Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Spaghetti DinnerPlease come to a Spaghetti Dinner served family-style after the Saturday evening Mass on August 10.  For only $9.00 per person, you can enjoy a menu of salad, Pasta with Bolognese meat sauce, garlic bread,condiments, dessert and coffee.  A donation Refreshment Center will also be available with wine, beer, soda and other drinks.  So, meet us your friends at 6:15 p.m. for a great dinner and enjoy the camaraderie of parishioners.  Sign-up in the narthex.  Tickets will be available at the door.  All profits go entirely to charity.
golf1Men's Club members and spouses or guest are invited to the first annual "Nine and Dine," four person scramble at Ponce de Leon Golf Course on Sunday, August 11. Not a golfer? Come for dinner.

Registration will start at 2:00 p.m. Shot gun start at 3:00 p.m. with dinner to follow at 5:30 p.m. Price for this event is $15 per person. The menu will include homemade chips, salad, chicken strips, pizza and a soft drink. Alcoholic beverages are available but not included in the price. Golf and carts are not included in the price. We will have a closest to the pin for men and women, and awards will be given to first and second place finishers. We have room for 56 golfers, so please register as soon as possible. Your GHIN or your average score for nine holes is needed so that teams can be made as even as possible.

Please register online as soon as you can with Mike Webster at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. And, please make checks payable to Sacred Heart Men's Club. Mail to: Mike Webster, 49 Alteza Drive, 71909. Your payment must be received by Sunday, August 3. Call Mike Webster at 501-209-5476 with questions.
Mens Breakfast GroupA Men's Breakfast Group is forming as a casual way for Men, single or married, of the Parish to enjoy a good hearty breakfast and the camaraderie of one another.  It will kick off on Monday, August 12th, 7:30 a.m. at Debra's Restaurant, 198 Carmona Road, HSV.  Sign-ups are in the narthex until Sunday, August 4.  Please indicate if you may need assistance arriving at this location OR you may offer this assistance.  Please contact Ann Bowman, 501-316-6672 or Randy Schnoebelen, 501-204-9486 with any questions.
Donuts and CoffeeParish Life invites everyone to join us in the Lower Hall after the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Masses on Sunday, July 28, for "do-nuts," fruit, juice, coffee and great fellowship.  Donations accepted.  Transmit an e-mail message to the attention of Cindy Lefler at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.with questions.
3rd Degree KofC LogoKofC Council 10208 September General Membership Meeting will be held in the Lower Hall, September 3.  The meeting  will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a rosary, followed by a social, dinner and then our meeting.  The  evening's meal will be Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, roll and tropical fruit.  Email reservations to Art Morissette at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 915-8021 by Monday, September 2.
footballRepresentatives from Trinity Jr. High School in Ft. Smith will be here this weekend before and after all the Masses to offer you the opportunity to support the school AND have a chance each week of the NFL football season to win some money. The cards are $20.00 a piece and will have three different teams listed each week for you to follow.  If you want to know who has won each week, please include your e-mail address and you will be contacted each Tuesday with the results.  Good Luck and thank you for your support.
shawl ministryAttention Knitters and Crocheters:  The Shawl Ministry makes Prayer Shawls for shut-ins, cancer patients, or anyone who wishes a shawl to provide warmth, comfort and help them feel loved.  The group welcomes anyone wishing to join us on Tuesday, September 3, 1:00 p.m., Classroom D.  Please contact Dee Kapple at 501-915-9331 or Tillie Tylka at 501-922-4190 for more information or if you wish to arrange a Prayer Shawl for your loved one.  Lovely colors of yarn are provided.
3rd Degree KofC LogoOur August Knights of Columbus Council Membership Meeting will be held in the Lower Hall, Tuesday, August 6.  The meeting will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a rosary, followed by a social, dinner and then our meeting.  The evening's meal:  BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, cole slaw, roll and dessert.  For reservations, please contact Art Morissette at 501-915-8021 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Monday, August 5.
Social SixOur Fall Sociable Six program will take place the months of September, October and November.  The program is very simple and flexible.  Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among themselves to share a simple dinner, lunch or brunch at alternate homes - once each month.  We need both new member and many long-time parishioners to sign-up.  Participants have enjoyed getting to know their fellow parishioners better in an informal setting!  It is a great way for newcomers to get acquainted with members of their parish family.  To sign-up, call Dottie or Dennis Kessen at 501-226-5090 or e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Final sign-up is August 19.
walkMark your calendars for Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 7:30 a.m. at the Balboa Pavilion to begin our Walk for Cancer Research - rain or shine.  Walk the Balboa and Hernando Trails for a total of five miles or don't walk at all.  Just come join in on the fun.   After September 1, registration fee is $35.  Event proceeds go to the "Seeds of Science" Program at Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Science.  All monies stay in Arkansas.  Registration forms are available on the wall rack in the hall leading to the A & E building.  Please contact Lynne Border at 501-922-2062, ext 13 for more information.

