Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Over the last few weeks, I have received calls from well-meaning people asking me to come give their loved ones the "last rites" of the church. These were people whose loved one had not practiced their Catholic faith for awhile or in one case was too sick to come to church. I was, of course, ready to come and anoint their loved one and offer prayers that speak of God's love and concern for them in their time of sickness, which is what I did. Unfortunately, the family member called me at a point in which it was questionable whether their loved one could appreciate what God was doing for them as they neared death. Nevertheless, it was a blessing for the person who was dying to receive the sacrament, though it would have been better if they could have also gone to Confession (if they wished) and receive Viaticum, (food for the journey in the Eucharist). Though I have said it more than once, I want to implore you if you or your loved is seriously sick at home or in the hospital to give me a call so I can visit and offer them the grace and power of one or more sacraments in their time of need. Don't ever "assume" that Father Bill knows or, worse, conclude that "Fr Bill is too busy to come". Most of you know that ministry to the sick, dying (and after someone dies, the grieving spouse or family) is my number one priority as a priest after, of course, the normal celebration of the sacraments and preaching. In my ministry to the sick over the years, I have see people open to God's presence and grace at such a trying and even critical time in their life. I have witnessed both spiritual and sometimes bodily healing from sick people being anointed. I have seen a peace in the sick and in family members that says: "No matter what happens, the Lord will take care of me (or them) and never let go". Also know that if you are having any kind of surgery or procedure that is serious, that I am open to coming to you or you to the church to receive the Sacrament of Anointing. I will also consider, at the next change of season (into winter), to offer the Sacrament of Anointing for the persons I have mentioned before AND our elderly whose health is greatly diminshed and who are prone to sudden, serious and even a fatal health episode with little, if any, warning. Please note that if or when someone dies suddenly, while they cannot receive any sacrament (as the sacraments for the living) they can benefit from prayers offered soon after they die, and so, please don't hesitate to call me. I want to be there for the person who has died and the family member or members who may be in shock and are certainly in grief. If, for some reason, you are hesitant to call, please remember and take to heart the words of Jesus when he said: "Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest."