Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Pull Tabs MabusA hefty amount of pull tabs were brought to Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church by Lanny Mabus and his daughters to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.  As they are collected by LOSH, it was a special dedication to their mom, Kathy Mabus.  All of the pull tabs were delivered to the Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock on July 3.  This fine charity was very thankful for such a large donation and were very impressed with the quantity of pull tabs (8 large water jugs, the Mabus Collection, and lots of bags, parishioners' collection). Thanks to all and keep 'em coming to the collection box located on the credenza in the A&E hallway.  For more information, please contact Ann Bowman, 922-6619.
MarianCathyMasksThe front office has a few quality handmade face masks available "in stock."  Please stop by Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or call 922-2062, ext. 10.  A minimum of $5/mask is being collected for the Matt Sarver Memorial Foundation.
Harveys ChapelDonations are once again being received for Harvey's Chapel.  They accept any clothing and household items such as lamps, towels, and miscellaneous home furnishings.  You can place your donations in the closet to the left as you enter the main doors of the church.
Respect Life1The Respect Life committee will be meeting after Mass on Wednesday morning, August 12 in Classrooms A & B.  We will primarily be discussing the baby shower in January and getting organized for that event.  Respect Life is involved in anything that promotes pro-life, from stopping abortion and the death penalty to opposing assisted suicide.  If you would like to learn more or help out, please text me at 501-844-7656 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thanks.  Rebecca Huber.
TelephoneDo you live alone or are in a circumstance which tends to isolate you?  Please consider joining our Buddy Phone Chain, a lively group of parishioners who receive a reassuring phone call each morning and then make a call to a buddy in the phone chain.  This is a quick, non-intrusive way to feel safer, knowing that your buddy will take action if she or he cannot reach you with the appropriate time frame.  Your daily peace of mind costs nothing, and only takes a few minutes each morning.  Please call Buddy Phone Chain Coordinator, Gisela Heumann at 224-565-0266 for more information or to sign up.
Virgin MaryOn Saturday, August 15, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Everyone is encouraged to participate in Mass for this Solemnity.  Mass at Sacred Heart Church will be celebrated by Fr. Mike Hinken at 10:00 a.m. on that day.
3rd Degree KofC LogoThe Knights of Columbus will be serving a Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, August 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall.  Come enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner prepared by Chef Ken Silvers and crew for only $10.00.  Meals will be delivered to your table by servers or you may order your dinner to be picked up.  Please bring a check made out to the Knights of Columbus for the exact amount.  Tickets will be at the door.  There will be a signup sheet in the narthex or email Johnny Broome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for planning purposes.

Detailed list of precautionary measures - Please note:

All patrons must wear masks before entering and leaving the Lower Hall.
*  All patrons must have their temperature taken before entering the Lower Hall.
*  All patrons must stop before entering the Lower hall in a single file 6 ft apart from the person in front
    and behind them (an "X" will be taped to the floor for accurate social distancing requirements).
*  A 2-line formation will be allowed for easy access entry into the building.
*  Once patrons have been cleared for entry, tables will be filled starting from the front row and working
    toward the back.
*  Once everyone is seated, they will be allowed to remove their MASKS.
*  There will be no self-service at the bar.  You must allow the bartenders to mix it.
*  You must wear your mask and maintain 6 ft distancing while in line.
*  Seating will be limited to 80-100 people with 4 persons at a table unless there are additional family 
    members joining, then we can seat up to eight persons per table.
*  Meals will be delivered by servers or will be available for takeout.  Please stay at your table to insure
    social distancing.
*  When you are finished with your meal, you must put your mask back on to exit the Lower Hall.
Sacred Heart of JesusThe Most Sacred Heart of Jesus feast day was observed on Friday, June 19.  Kudos to Father Bill Elser, Ladies of the Sacred Heart (LOSH) and members of the Parish Life Commission.  Not only did Father Bill celebrate 3 Masses that day, he also handcrafted 300 cups of delicious ice cream; flavors were Arkansas Strawberry and Cherries Jubilee.  "Many hands make a light load," as they say.....Ladies of the Sacred Heart baked and decorated over 26 dozen heart shaped cookies which complimented this heart filled gift.  The ladies wrapped and served these delectable treats in a red gift bag to share with each of the attending parishioners.  Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church is truly, a sacred parish!
2019 Seminarians priest ordination june 2018 seminarians semmler thomas vocations officeThe annual Taste of Faith Dinner to benefit the Diocese of Little Rock seminarians, sponsored by our local Knights of Columbus (Council 10208), has been cancelled due to concerns for the health and safety of parishioners and uncertainty around pandemic restrictions.  Additional information on this previously scheduled, July 24, dinner for a possible future date or on ways we can support our seminarians, if we do not have this event in 2020, will be forthcoming.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.
2020 Semmler 20In 2019 the Knights of Columbus sponsored Taste of Faith Dinner raised $30,000 to support the seminarians in our diocese.  Unfortunately, the reality of COVID-19 health concerns forced the cancelation of the Taste of Faith Dinner in 2020.  Over the next four weeks the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a campaign to raise funds to support our seminarians.  There will be bulletin articles, emails and possibly a "robo call" or two!  Each weekly article will include a biography of one of our seminarians.

