Jan Logan, Executive Director Samaritan Ministries, accepts a $1,000 donation at the ministres' Hot Springs facility from Danny Murphy, Seretary; Bill Patterson, President and Dick Hill, Men's Club member and volunteer at Samaritan Ministries. |
The Men’s Club of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church delivers its donations to local charities each year in December. This year Bill Patterson, club President, and Danny Murphy, club Secretary, delivered the donations to various charities from the money that was raised during the year’s fund raising activities. Some of those receiving donations this year included St. Johns school in Hot Springs, the Paul Bewie Boys and Girls Club, the Meals on Wheels program at the McCauley Center and the Samarian Ministries in Hot Springs. In addition to this financial support, many of these organizations also receive the support of members of the Sacred Heart Men’s Club during the year. For example, the club delivers the Meals on Wheels during the month of February. In December the club donated over $6,000 to local organizations.
A donation of $1000 was presented by Danny Murphy to Amanda Maness, Site Director at McCauley Center in Hot Springs Village, designated for their Meals On Wheels Program. |
The Sacred Heart Men’s Club meets monthly at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church and membership is open to all men of the Sacred Heart parish.