Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
"Try it, you'll like it" is a saying that I believe more than a few would echo when it comes to participating in the "Patriotic Rosary" which is prayed here at Sacred Heart almost once a month, and will be prayed THIS Wednesday, July 4, on Independence Day.  If you have never joined us for this unique way of praying the rosary please permit me to describe it, in the hope that you will be led to join us this Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. for this rosary (followed immediately by Mass around 11:15 a.m.).

Firstly, the recitation asks for the intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary, for people in every state in the union, state by state, and it asks God's guidance on elected and appointed officials from our President to local government officials.  Before beginning each mystery, a quote from a  famous American, like George Washington, who speaks of the connection between God and country and the importance of our trusting in God's providence as well as our call to live the religious beliefs and values that have been so important to the blessings our country has enjoyed over the years.  After each decade is prayed, we stand and sing some familiar and dear patriotic hymns which speak of God, and call on God to shed his grace on us.  We then sing more than one verse of each hymn, especially those that speak of and to God.  My favorite is the second verse of the "Star Spangled Banner" in which we "praise the power that has made and preserved us a nation."  Our last hymn, "God Bless America" is an appropriate concluding hymn as we pray (in song) that "God bless America, our home, sweet home."

I pray that we will have the largest crowd we have ever had for a patriotic rosary on July 4, and that those who come are eager to ask for the help of the Blessed Mother and God's grace to make our country what God wants it to be.  I truly believe that if it is the first time you join us for the patriotic rosary, it will not be your last!
In our parish and in many parishes in the United States, there is always a transition period in the Mass from the time we say "Lord I am not worthy..." to the time the first people come up for Communion, and the Communion song is announced and begins.  Recently I came across a prayer in my June edition of "Give Us This Day" (page 12) that I recommend for anyone and everyone to pray during that transition period.

I believe and confess, Lord,
that You are truly the Christ,
The Son of the living God,
Who came into the world to save sinners,
Of whom I am the first.
I also believe that this is truly Your pure Body.
Therefore, I pray to You, have mercy upon me,
And forgive my transgressions,
Voluntary and involuntary,
In word and deed, known and unknown.
And make me worthy, with condemnation,
To partake of Your pure Mysteries
For the remission of sins and for eternal life. Amen.

This prayer is from the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom who lived in the 5th century.  This is one example of short prayers that are found each month in the "Give Us This Day" booklet along with the readings for Mass for each day of the liturgical year, along with short reflections based on those readings each day and a short morning and evening prayer.  If you have not already done so, I encourage you to join the more than 100 families who participate in our bulk subscription of "Give Us This Day" at a cost of only $20 a year.  You have only a couple more weeks to get a new subscription, or renew your current subscription - either on the table in the narthex or with Linda in the church office.  The new or renewed subscription will start with the September edition of "Give Us This Day."  Include the Lord and His Word more in your daily life through this publication and find blessings coming more and more into your life!
In my homily last weekend, I spoke of the reality that Jesus wants us to have a broadened definition of family that goes far beyond our biological relatives.  As members of a "parish" family, we have many ways to support one another in our faith journey and in our overall journey of life.  One of these is our brothers and sisters in Christ who have agreed to be "Prayer Warriors" for people who are in crises, especially when it involves physical sickness.  Please look in the bulletin to find phone numbers that you can call to request prayers for yourself or a loved one.  Keep these numbers somewhere convenient so you can utilize them if or when the need arises.

Speaking of prayer warriors, while we are always open to increasing our number of prayer warriors (currently around 90 people who pray for people in crises situations) we have around 300 prayers warriors who spend at least an hour in the peace and quiet of our Adoration chapel before Jesus in the Monstrance during all hours of the day and night.  We are heading toward our five-year anniversary of having Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, and most of the adorers who spend an hour in prayer, reflection and/or spiritual reading, have been doing this since we began in November 2013.  We ALWAYS want and NEED new adorers who will take a regular hour each week (sometimes with a prayer partner) or will be available to substitute for someone when they cannot make their hour.  Currently we are in a bit of a pinch as one of our adorers who was covering FOUR HOURS A WEEK is cutting back to one hour.  Therefore we have three hours which need to be filled by at least one person AND these hours are at  challenging and rewarding times:  Wednesday from 1:00-2:00 a.m., Saturday from 1:00-2:00 a.m. and Sunday from 3:00-4:00 a.m.  If you would be willing to take any of those hours every week, please call Lorie Vincent at 337-654-2871.

We are TRULY blessed to have so many brothers and sisters in the Lord who seek a closer union with Jesus Christ in these prayer-filled opportunities and in other ways.  Please consider be counted in that number and find yourself counting the blessings that come from it for you, and especially for others who benefit from your prayers!