Just a reminder that our meeting will be held Monday, January 8, and our "something extra" a baby shower item. Please bring items that a new mother could use for her newborn. Our guest speaker will be Christy Etheridge from Good Samaritan, and her topic will address the difference between Home Care, Home Health and Hospice.
This month we highlight Guild 4, St. Elizabeth Guild. Members donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food baskets to families in need through Mission Outreach. Members also volunteer at Jackson House, St. Vincent's Hospital, and Potter's Clay. They organize the Christmas Cookie Sale, and are involved with the Shawl Ministry. For fun activities, they play Hand and Foot, have a summer barbeque with spouses, and get together at Christmas for dinner with spouses. Call Carol Barrett at 922-0071 for more information.
This month we highlight Guild 4, St. Elizabeth Guild. Members donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food baskets to families in need through Mission Outreach. Members also volunteer at Jackson House, St. Vincent's Hospital, and Potter's Clay. They organize the Christmas Cookie Sale, and are involved with the Shawl Ministry. For fun activities, they play Hand and Foot, have a summer barbeque with spouses, and get together at Christmas for dinner with spouses. Call Carol Barrett at 922-0071 for more information.
The Ladies of the Sacred Heart (LOSH) is sponsoring a fundraiser for the benefit of women and children on Friday, January 26, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. A ticket will entitle you to two dinners of Pot of Chicken Ranch Casserole, family-style salad and dessert. Also included will be an exciting raffle that will present a one-time chance to get a return on your ticket investment of $100.
During the raffle, the first ticket drawn returns $100, every tenth ticket drawn returns $100, the 97th ticket drawn returns $100, the 98th ticket drawn gives $200, the 99th ticket gives $500 and the 100th ticket returns $2,500! Won't you take a chance? You do not have to be present to win.
Each ticket sells for $100 and can be purchased from Mary Lou George at 922-8155, Carol Barrett at 922-0071, or JoAnn O'Brien at 922-1730. Please make checks payable to Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Join us on January 26 for a barrel of fun, good food, good drink, and the building exitement of the raffle!
During the raffle, the first ticket drawn returns $100, every tenth ticket drawn returns $100, the 97th ticket drawn returns $100, the 98th ticket drawn gives $200, the 99th ticket gives $500 and the 100th ticket returns $2,500! Won't you take a chance? You do not have to be present to win.
Each ticket sells for $100 and can be purchased from Mary Lou George at 922-8155, Carol Barrett at 922-0071, or JoAnn O'Brien at 922-1730. Please make checks payable to Ladies of the Sacred Heart. Join us on January 26 for a barrel of fun, good food, good drink, and the building exitement of the raffle!
We raise funds each year to help support the following charities: Potter's Clay, St. John's School, Our Lady of Fatima School, Project Rachel, Boys and Girls Club (Summer Lunches), Catholic Charities Adoption Services, Abba House, Quachita Children's Center, Mountain Pine Elementary School, St. Scholastica Monastery Retreat Center, and Change Point. Please help us continue our charitable works.
The Sacred Heart Men's Club will be the sponsor for parish Movie Night on Thursday, February 22. Please join us as brats will be served. Popcorn included! Join us at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall to view "The Woodcarver."
The good thing about the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal is that the money goes to a great variety of people in need from the poor (Catholic Charities), to the Unborn (through the efforts of the Respect Life Office), to needy students (in Catholic Schools, religious education, and College Campus Ministry Programs) to our seminarians (who are being prepared to be our future priests in Arkansas), to our adults and youth who use diocesan facilities (that have recently been renovated) for retreats (like our own parish men's retreat February 26-March 1), and opportunities for formation and education (like our future permanent deacons). The list is long. The bottom line is THEY ALL need our support and will get it through our gift to the Arkansas Sharing Appeal. While we, thanks be to God have reached and surpassed our goal this past year and in previous years, the overall goal has not been reached for quite a few years, so some hard decisions have to be made when it comes to who might not get as much as they need.
PLEASE have an open mind and heart, especially if you haven't given anything to this appeal in the past, consider doing something this year. I am happy to say, our parish has, in the last number of years, had some of the highest numbers of total givers, and I hope and pray that trend continues and goes even higher this year.
Praise God for all the work that's being done in the name of Jesus Christ and all of us who give to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal!
PLEASE have an open mind and heart, especially if you haven't given anything to this appeal in the past, consider doing something this year. I am happy to say, our parish has, in the last number of years, had some of the highest numbers of total givers, and I hope and pray that trend continues and goes even higher this year.
Praise God for all the work that's being done in the name of Jesus Christ and all of us who give to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal!