Electronic GivingJust a reminder that Sacred Heart is now offering Electronic Giving.  This means that you can make your donations on the Internet or with your mobile phone, and they can be charged to a credit/debit card or directly to your bank account.  Our hope is that it will make contributing easier for parishioners.  There is a link to our Giving Page on the Sacred Heart website, and we recommend that you save that Giving Page in your Favorites to make future access easier.  Please note that there is an additional charge for using credit or debit cards, but there is a button you can press that will add that charge to your contribution and reduce the charges to the church.  Also, you have the option of charging it directly to your bank account which eliminates the credit card charge.  If you have questions, please contact Larry Stein at 501-204-9074.
2019 The StrayMovie titled, The Stray, will be shown after the 5:00 Mass on Saturday, August 17, 2019 in the Lower Hall.  Slider sandwiches, popcorn, candy, nachos and soda will be served for a good will offering.

The Davis clan is on the verge of falling apart.  Dad is a workaholic, leaving mom to bring up 3 kids largely by herself.  But everything changes when a heroic stray dog adopts the family.  The movie is filled with hope, faith, and unconditional love, is a poignant reminder that God can use anything, even a stray dog, to answer the prayers of an individual or family in need.  The Stray proves that you can begin again.

Please sign-up this weekend in the Narthex.  Enough food will be available for everyone's enjoyment.
Rosary2If your would like to try something new, think about joining the Sacred Heart Rosary Makers.  It's fun and it's easy.  It just takes practice.  Summer is the perfect time to learn.  We meet every Thursday morning after Mass until 11:00 a.m. in the Administration & Education Building.  (You are not required to attend every week).  Beginning supplies will be furnished.  Call Marge at 922-9047.
Blood DriveThe next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive as supported by the Knight of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, Fellowship Hall, is 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.  Previous donors with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors can contact the Arkansas Blood Institute at 877-340-8777 or schedule an appointment on-line at and click on Give Blood.
FlowersYour parish appreciates your donations of flowers for the altar.  Please check the white binder in the narthex for information on signing-up.

When you locate the binder, sign your name and list your telephone number in the space provided for your preferred weekend.  Remember to circle your response to all three questions:  (1) choose one or two bouquets, (2) choose your preferred arrangement price; $65, $75 or $85, and (3) choose whether you will order or you prefer to have the parish sacristan order the arrangement(s).  You can also list the reason for the donations (anniversary, in memory, in appreciation) and any special considerations.  Then, sometime before the weekend that your flowers will be on the altar, make payment to the Office Staff.  Checks can be made payable to Sacred Heart Church and left with the Office Staff.  This flower sign-up process is coordinated by Mark Lukasavige, Head Sacristan.  His telephone number is 314-443-9257 should you have questions.
formed logo semiboldThere are audios on formed. org which will remind you of teh beauty of the sacrament of Penance.  One is "Confession" by Father Larry Richards.  While reminding us of God's loving mercy, he breaks down the Commandments and makes it easy to understand why Confession is necessary.  Check online for