Please put Wednesday, March 28, on your calendar to celebrate Founder's Day. Knights of Council 10208 are respectively asked to pray the rosary together at 8:30 a.m. that day and to attend the Mass that follows. We will receive Holy Communion together.
Founder's Day celebrates the life of Father Michael J. McGivney who founded the Knights of Columbus which is two milion members strong and growing. We honor Father McGivney's memory with recitation of the rosary, Mass and Corporate Coummunion. A reception with finger food will follow the Mass.
Brothers, you are encouraged to wear a Knight's shirts or jacket, and/or name tag. Let's sit together in unity and fraternity. May God's grace inspire you to join your brothers for this event.
Founder's Day celebrates the life of Father Michael J. McGivney who founded the Knights of Columbus which is two milion members strong and growing. We honor Father McGivney's memory with recitation of the rosary, Mass and Corporate Coummunion. A reception with finger food will follow the Mass.
Brothers, you are encouraged to wear a Knight's shirts or jacket, and/or name tag. Let's sit together in unity and fraternity. May God's grace inspire you to join your brothers for this event.
The April meeting for the KofC Council 10208 will take place in the Lower Hall on Tuesday, April 3. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a rosary, followed by a social, dinner (pizza, salad and dessert), and the business meeting. No reservations are necessary unless a member brings a prospective Knight (and spouse) as guests. If that is the case, call Ron Cuba at 922-6037 by April 1.
The Knights of Columbus will continue to recite the Rosary on the fifth weekend of the month before all Masses on April 28/29. All parishioners are invited to come to Mass 25 minutes early and join us as we use the power of prayer to request Mary's intervention with our intentions.
The Knights of Columbus will continue to recite the Rosary on the fifth weekend of the month before all Masses on April 28/29. All parishioners are invited to come to Mass 25 minutes early and join us as we use the power of prayer to request Mary's intervention with our intentions.
LifeTouch photographs will continue on Thursday, April 5, at Sacred Heart. Please click on the Photo Directory Sign-up button (to the left of this article, just above Parish News) to choose the date and time for your photography session. Remember, you may include your pet in your portrait. For questions or help scheduling call Lynne Border at 501-922-2062, extension 13.
There is no high pressure selling and you will receive a free picture AND church pictorial directory for getting your picture taken. Don't miss getting your portrait in our new directory!
There is no high pressure selling and you will receive a free picture AND church pictorial directory for getting your picture taken. Don't miss getting your portrait in our new directory!
On April 8, the Knights of Columbus invite everyone to a Parish Breakfast of sausage and eggs, biscuits, gravy, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk after both Sunday Masses in the Lower Hall. (This breakfast is underwritten by Dave Montgomery in memory of Jane). We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights. Please join us in helping to welcome them to the Sacred Heart Family. Breakfast is only $6.00 a plate, and, as always, children 12 years and younger eat for free. All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund the Knights of Columbus charitable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated.
This special day is on Monday, March 19. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m., and a table of baked goods will be available in classrooms C and D after Mass. If you wish to donate, please bring your baked goods to the listed classrooms early on that day. Please call Don Ritter at 224-659-5001 for questions.
As we think about and prepare for Holy Thursday, the first day of the Triduum, we might wish to make use of resources that have not been available to us in prior years. offers a wealth of material for us to consider: both the "Lectio" series and the "Symbolon" series include studies of the Eucharist. "The Body and Blood of Christ" and "The Lamb's Supper" are two audio programs dealing with the institution and place of the Eucharist in our lives as Catholics. These and many other resources aimed at enlarging our understanding of the Eucharist and its primacy in our liturgies can be found through a search of the FORMED website.
If you haven't yet registered as a FORMED user, just go to the Sacred Heart website and click on FORMED in the menu on the left-hand side of the homepage, or type into your browser to access the FORMED homepage. Then enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you easy access to its library of materials.
If you haven't yet registered as a FORMED user, just go to the Sacred Heart website and click on FORMED in the menu on the left-hand side of the homepage, or type into your browser to access the FORMED homepage. Then enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you easy access to its library of materials.
