Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Even before going through the information that was sent to me about our V.I.Ps for the month of June, Dave and Cherry Schwulst, I already knew what I wanted to share first about them. It is the fact that they are among the "regulars" who rarely miss a daily Mass here at Sacred Heart Church. At times they are in the pews and at times they are on the altar as altar servers (and sometimes Dave as a lector). Their participation in daily Mass started almost immediately after they came to Hot Springs Village and joined our parish. Their positive and uplifting demeanor is strengthened in their personal encounter with Jesus in Word and in the Sacrament of His Body and Blood. They are also "social" people who connect with others after Mass and are blessed and are a blessing to others for doing so. This very day that I am composing this pastor's column they were altar servers at Mass and afterward, they shared with me that this same day (June 25) is (and now was) their 30th wedding anniversary. In the presence of other daily Mass regulars, I offered a prayer and blessed them.

Inspired by the Lord, Dave and Cherry are active outside of the many Masses they participate in. Cherry is an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at Mass and she and Dave weekly take Communion and share fellow-ship with to one of our dear couples, Dick and Peg Birzer. They both share in the blessings of Eucharistic Adoration including once a month taking one of the early morning (1:00-2:30 a.m.) time slots. They both have a missionary zeal and were part of a parish group that were catechized on "Forming Intentional Disciples". Dave serves in the office of "lecturer" for our Knights of Columbus Council, is one of our facilitators for a COR group of men on Thursday evenings, and is quite active in the SOZO men's addiction treatment ministry in Jessieville. Cherry, since joining our parish, has completed a 5-year program and has been certified as a spiritual director, and is now assisting a number of men and women to grow in the Lord through spiritual direction for them. As far as I know she can accept more directees if you are open to it. Call her at 309-831-7230 or e-mail her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Cherry is faithful in participating in our Tuesday/Thursday 10:00 a.m. exercise group and encourages everyone to give it a try.

It is obvious to me and to others that Dave and Cherry take their faith seriously and feel blessed to support and be supported by so many fellow parishioners. Since I see them so often, it is hard to believe that they have only been parishioners for a little over 3 years! I hope and pray there will be many more years to come!