Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Pope Paul VILast weekend I spoke in my homily about the fact that this past Wednesday, July 25, marked the 50th anniversary of the promulgation by then Pope Paul VI's encyclical "Humanae Vitae" (On Human Life).  Though many people who are knowledgeable immediately think of the Pope's statement against the use of artificial contraception, the fact is sadly that most people never read "Humane Vitae" in its entirety, and therefore drew conclusions about it that were negatively-based solely on the Pope's negative response to those who were promoting artificial contraception.

I cannot, in one column speak in detail about this encyclical.  I urge you to "Google" Humanae Vitae and click on, "Humanae Vitae-United State Catholic Conference of Bishops."  It speaks of the beautiful and clear teaching about God's plan for married love and the transmission of life that is found in "Humanae Vitae" and provides resources if anyone wishes to become more educated about this teaching.

It is sadly clear that Pope Paul VI's predictions fifty years ago about a society that has a contraceptive mentality and practice, have come true in our world.  These are:  1) An increase in marital infidelity (and with it a higher rate of divorce), 2) A general lowering of moral standards, 3) A loss of respect for women and 4) Governments coercing people into contraception and intervening in citizen's sexual relations.

If you were not aware of it, our diocese now requires engaged couple (who are still of chilbearing years) to be taught about the Church's teaching with regard to acceptable and unacceptable ways of responsibily planning one's family.

The Democrat/Gazette Religion Section this past Saturday (July 21, 2018) had a nice article on the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of "Humanae Vitae," and quoted couples who have practiced and taught Natural Family Planning.  One of these couples, the Hart duo of Little Rock were blessed with wonderful children, two of whom have grown to be priests for the DIocese of Little Rock (Andrew and Stephen Hart)!