I am not reluctant at all to tell people that I do not engage much in the social media tools of twitter, Facebook or other ways to "be out there" with pictures and messages that speak about me or convey messages or opinions for others to see. That does not mean, of course, that I reject the social media opportunities that are available to those who use them. I know of various priests and our bishop who post their weekend homilies for people to see. The Arkansas Catholic published an article talking about our newest priests and their use of social media which I'm sure includes "announcing the Gospel of the Lord." The article speaks of how their use of social media is potentially attractive to the youngest generation of believers. While, I agree, this can be a good thing, I fear that we are losing the personal, face to face encounters that engage the whole senses and allows us to read expressions and respond to people and they to us according to and respecting their and our "body language" which is so important to meaningful human encounters. Personally, I can't imagine Jesus using "social media" that much if at all if he lived in our times. He was all about engaging and converting people through his words of wisdom and caring demeanor. I am not saying that I am closed to the use of social media in my future life and ministry, but I feel good and blessed to spend much of my time "going to people" in their time of need and witnessing the love of God that is present and powerfuly working in so many people of faith.