Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Throughout the month of February, I encouraged those who came to Mass to give generously (or at least give something) to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) which benefits so many people through ministries and activities that happen in the name of Jesus in the Diocese of Little Rock (which encompasses all of Arkansas).  While I could have shared with you why I give to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal each year, I'm sure it would have been a blessing to hear from some of the roughly 290 families of our parish who gave to the Catholic Sharing Appeal last year(s).  The public witness of fellow parishioners can be powerful and inspirational.  In that spirit, I would like to relinquish the rest of this pastor's column to Renee Stenpreis who is the chairman of our Liturgy Committee who was inspired through the "Walking With Purpose" women's study to share her thoughts about the subject of proper etiquette when it comes to the end of Mass.  Please read and reflect on her words and pray that we all appreciate and participate in the Mass from the start to the finish (which is the Final Blessing and Dismissal).

I would like to present a challenge for our congregation for the season of Lent.  For many of you, this is a "given;" for others, you may need to think about it, but I present it to you with excitement and awe.

When we attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is the greatest event of our week or or our day!  Nothing will (or can) be better.  This challenge is for all parishioners to remain at Mass until after the final blessing or sending-forth hymn.  We wouldn't leave the best play or movie before the end, why do we leave Mass before we are sent forth with God's blessing?  Let's try as a congregation, during Lent, to "stay to the end" in body and in spirit.  Graces will abound.  Jesus loves us and wants us to stay for His blessing.

My challenge, as I am completing the 22-week "Walking With Purpose," has had me prayerfully pondering how I can make a difference in our congregation, and to those around me.  This alertness to leaving Mass early continues to weigh heavily in my thoughts.  I am passing it on to you.  Let's "make a difference" for the rest of our lives.

God bless each of you in a very special way!