Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I would like to take the time and put into print a clarification from last weekend's homily of something I said about myself.

I spoke not only last weekend, but also at the Holy Thursday Mass of the reality that Jesus was first and foremost, people-centered in his ministry and even in the time of His passion.  I then admitted, and certainly regret the fact that at times, I am too task-centered (with perfectionistic tendencies), which at times, results in not-so-good experiences with people when my focus is on the task at hand - whether I'm working in the office or getting ready for a funeral, or other settings.

I am truly sorry when my demeanor towards you (my parishioners) is anything but Christ-like.  I mentioned on Holy Thursday that I came upon a petition during evening prayer that asked for the grace to be kind, compassionate and humble, and that those virtues stayed in my mind long after evening prayer was over.  I am now praying that I keep these virtues ever in front of me and hopefully, more and more in me as I go about my ministry in the future.  While I still believe that the tasks I have to do are important, I will try my best to not let them cause me to sin in the area of my encounters with people in all situations.  I want to be firstly, people-centered as Jesus was, and always relate to people with kindess, compassion, and humility, which I believe is a laudable goal for all of us to have in our lives.

I do want to be clear that I am people-centered when it comes to wanting to connect with people in ministry and in social settings.  I do welcome invitations to homes for dinner or gatherings of people for celebrations.  I know that many of you already can vouch for that in that I am present for many activities here and have been in parishioners homes for food and/or fellowship.  I strive to be available at all times when I am needed by parishioners for all kinds of reasons.  PLEASE know that I welcome contacts about and from you or your family when they, or you, are sick or in need in anyother way.  I pray those encounters are good and helpful and speak fo the reality that the Lord is always at our side and cares for us in our every need.