Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
As I am writing this Pastor's Column, we are nearing the actual date of the five-year anniversary of start of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart Church which was November 16, 2013.  In celebration, we had an impressive Mass and then dinner with various speakers who talked about their experiences with Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (P.E.A).

If you are a regular Adorer or one of our valuable substitutes, I want to say thank you for your participation in this blessed ministry here at Sacred Heart Church.  It takes a loving and faithful commitment of many people to make this ministry of adoration and prayer before Jesus exposed in the Monstrance to happen.  Please continue to do it, and place your intentions and favors received from your time in adoration in the books provided next to the sign-in book on the table right inside the entrance in the chapel.

I ask those who have not offered yourself to Jesus for ONE HOUR A WEEK in adoration to PLEASE consider doing so.  While we are thankful that right now all the hours of the day and night are covered by at least one person, it would be great if more, if not all, of our hours had two or more adorers present in the chapel when they are scheduled to be there.  Call Tom Donnelly at 915-0880 to indicate when you would like to TRY to be an adorer.

I would like to offer this for any potential regular adorers.  Commit to try it for a least three times at the same hour and see if you are not eager to keep it going.  If after those three times, you want to back out, you can do so with no questions asked.  I say this because I am that convinced that many more people than not, will stay with it, and grow in their relationship with the Lord and perhaps be inspired to approach the Lord more often to receive Him in Holy Communion.

I also want to remind current and potential adorers that there is a Memorial Book to the left of the altar that contains the names of deceased adorers from our parish going back to the beginning of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (PEA).  It is a blessing anytime to lift up the deceased to the Lord in prayer, but I believe even more special when it is done before Christ in the Monstrance.  GOD BLESS THIS MINISTRY FOR MANY MORE YEARS TO COME!