Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Hamburger HotdogThe Knights of Columbus cordially invite all parishioners to join us as we celebrate our nation's freedom and heritage.  Happy Birthday United States of America!  The event follows the Patriotic Rosary and Mass which will begin at 10:30 a.m. (NO 9:00 a.m. Mass, that day only).  Menu includes grilled burgers and hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, buns, condiments, Father Bill's ice cream, and beverages from the donation refreshment center.  Sign-up before or after Mass this weekend or next.
Label for EducationPlease help St. John's School in Hot Springs by saving coupons, box tops and labels for education.  They can be turned in for educational materials.  Please put your labels in the container on the cabinet in the hallway of the Administration and Education Building.  Don't throw away St. John's money!
Blood Drive 1The next blood drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road, is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 10, 2018.  The church is located near the intersection of Carmona Road and DeSoto Boulevard.  Contact Bob Woodall at 501-282-6072, Arkansas Blood Institute, to schedule an appointment.  Blood donors this month will receive a t-shirt and a voucher for one entry to the Little Rock Zoo.  Please donate a gift of life!
Sacrament of AnointingPlease don't forget that in addition to Mass and the devotions on First Friday, July 6, we will offer the Sacrament of Anointing during the First Friday Mass for those who have serious or chronic illness, and for our elderly who wish to receive the healing, comforting touch of the Lord and the prayers and support of your fellow parishioners who participate in Mass that day.
BabyThe members of our parish family have an opportunity again this year to "spiritually" adopt a child who is newly-conceived in the month of May.  You see, not all newly-conceived babies are allowed to be born.  In fact, almost 2,000 babies lose their lives to abortion each day.  It is these babies who are in danger, who you are being asked to "adopt."

Prayer commitment cards will be available after all Masses next weekend, May 12-13.  You can "adopt" a baby and then name a baby, thereby giving this baby the humanity he or she deserves.  Just say a short prayer each day for nine months for your unborn baby and all unborn children.

You will receive monthly reports describing your baby's development, and your baby will be born in late January, 2019.  At that time we will have a baby shower, and all parishioners will be invited to bring gifts.  The gifts will be donated to local pregnancy centers.  The latest Center for Disease Control report from 2013 shows a steady decline in the number of abortions each year, beginning in 1980.  Prayers, programs and awareness are working.
Cancelled StampWe have found a group that will benefit from receiving cancelled stamps.  They are appreciative of our ability to collect them for the benefit of their "Ministry With the Poor Fund."  It is through the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Notre Dame, Indiana.

Please drop your stamps in the available container on the credenza in the hallway.  Thanks much.
pull tabLadies of the Sacred Heart are still asking for pull tabs from soda or beer cans, soup, vegetable or fruit cans, and pet food cans for the Ronald McDonald House Charity.  There is a box in the hallway cabinet where the tabs can be placed.  We appreciate all past contributions.
PortraitParishioners who had their portraits taken in early March/April can pick-up their free 8x10 portrait from the table in the church hallway.  See Lynne Border with questions.
formed logo semibold"Brother Francis, the Barefoot Saint of Assisi," produced by the Augustine Institute, has received the Audio Publishers Association's annual award for best audio drama.  It can be found on the FORMED website.  The audio drama follows the life of St. Francis from his youth through his conversion to a life of true piety and service.  Listener reviews of the audio drama are uniformly positive:  it tells the story of St. Francis that may do not know, its reenactments of scenes from St. Francis' life are compelling and convincing, and its message for our materialistic age is timely and necessary.

If you have registered as a FORMED users, you can access "Brother Francis, Barefoot Saint of Assisi" in the search bar on the homepage by entering the title.  If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
formed logo semiboldIn addition to its many resources on the Bible and Catholic teachings and traditions, has programs that address the practical problems we encounter as we try daily to live our faith.  From simple suggestions to improve our attentiveness at the sacrifice of the Mass (If Your Mind Wanders at Mass, an audio book) to an inspiring talk by Jeff Cavins on the meaning of suffering in our lives (15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering), FORMED's resources can provide insights that enable us to deal more effectively with the challenges we face as practicing Catholics.

If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access these resources in the search bar on the homepage.  If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
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Bowling FriendsCome out of the summer heat and join fellow Catholics (including all three pastors from area parishes) from Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village area for a fun Catholic summer bowling league at Fiesta Bowl at 3817 North Highway 7, a mile before the West Gate entrance to Hot Springs Village.  It will happen on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. starting on May 31 and ending August 30.  This is a team competition (three or four on a team), but you can sign-up as an individual and we'll put you on a team.

The cost is $13 each week which includes three games of bowling and prize money that will be given out at the end of the league.  Bowling is by handicap which means persons of all skill levels can be competitive with each other.  We also need substitute bowlers who can bowl when a regular cannot come.

Please commit to a summer of fun by calling 501-922-2062 extension 11, and signing up with people of your choice on your team or as an individual or as a substitute by Tuesday, May 29.  Please leave your name and phone number if nobody answers when you call.
Sacrament of AnointingVatican II decreed that the sacrament previously known as "extreme unction" be renamed to "Anointing of the Sick."  Hence, as soon as any one of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for that person to receive the sacrament has already arrived.

The next Sacrament of Anointing will be offered during the First Friday Mass on June 1.  If you have a chronic or serious sickness, or are advanced in years, you can receive this sacrament.  If you qualify, you are encouraged to receive the sacrament quarterly.
Corpus ChristiThe 19th annual Corpus Christi Procession that goes from St. John's Church to St. Mary's in downtown Hot Springs takes place this Sunday, June 3, beginning at 3:30 p.m. at St. John's Church on Grand Avenue

The one and one-quarter mile procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance leading the way is a wonderful way to bring one of the greatest mysteries of our faith literally to people on the streets as we profess our belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.  Water will be provided along the route and Benediction will take place when the procession arrives at St. Mary's.
Pray for TroopsPlease continue to pray for strength and courage for all our military men and women and their family members.  Remember them each day in your prayers.
King for the dayJust a reminder that members of the Knights of Columbus will be serving donuts, pastries, fruits, juice and coffee for all of our fathers!  It will be on Father's Day, June 17, after both Masses.  Please stop by to help celebrate all the wonderful  fathers in our lives!
golfThe Tenth Annual Golf Tournament, as sponsored by the Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village Knights of Columbus Councils, will be held Saturday, June 16, 2018 at the beautiful Lake DeGray Golf Course.

The Knights of Columbus are looking for players and sponsors for this event.  Please pick up a registration form from the hallways of the Administration and Education Building.  Cost is $85 per person or $340 per team to play 18 holes as a four-person scramble with a 9:00 a.m. tee time.  A barbeque lunch at the end of the round is also included.  All single players contact Ralph Melenson so he can put a team together.  Please make checks payable to the Knights of Columbus and mail to Hans Purkott at the address listed on the registration form.  For additional information, call Sacred Heart Parishioner Ralph Melenson at 915-0303.