Paula Doyle, a certified spiritual director since 2001 and Sacred Heart parishioner, is again offering to accompany you on your spiritual journey, now in a private practice from her home. There is no charge for the first visit, and subsequent sessions are subject to a nominal fee. If you are interested or have questions, please call Paula at 922-5771 or transmit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Parish Life Committee with the help of the Sacred Heart Men's Club, will sponsor the annual Holy Thursday "Feast Before the Fast" on March 29 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. The Mass of the Lord's Supper will be at 6:30 p.m. We will have a dinner salad, baked chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans and a dinner roll. For dessert we will have Father Bill's ice cream. There will be a sign-up sheet starting this weekend. Please join us for a delicious dinner and fellowship with your parish family! Call Jen Rivera at 928-358-9069 or Sherrie Nichols at 617-733-1395 to sign-up - or to ask any questions about the dinner.
The next meeting of the 2017-2018 year for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, April 10, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall of the Church. At 5:00 p.m., you can join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions. The social gathering in the Lower Hall is from 5:00 to 5: 45 p.m. Dinner will be served before 6:00 p.m. After dinner, we will have a short business meeting.
The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin with Sangria Suace, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetable, salad with crackers, and ice cream for dessert. The cost of the dinner is $10 per person and will be catered by the staff of Chef Johnna's Desoto Club. Contact Don Glinka by phone at 922-9386 or by transmitting an e-mail to dagmanhsv@yahoo. com if you plan on attending and eating with us.
The Men's Club needs for some members to step forward to serve as an officer for the coming year. Several positions will be vacated after the May meeting and we need your cooperation to continue our efforts to pursue our goals of fellowship and charitable donations. Consider helping by contacting President Oliver Field at 501-226-5084 or by transmitting an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The dinner for the evening will be Pork Loin with Sangria Suace, sweet potatoes, mixed vegetable, salad with crackers, and ice cream for dessert. The cost of the dinner is $10 per person and will be catered by the staff of Chef Johnna's Desoto Club. Contact Don Glinka by phone at 922-9386 or by transmitting an e-mail to dagmanhsv@yahoo. com if you plan on attending and eating with us.
The Men's Club needs for some members to step forward to serve as an officer for the coming year. Several positions will be vacated after the May meeting and we need your cooperation to continue our efforts to pursue our goals of fellowship and charitable donations. Consider helping by contacting President Oliver Field at 501-226-5084 or by transmitting an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The next Knights of Columbus Fish Fry will be held Friday, March 23 at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. Cost for this dinner is $10.00. Tickets sold at the door. Meal includes wonderful fried fish, cole slaw, baked potato, plus dessert. All proceeds will go to the Knights Charitable causes. Please join us for a spectacular meal and fellowship!
The LOSH card party this year, QUEEN OF DIAMONDS, will be held Monday, March 19, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Those of you who did not purchase tickets from Guild Captains of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, but would like to get a group together to play card games or other games, please call Carol Barrett at 922-0071 for tickets. Tickets are $7.00 each.
The card party is held in the upper and lower halls of the church and has been a sell-out for the past few years. Doors open at 12:15 p.m. for the Silent Auction. There will be a 50/50 raffle with multiple winners, and our famous gift baskets will again be offered as door prizes along with many other prizes. Please join us, and call Carol for tickets today.
It is hard to regulate the temperature in our halls and we would suggest you bring a sweater or light jacket to the Card Party.
The card party is held in the upper and lower halls of the church and has been a sell-out for the past few years. Doors open at 12:15 p.m. for the Silent Auction. There will be a 50/50 raffle with multiple winners, and our famous gift baskets will again be offered as door prizes along with many other prizes. Please join us, and call Carol for tickets today.
It is hard to regulate the temperature in our halls and we would suggest you bring a sweater or light jacket to the Card Party.
