Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
2013 UAMS Walk with Final one edited-3
Approximately 50 parishioners braved the 7:15 a.m. picture call!
The 12th Annual Village Walk For Cancer Research, held last Saturday, September 28, at the Cortez Pavilion was a great success.  There were 177 registrants from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church.  Sacred Heart earned the distinction of having the most registrations of all Village churches that participated.  There were around 50 participants, from Sacred Heart, that were on hand at 7:15 a.m. to have their photograph taken by Renee Steinpreis.

There were approximately 625 registered walkers that were signed up to walk.  An approximate amount of money, $35,195, has been raised to date.  Claire McNeill, Co-Chair for the Village Walk For Cancer Research, said that these numbers are not final.  Additional monies come in after the Walk and will do so until the end of the year.

Thanks to all who participated in the walk, volunteered to work or who donated items to help make this Village Walk For Cancer Research a success!

Please click here for additional photos of the Walk.