Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
While I am pleased and proud that our parish has done so well and has been so consistent in its support of our local pregnancy problem centers with money and needed items for babies of women who have decided to bring their babies into the world, but are without adequate means to support their child, it is clear to me that such generosity needs to extend to pregnant women all over the world.  This happens when we choose to support Catholic Relief Services (CRS), especially in Lent, through the money we save in our Rice Bowls and the collection that will be taken up at all the Masses next weekend.

CRS helps the poor all over the world on a regular basis and comes to the rescue when natural disasters strike all over the world.  One of the stories that is found in the insert with our rice bowls, tells of Norma from Guatemala who at 20 years of age was pregnant with limited means to support herself and the child she would be caring for, both inside her womb and after she gave birth.  Through a CRS-sponsored program, Norma and other young mothers learn how to raise healthy children, grow nutritious food in small gardens, and manage a healthy diet.  Plus CRS provided Norma with food througout her pregnancy and monthly medical check-ups during her sons first two years of life.

Please be generous to CRS and know that your compassionate, generous heart is making a difference in many areas and for many people throughout the world.

(Your Rice Bowls can be returned either before the Holy Thursday Mass or any time after that through the first few Sundays of Easter).