Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
"Try it, you'll like it" is a saying that I believe more than a few would echo when it comes to participating in the "Patriotic Rosary" which is prayed here at Sacred Heart almost once a month, and will be prayed THIS Wednesday, July 4, on Independence Day.  If you have never joined us for this unique way of praying the rosary please permit me to describe it, in the hope that you will be led to join us this Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. for this rosary (followed immediately by Mass around 11:15 a.m.).

Firstly, the recitation asks for the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary, for people in every state in the union, state by state, and it asks God's guidance on elected and appointed officials from our President to local government officials.  Before beginning each mystery, a quote from a  famous American, like George Washington, who speaks of the connection between God and country and the importance of our trusting in God's providence as well as our call to live the religious beliefs and values that have been so important to the blessings our country has enjoyed over the years.  After each decade is prayed, we stand and sing some familiar and dear patriotic hymns which speak of God, and call on God to shed his grace on us.  We then sing more than one verse of each hymn, especially those that speak of and to God.  My favorite is the second verse of the "Star Spangled Banner" in which we "praise the power that has made and preserved us a nation."  Our last hymn, "God Bless America" is an appropriate concluding hymn as we pray (in song) that "God bless America, our home, sweet home."

I pray that we will have the largest crowd we have ever had for a patriotic rosary on July 4, and that those who come are eager to ask for the help of the Blessed Mother and God's grace to make our country what God wants it to be.  I truly believe that if it is the first time you join us for the patriotic rosary, it will not be your last!