Helping Hands Ministry Co Chairs Cathy Wedwick (r) and Pat Widlowski greet Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, prior to the recognition dinner for volunteers. |
On Thursday, April 19, the Helping Hands Ministry of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church hosted a dinner to say “thank you” to the many volunteers that donate their services to the ministry. Cathy Wedwick and Pat Widlowski, co chairs of the ministry, welcomed the 60 guests to the Lower Hall of Sacred Heart Church. In remarks before the meal, they reported on the impact that the 145 volunteer members of the Helping Hands Ministry have in the parish. Volunteers provide rides to medical appointments, visit the homebound, prepare meals, send greeting cards to the sick and shut ins, maintain a Buddy phone service, drive and assist in shopping and provide special needs when required. Over the past year volunteers have logged over1, 100 hours of service as well as almost 5,000 miles driven. Cathy and Pat also took time to give special recognition to those volunteers that have played and are playing a key role in leading the Helping Hands Ministry including Ann Bowman, Donna Brown, Marilyn Burke, Kathy Geske, Gail Harmeyer, A. J. Keating and Astrid Wolf.
Father Bill Elser, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, also spoke to the gathering. He thanked the volunteers for their unselfish service noting that there are always new needs arising within the parish community. Helping Hands volunteers Sissie Arnoult, Ed Cudworth, Mike Miller and Jack Widlowski served the dinner, catered by Home Plate. Father Bill also brought along some of his homemade ice cream which the group enjoyed as dessert served with a special cake that had been made for the event which included a big “THANK YOU” decoration.