When I first thought about our VIP's (Very Important Parishioners) for the month of September, Mike and Ruth Kerwin, the first thing that came to mind was the Eucharist. That is because I came to know them early on in my tenure as pastor here as participants at weekday Masses (In addition to the 8:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday), as people who took ministry roles at our Masses as lector (Mike) as Altar Servers (Mike and Ruth) as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass and to our shut-ins (Mike and Ruth) and in time as Eucharistic Adorers, and Mike as the coordinator of our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ministry for a number of years. I truly believe that their devotion to Mass and to the "Real Presence" of Jesus in Holy Communion was and is the catalyst for the many activities and ministries in the parish and outside the parish, that they have taken on over the years and, with most of them, for more than a few years. Let me start with the ministries and activities they both continue to do or have done. They include Love Lunch at Jackson House (7+ years), Samaritan Ministries homeless shelter for men dinners (13+ years), St. Francis House Homeless Shelter for Veterans in Little Rock (9+ years), weekly volunteers at Jackson House Gift Shop (14+ years), Meals on Wheels, Mass Ministries (see above) for 17+ years, collection counters (15+ years), Knights of Columbus Family of the Year (twice), and supporting one another in the ministries/activities that they individually take on. Mike has not only been an active member of the Knights of Columbus and Men's Club, but has taken on leadership roles in both (as past Grand Knight, Faithful Navigator (4th degree) and president of the Men's Club. He has taken on coordinating roles not only in Eucharistic Adoration, but also in Adult Religious Education offerings (as a facilitator) and in coordinating the schedule of people for the Samaritan Ministries' monthly dinners as a member of the Men's Club. Ruth has been a CASA volunteer for 10+ years and is active in LOSH and in our religious education offerings. Since I'm running out of space, let me tell you that there is more that they have done and are doing, all of which I know were inspired by the Eucharisitic Lord. I know they have inspired more than a few to get more involved in their faith in worship and in service to the parish and the larger community.While some come to the Village and to our wonderful parish and say "I've already been there and done that" when asked to be involved beyond being a "pew Catholic" in ministries and activities, I would be willing to say that these retirees (Mike and Ruth) testify by their devotion to the Eucharistic Lord and by their works that there is no retiring from doing the Lord's work and giving thanks and praise to the Lord. I can't thank the Lord enough and pray that this parish and the wider community be blessed with more disciples of the Lord who take their faith seriously and actively like the Kerwin's (even if it's not as much as they've done and do!)