:
1st quarter: $200, 2nd quarter: $250
3rd quarter: $200 and final score: $350
You are allowed a max of 5 squares per person. Family members/relatives can participate. Our goal is to fill two boards (200 squares). If squares remain the final week in January, then you may purchase additional.
This Men's Club fundraiser is to increase our financial donations to our selected charities.
Checks made payable to Sacred Heart Church, memo line: 50/50 raffle squares. Please indicate name and how many squares for each person. All checks mailed to: David Banaszynski 22 Fachado Way HSV, AR 71909 prior to the January 25 deadline. Numbers will be drawn by Men's Club Board Officers on January 27. Completed boards with all numbers will be sent to each Club's representative on January 29, 11 days prior to the Super Bowl. If you have any questions please contact Dave Banaszynski at 401-332-5999 or email.
1st quarter: $200, 2nd quarter: $250
3rd quarter: $200 and final score: $350
You are allowed a max of 5 squares per person. Family members/relatives can participate. Our goal is to fill two boards (200 squares). If squares remain the final week in January, then you may purchase additional.
This Men's Club fundraiser is to increase our financial donations to our selected charities.
Checks made payable to Sacred Heart Church, memo line: 50/50 raffle squares. Please indicate name and how many squares for each person. All checks mailed to: David Banaszynski 22 Fachado Way HSV, AR 71909 prior to the January 25 deadline. Numbers will be drawn by Men's Club Board Officers on January 27. Completed boards with all numbers will be sent to each Club's representative on January 29, 11 days prior to the Super Bowl. If you have any questions please contact Dave Banaszynski at 401-332-5999 or email.
This special collection is taken up in all parishes across Arkansas. The support the Dioceses of Little Rock receives from this national collection helps the Diocesan Council for Black Catholics and other ministries, events and formation to encourage the Christian life in culturally appropriate ways. This collection has supported evangelization programs in almost every diocese in the United States for more than 130 years. For additional information, contact the Stewardship and Development Office at 501 664-0340.
"All grace flows from mercy and the last hour abounds with mercy for us. Let no one doubt concerning the goodness of God; even if a person's sins were as dark as night. God's mercy is stronger than our misery. One thing alone is necessary; that the sinner set ajar the door of his heart, be it ever so little, to let in a ray of God's merciful grace and then God will do the rest." Jesus to St. Faustina
There is a need for regular Adorers on Sunday at 7 - 8:00 pm and 8 - 9:00 pm
Contact Mike Ritch regarding PEA 832 231-7469.
The annual men's conference held in the Diocese of Little Rock will be Saturday, February 8, 2025 at Christ the King Church in Little Rock. It features speakers who impact men's lives with their passion for Christ and His Church. Free registration at
Father Bill will be taking some vacation time this week from Tuesday thru Friday. There will be no weekday Masses here on those days. Masses in Hot Springs are 8:00 am on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at St. John's and Wednesday at 5:30 pm, Thursday at 8:00 am and Friday at 12:00 pm at St. Mary's.
The patriotic rosary will be prayed on Monday, January 20 as our country honors the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King. It will be followed by Mass at 9:00 am.
• Jan. 20 Guild 4 meets at 10:00 am in Classrooms A & B
• Jan 31st/Feb 1st Women of Hope Retreat at Christ the King in Little Rock. Register at
• Feb. 3 LOSH Board Meeting 9:45 am, Upper Hall
• Feb. 10 General Meeting 9:45 am, Lower Hall. Guest Speaker Kathy Sanders about Oklahoma City bombing, and forgiveness.
• Keep in touch with your "Growing in Grace".
Keep recycling your beverage cans at the bin in the large church parking lot.
• Jan 31st/Feb 1st Women of Hope Retreat at Christ the King in Little Rock. Register at
• Feb. 3 LOSH Board Meeting 9:45 am, Upper Hall
• Feb. 10 General Meeting 9:45 am, Lower Hall. Guest Speaker Kathy Sanders about Oklahoma City bombing, and forgiveness.
• Keep in touch with your "Growing in Grace".
Keep recycling your beverage cans at the bin in the large church parking lot.
Bob & Mary Koscielniak, 39 years on January 25
Jim & JoAnn Arnold, 40 years on January 26
* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Jim & JoAnn Arnold, 40 years on January 26
* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date.
Arkansas Catholic is traveling to Italy October 28-November 8 for the Holy Year and we'd like you to join. Fr. Brian Cundall, pastor of Christ the King Church in Fort Smith, will be the Spiritual Director for the tour. Experience Florence and Siena on All Saint's and All Soul's Day, plus stops in Milan, Turin, Orvieto and Montecassino. Pilgrims will have 4 days in Rome and walk through the Holy doors. There will be an infor-mational meeting held Sunday, February 16 at 3:00 pm at the Parish Hall in Fort Smith. RSVP to With questions, contact Kathy Primm at Sue Smith Vacations This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 501 771-0987.
On Sunday, February 2, the Knights of Columbus woild like to invite everyone to a Parish Breakfast after both Masses. The menu includes scrambled eggs, sausage patties, hash browns, biscuits and gravy, juice, coffee tea and water. Cost of this breakfast is a good will offering payable by CASH or CHECK. There will be sign-up sheets in the Narthex for planning purposes. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund Knight char-itable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated!
As you begin planning your 2025 activities, all men of the parish should set aside March 17 - 20. These are the dates of our annual Sacred Heart Men's Retreat at the St. John's Center in Little Rock. Back by popular demand, our retreat leader will be Fr. Stephen Gadberry. You won't want to miss these spiritually uplifting presentations from this dynamic young priest. With questions, please call Ed Doyle at 501 922-5771.
The 2025 calendars are available to parishioners this weekend in The Narthex after al Masses. Please take one per family. Our benefactor this year is The Ike Eisenhauer Insurance Agency.
Every year Sacred Heart parishioners have donated money and items to two pregnancy help centers. One of the best ways to be pro life is to help mothers who make the decision to keep their baby. Change Point in Hot Springs and New Beginnings in Benton both serve these mothers (and fathers). The crib will be in the Narthex from January 11 through January 20. Items needed right now include formula ( Similac Advanced 360, Similac Total Care and Gerber Extensive HA formula), crib sheets, size 2,4,5 & 6 diapers. An envelope will also be available if you prefer to make a cash donation.