Barb Potter, chair for our Silent Auction, is still collecting items for our silent auction. Works of art, small decorative items, gently-used jewelry and other items looking for a good home will be appreciated. Please call Barb at 226-3246 or 762-3103. We can make arrangements for picking up the items. All proceeds for this event will be distributed to local charities sometime in May along with other monies collected from previous fund raisers during the 2017-2018 season. Thank you all so much.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 13, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. At 5:00 p.m., you can join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions. The Social gathering in the Lower Hall is scheduled for 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. Dinner will be served before 6:00. After dinner, we will have a short business meeting.
We need some members to step forward to serve as an officer for the coming year. Several positions will be vacated after the May meeting. Consider helping by contacting President Oliver Field at 501-226-5084 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The dinner for the evening will be fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, salad/crackers, rolls and ice cream for dessert. The cost is $10 per person, and will be catered by Johnna's at the Desoto Club." Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-6965 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan on attending and eating with us.
We need some members to step forward to serve as an officer for the coming year. Several positions will be vacated after the May meeting. Consider helping by contacting President Oliver Field at 501-226-5084 or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The dinner for the evening will be fried chicken, mashed potatoes/gravy, corn, salad/crackers, rolls and ice cream for dessert. The cost is $10 per person, and will be catered by Johnna's at the Desoto Club." Contact Bill Patterson by phone at 922-6965 or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you plan on attending and eating with us.
As we prepare for the Triduum and the celebration of Easter, we can use the resources of to deepen our understanding of the paschal mystery. One of the video programs in "Symbolon," the series introduced at our parish Lenten suppers, invites us to explore the meaning of the paschal mystery "in the greater story of Salvation, from the Passover in Egypt to the Last Supper and Crucifixion of Jesus." Another resource, "Three Days That Changed the World," an audio program, is focused on the final days of Christ's public ministry and His Passion that brought to fulfillment "the very purpose of His Incarnation, the salvation of all mankind."
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access the video by entering "Symbolon" in the search bar on the homepage and then choosing Session 6, "The Paschal Mystery." The audio program can be found by searching for "Three Days That Changed the World" under the "Listen" resources of FORMED. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
If you have registered as a FORMED user, you can access the video by entering "Symbolon" in the search bar on the homepage and then choosing Session 6, "The Paschal Mystery." The audio program can be found by searching for "Three Days That Changed the World" under the "Listen" resources of FORMED. If you haven't registered yet, just type into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unlimited access to its library of materials.
The Ladies of the Sacred Heart will meet this Monday, March 12, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in the Lower Hall. Our speaker will be Jill Johnson from Cooperative Christian Ministries and Clinic (CCMC) and her topic will be "Bridge out of Poverty." All women of the parish who would like to learn more about our Ladies of the Sacred Heart (LOSH) are invited to join us.
Our featured guild this month is Guild 6, Saint Mother Teresa. Members are involved in activities at Mountain Pine Elementary School, such as providing supplies to the third grade classes, weekly scholastic reads, hosting Christmas and end-of-year parties, collecting stuffed animals for children in crisis, and so much more! These guild members help with the Tanksgiving and Christmas baskets, support missionaries of Charity (St. Teresa of Calcutta's order), and assist with Meals on Wheels deliveries. Their social activities include monthly book club meetings, monthly Mahjong Club, and semi-annual dinner socials with spouses and/or guests. For more information on the activities of Guild 6, please contact Patty Doublin at 501-226-5617.
Our featured guild this month is Guild 6, Saint Mother Teresa. Members are involved in activities at Mountain Pine Elementary School, such as providing supplies to the third grade classes, weekly scholastic reads, hosting Christmas and end-of-year parties, collecting stuffed animals for children in crisis, and so much more! These guild members help with the Tanksgiving and Christmas baskets, support missionaries of Charity (St. Teresa of Calcutta's order), and assist with Meals on Wheels deliveries. Their social activities include monthly book club meetings, monthly Mahjong Club, and semi-annual dinner socials with spouses and/or guests. For more information on the activities of Guild 6, please contact Patty Doublin at 501-226-5617.