Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Men's Club is sponsoring their annual Chicken Bake to be held on September 27 in the Lower Hall. This dinner is one of two main fund raisers for the Men's Club charities for the year. The menu will include mixed greens garden salad, Creamed Breast of Chicken, green beans almandine, baked potato, coffee, and other beverages will be available at the donation refreshment center. As a special treat, there will be a selection of Father Bill's homemade ice cream for dessert.
There will be two seatings; 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. Take-outs will also be available. Tickets are $10 when purchased in advance and $11 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from members of the Men's CLub after weekend Masses or by calling Bill Patterson at 922-6965. Don't be disappointed; get your tickets early as seating is limited. Come enjoy a great meal and good fellowship while helping the Men's Club in their support of local charities.