A Welcome Dinner for those who joined our parish between July and December, 2017, will be held February 24, 2018 at 5:15 p.m. after Saturday Mass in the Upper Hall. Leaders of the various parish commissions have also been invited. Come and meet fellow parishioners and learn more about our parish. Please RSVP to either Art or Marna Morissette at 501-915-8021 no later than February 14. We look forward to seeing you!
The Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club Annual charities Fish Bake will be held on Friday, February 16, 2018. Everyone is invited. There will be two seatings: 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. The doors will open 20 minutes prior to each seating.
The menu is Baked Domestic Tilapia, Tater Tots, specialty green beans, cole slaw, rye bread and coffee. We all need to eat fish on Friday during Lent; so, come join us at Sacred Heart in the Lower Hall for a great meal, and support our fundraising activity. Additional beverages will be available from the Refreshment Center. Donations are joyfully accepted. In addition, Father Bill's famous homemade ice cream will be available for a donation.
Tickets are $12 per person. Children under 12 years of age eat for $6, under the age of six years, no cost. Tickets will be sold before and after the Masses on the weekends of February 3/4 and February 10/11. Carryouts are available, and tables of eight can be reserved. For other information and tickets, contact Rick Martinek on his cell, 214-215-0133.
The menu is Baked Domestic Tilapia, Tater Tots, specialty green beans, cole slaw, rye bread and coffee. We all need to eat fish on Friday during Lent; so, come join us at Sacred Heart in the Lower Hall for a great meal, and support our fundraising activity. Additional beverages will be available from the Refreshment Center. Donations are joyfully accepted. In addition, Father Bill's famous homemade ice cream will be available for a donation.
Tickets are $12 per person. Children under 12 years of age eat for $6, under the age of six years, no cost. Tickets will be sold before and after the Masses on the weekends of February 3/4 and February 10/11. Carryouts are available, and tables of eight can be reserved. For other information and tickets, contact Rick Martinek on his cell, 214-215-0133.
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The Knights of Columbus invite everyone to a parish breakfast on Sunday, February 4. This breakfast is being underwitten by Anna Suttor in memory of Carl. The menu includes French Toast, link suausage, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk. We will be welcoming new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights. Breakfast is on $6.00 and children under 12 years eat free. All proceeds are used to help fund Knights charitable activities. See you there! There was a problem loading image 'images/stories/2018/Head_Shots/French_Toast_1.jpg'
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On January 25, the Church will celebrate the Conversion of St. Paul. FORMED, our new parish online resource of audio, video, and print materials for Catholics, gives us several ways to think about the importance of conversion in the lives of the saints and in our own lives. On the FORMED website, check out the short video "Paul of Tarsus" or the audio book The World of St. Paul to gain insight into the events of St. Paul's life that led to the moment of his conversion and acceptance of Christ. Or for something more contemporary, sample Paul Kim's reflection on his conversion in That Awkward Moment When God Changed My LIfe or Jennifer Fulwiler's From Atheism to Catholicism: My Conversion Diary. These and hundreds more resources are available to those who register or have registered on the FORMED website. If you haven't registered yet, just type FORMED.org into your browser, enter the parish's code - CNT7WK - on the FORMED homepage, and create a password for your continued use of the website, allowing you unimited access to its library of materials.
Beginning in the week of February 19, the parish will offer a five-week Lenten study focused on our need for God's mercy and forgiveness. "Forgiven" is a video-based program that reminds us, through the biblical stories of the prodigal son and the women taken in adultery, that, as sinners, we rely on reconciliation with God as we endeavor to reform our lives. In weekly meetings lasting approximately 75 minutes, we will see the action of God's mercy in the Bible and examine sections of both the Old and New Testaments that form the background for the Church's practice of sacramental confession.
Participants may choose to attend weekly discussion sessions or to follow the program on an independent study basis. There will be four sessions at Sacred Heart, each with its own facilitators(s): Mondays at 9:45 a.m. (Paula Doyle), Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. (Dave Johnston and Rose Harrigan), Wednesdays at 9:45 a.m. (Tom Canavan), and Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. (Mike Kerwin and Don Ritter).
Sign-up sheets for the discussion groups and independent study are in the Narthex. The study guide for those participating in the scheduled sessions costs $6.00 to be paid at the first meeting. Those following the program on an independent study basis should pick up an instruction sheet on the sign-up table that outlines the steps to access the Formed website and the "Forgiven" videos and study guide.
Participants may choose to attend weekly discussion sessions or to follow the program on an independent study basis. There will be four sessions at Sacred Heart, each with its own facilitators(s): Mondays at 9:45 a.m. (Paula Doyle), Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. (Dave Johnston and Rose Harrigan), Wednesdays at 9:45 a.m. (Tom Canavan), and Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. (Mike Kerwin and Don Ritter).
