The NCHLA, National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc., conscience rights and religious liberty Action Alert has been updated. See: nchla.org/actiondisplay.asp?ID=292. Please click on this website and send a message to your Members of Congress immediately!
The new fiscal year starts October 1. A CR of some kind must be passed by that date to keep the government funded on a temporary basis. The federal debt ceiling issue also must be resolved within the next month or so.
In a September 26 letter to Congress, Archbishop William Lori, Chairman of the bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty, and Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Chairman of the bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, urges Members to approve the Health Care Conscience Rights Act as part of pending 'must-pass' legislation. This letter and other documents can be found at: www.usccb.org/conscience.
Thanks for all you do in support of life!