Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
It was nice to get away from my normal routine for some vacation time, though I was indeed spotted around the parish grounds and in the building at various times during my week of vacation.

Last Sunday, I went back to my "home" parish of St. Mary of the Springs in Hot Springs and was asked to be the main Celebrant of the Mass by Father Ravi, the current pastor there.  Of course, there were many aspects of my experience before, during and after Mass, that were familiar and haven't changed since I was an altar server and on the altar every Sunday there from my first year of grade school until I left for college in 1978.  There were, however, some things that have changed that caught my attention.  Firstly, I was struck by the great diversity in the people who participated in the Mass and I don't mean the many young people that were there compared to what we have here at Sacred Heart Church, though it was a greater number than what I remember when I was growing up there.  It was the diversity of ethnic backgrounds that were spread throughout the congregation at that Mass.  It reminded me that one of the strengths of the Catholic Church is the diversity of it's members that come from all over the world, with many different experiences of life, but one strong commonality, our faith in Jesus Chist and His Church.  Also in my growing-up years, though I had a stronger and stronger feeling that I would one day be in the sanctuary of that church as a priest, I couldn't have imagined back then that I would be con-celebrating Mass with a missionary priest from India.

The greater diversity, and yet unity, in our church is shown in the blessings that have come to our diocese and other places that have needed and have welcomed missionary priests to help us in the face of a shortage of priests in our diocese and in most dioceses in our country.  While the number of priests ordained for our diocese has thankfully increased greatly in the past 10-15 years, it has included, not only native-born Arkansans, but also priest (like Father Nelson Rubio) who have chosen to give their whole priesthood in service to God, and the bishop who is given to us as our chief shepherd in Arkansas.  The continued presence of Father Ravi and more than a few missionary priests who serve for a time in our parishes, is a reminder that we still need them, and should give thanks to God for their willingness to come so far to serve us in Arkansas with the encouragement and consent of their bishop.

One final observation from my experience at Mass last Sunday at St. Mary's was sadly the lack of participation in the singing by a great many in the congregation who were there for the 8:30 a.m. Mass.  It led me to give thanks to God that I am in a parish that excels in participating in the Mass in words prayed and songs SUNG.

It's nice to be back in this beautiful church and with you, my parish family!