There are currently 27 seminarians in the Diocese of Little Rock.  With the increases in cost and number of seminarians, the diocese needs our help to form our future priests.  Msgr. Scott Friend recently said, "We just have to trust that the Lord will provide for us what we need.  I know that the Lord will take care of us, our people will take care of us."

Please consider making a generous donation to support our seminarians.  Checks should be made payable to the Knights of Columbus, with Seminarian Support in the memo line.  Your check may be mailed to Rick Phillips, Financial Secretary, 11 Vuelta Lane, Hot Springs Village, AR, 71909.  Alternatively, you may drop your donation check in the offertory basket at Mass.

The featured seminarian this week is our own Jonathan Semmler.  His biography may be found on the DOLR website at
JS Paluch logoPlease take a moment and review the various advertisers on the back of our weekly bulletin.  The generosity of these sponsors allow for the quality printing that J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. provides to us.  Please frequent these vendors when requiring any of their needs or services.  Thank you for your service.  For information on being an advertiser, please contact J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. at 1-800-833-5941.
Birthday of MonthThe last weekend of each month, an insert in the weekly bulletin has normally contained a monthly calendar with a list of our parishioner's birthdays on the reverse side.  For many reasons, this has been discontinued; however, the monthly calendar may be found on the parish website,,  along with the monthly birthday list.  This double sided document may also be found on either credenza in the narthex next to the supply of weekly bulletins.  Please contact the front office, 501-922-2062, extension 10 with any questions you many have.  Thank you!
Weekly OfferingWe DO need your stewardship to Sacred Heart Church and other Special ollections even as we refrain from celebrating Mass and other activites at Sacred Heart.  Please consider either mailing your stewardship to the Church, 295 Balearic Road, HSV, 71909, or drop it by the office during office hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, or place it in the secure box designated in the Narthex.  

You may also give online at and simply follow these easy steps:

1.   Locate the "GIVE ONLINE" link located on the home page.
2.   Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.

Online giving is convenient and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete on line giving history from anywhere you have access to the internet.  If you do not have access to a computer, you may call Sheila, our Bookkeeper at 501-922-2062, extension 12 and she can take your information, including how much and how often you want to give to our parish's needs to include the Building & Maintenance Fund along with other Special Collections.  You may also let her know how you want to give your stewardship, by credit card or automatic withdrawal from your bank account.  You may also want to contact her in the future regarding any changes you might want to make in your giving.
casalogo08The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) was created in 1990 to provide critical funding for pastoral, educational and social needs of our diocese.  CASA supports numerous diocesan, parish and school ministries and programs.

For the past ten years CASA has helped fund countless diocesan programs and offices, offer grants to Catholic schools and religious education programs, and renovate buildings at St. John Center in Little Rock.  Visit for more information on CASA programs.

The coronavirus pandemic has placed additional financial pressure on many of the programs funded by CASA.  Donations made this year will have an especially significant impact across Arkansas.  The 2020 CASA goal for the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is $83,900.  As of June 1, $70,288 has been donated by Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners.  Thank you to all who have contributed.

If you have not yet made a donation to CASA this year, please consider joining the 248 parishioners who have already provided their support for this vital program.  Donations may be made on-line at or by using the CASA envelopes available in the narthex.
FaithBishop Taylor has allowed the resumption of public Mass to be celebrated, however, with specific restrictions.  The staff at Sacred Heart are diligently working to abide by these restrictions.  We are asking ALL participants of Mass to adhere to the following requirements:
  • Wear a mask or other covering of mouth and nose, anyone ages > 10 years old.
  • Use hand sanitizer upon arrival at church.
  • Keep to a distance of 6' between family groups and individuals by sitting at the ends of the pews.
As a reminder:
  • If you are feeling ill or have been exposed to someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home.
  • Bishop Taylor continues to dispense everyone from the Sunday Mass obligation.
For your information:
  • Missalettes have been removed from the pews, please bring your own Liturgy aids.
  • Hand made face masks continue to be available by ordering from the church office, Monday-Friday (8:00 am-12noon); $5.00 per mask money collected is donated to  Jackson House food pantry.
  • Mass will continue to be recorded for "live" participation or access at a later time from the Sacred Heart website under the tab, "Weekend Homilies."
Please be patient, there are uncertain times; the office and staff are here to be of service.  If you are in questions about anything, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here for you, 501-922-2062, extension 10.