On the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, we reflect on the manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles, as well as the significance of the gifts that were given to Jesus by the "Wise Men" from the East. This is a good time to reflect and give thanks for the gifts that have been given by many in this parish this past year and look forward, I hope, to many more giving of their gifts to manifest to others the gift that Jesus is to the world. Firstly, there are those who are contributing the gift of their stewarship of money for the mission of Sacred Heart Church and for SO MANY other causes and needs. The blessings that flow from your generosity are many and affect in a positive way, the lives of countless people in our parish and in many cases, far beyond our parish. I also give thanks for the stewardship of time and talent that's given by members of the Knights of Columbus, Ladies of the Sacred Heart and Men's Club - - - that help to raise funds for various needs and promote fellowship in Jesus among those who work together on the various projects and fundraisers that happen here. Then there's the talent of our Shawl Makers, and or Rosary Makers who recently finished making the 100,000th rosary so that people locally and all over the world, can ask for the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary and meditate on the mysteries of our salvation through Jesus Christ. I hesitate to say FINALLY, because I know the list I present here of gifts given, will more than likely leave someone out who is doing the Lord's work in some form or fashion. Our Helping Hands ministry and Family Assistance Committee continue to servce the needs of people in the community and parish on a regular basis and give hope to people who might otherwise have no one and nowhere to turn in their challenging situations.
While I am confident that those who have given of themselves in time, talent and treasure in this past year (and years) will continue to do so, I pray that more of you will join in the many opportunities and ways that we can be Christ to, and for, others and give ongoing gifts that provide one-time blessings and for some, blessings for years to come.
While I am confident that those who have given of themselves in time, talent and treasure in this past year (and years) will continue to do so, I pray that more of you will join in the many opportunities and ways that we can be Christ to, and for, others and give ongoing gifts that provide one-time blessings and for some, blessings for years to come.