Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
I am sure all of us, if asked, could come up with names of people (and even ourselves) who have a hard time saying no when asked to do something. A more positive way to look at this is that there are people who seem to always say yes when something is asked of them. Dwayne Garret, who along with his wife Debbie (or Deb as she is called), admits that he is one of those persons (and I would say Deb is as well). He says that after he and Deb were welcomed by Bill and Diane Patterson to the parish, through our welcoming committee ministry, that they, when asked, not only became part of that ministry as "Welcomers", in a short time they agreed to head up that ministry, which they did with wonderful results (including starting a newcomer's dinner which was held once or twice a year. Through the invitation of others (Bob Honzik, Tom Donnelly, and Bill Nosek), Dwayne became an usher at the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, a perpetual adorer and a 4th degree Knight. He felt blessed by helping in a variety of service projects of the Knights including Meals on Wheels, fundraising efforts to help people in need, soliciting sponsors for the St. John's Golf Tournament and the Campaign for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. He has joined others at the March for Life in Little Rock, helped at Special Olympics in Searcy, and has become a visitor of our homebound Knights of Columbus who appreciate someone visiting them in their homes. He has been inspired to get more and more involved with Jackson House and currently serves on the board of directors there.

Deb has gotten involved in both behind the scenes ministries such as Helping Hands (as a sunshine card sender to parish shut-ins) and leadership positions (as she is currently the President of LOSH. She is not only a faithful Eucharistic Adorer, but she is a division leader in our Eucharistic Adoration Ministry (in the 6 hour period in the mornings every day). She coordinates a Holy Hour among some members of her guild and is a Member of the National Eucharistic Sodality of the Blessed Sacrament. It is a blessing for her (and others) that she is a frequent participant in daily Mass.

From all that I've shared with you about Dwayne and Debbie, I hope you see as I do, a couple who puts the Lord first, in their spiritual lives and practices and from this flows their willingness to say "yes" to serving the Lord and others with a smile on their faces. One other thing that I have noticed and appreciate about them is their flexibility when it comes to working with me and others. They are always "up to the task" in a variety of ways! God bless you, Dwayne and Debbie. Though you've only been parishioners here for around 6 years, it seems like much longer and I pray with all that you do (and I'm sure will be doing going forward) that you continue to be a blessing and be blessed for years to come!