Sign-up sheets for the discussion groups and independent study are in the Narthex. The study guide for those participating in the scheduled sessions costs $6.00 to be paid at the first meeting. Those following the program on an independent study basis should pick up an instruction sheet on the sign-up table that outlines the steps to access the Formed website and the "Forgiven" videos and study guide.
As Lent approaches and we contemplate our personal Lenten resolutions, some give up certain pleasures like desserts or television shows while others may commit to saying extra prayers or doing additional works of charity. Here's a suggestion that will result in a significant amount of personal satisfaction while filling a need within the parish: Please consider giving your time to one of the various liturgical ministries that need help. There are opportunities in the following areas: Music, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers, Gift Bearers.
Prior to the Masses on the first two weekends in February, a representative of the Liturgy Commission will give a brief presentation highlighting the duties, prerequisites (if any), and time requirements for each ministry. Parishioners will then have the opportunity to sign-up for whatever ministry in which they have an interest. Please consider giving the gift of time and talents to Our Lord and your fellow parishioners by becoming involved in one of the Liturgical Ministries.
Prior to the Masses on the first two weekends in February, a representative of the Liturgy Commission will give a brief presentation highlighting the duties, prerequisites (if any), and time requirements for each ministry. Parishioners will then have the opportunity to sign-up for whatever ministry in which they have an interest. Please consider giving the gift of time and talents to Our Lord and your fellow parishioners by becoming involved in one of the Liturgical Ministries.
Hello Fellow Parishioners! We will be having an Epiphany Feast Crockpot Potluck Dinner on Sunday, January 7, 2018. Please bring your favorite soup, stew or crockpot dish to share. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex, so please let us know if you will be attending and if you are bringing a dish so we know how many outlets to have ready. We want everyone's dish to stay nice and warm. There will be a "Secret Santa Bingo" after dinner so please, also, bring a wrapped gift for the bingo! It should be a fun time with lots of fellowship and laughter! If you have questions, call Jen Rivera at 928-358-9069.
This conference will be held Saturday, February 3, 2018 at Christ the King Church in Little Rock from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The theme is: "Hearing God's Voice in a Noisy World." Bishop Brendan J. Cahill of the Diocese of Victoria, Texas and Jim Drake, founder of Miracles for Mary Ministry, will be the featured speakers. Registration begins at 7:00 a.m., and Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will celebrate Mass at 7:50 a.m. The conference begins at 9:00 a.m. The cost to attend is $25 per person which includes breakfast and lunch. Registration increases to $35 after January 20, 2018. For more information, contact Brian Gilmartin at 501-765-1300 or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the conference Facebook page.
The Ladies of the Sacred Heart will meet on Monday, February 12. Our speakers will be Toni and Daleen from the Muses Project, and they will be speaking about their Hurricane Katrina experiences. They are new residents of Hot Springs Village and will provide a first-hand insight into their survival.
St. Michael's Guild, Guild 5, is our highlighted guild this month. The Guild Captains are Gwen Auel at 922-1901 and Arlene Giedt at 922-9123.
Members work with "Clothe the Child" mission in Jessieville, Fountain Lake and Mountain Pine schools. This outreach program provides clothing and personal items for students in need. Members also assist with the parish food basket preparation at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, they pledge monies for "Dana's Angels," a program at Mountain Pine School. For fun, they have monthly luncheon meetings, social gatherings, and share Christmas brunch with guild members. For information on St. Michael's Guild, please contact one of the Guild Captains listed.
St. Michael's Guild, Guild 5, is our highlighted guild this month. The Guild Captains are Gwen Auel at 922-1901 and Arlene Giedt at 922-9123.
Members work with "Clothe the Child" mission in Jessieville, Fountain Lake and Mountain Pine schools. This outreach program provides clothing and personal items for students in need. Members also assist with the parish food basket preparation at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, they pledge monies for "Dana's Angels," a program at Mountain Pine School. For fun, they have monthly luncheon meetings, social gatherings, and share Christmas brunch with guild members. For information on St. Michael's Guild, please contact one of the Guild Captains listed.
The next meeting for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be held on Tuesday, February 13, at 5:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall. Because the program which should be of interest to all parishioners, the entire parish, both men and women, are invited to attend. At 5:00 p.m. you can join others in the Upper Hall to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for family, Church, our nation, world peace, and your personal intentions. The Social gathering will take place in the Lower Hall from 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. Dinner will be served around 6:00 p.m. After dinner, the Villagers running for a position on the Hot Springs Village Property Owners Association Board of Directors will present their views on the status of the Village and their reasons and qualifications for running for the Board. A question-and-answer period will follow. The candidates will also be available during the social period before dinner. After dinner and the candidates' presentations, there will be a short business meeting. If you have not already done so, sign-up at the meeting with Rick Marinek to help at the Fish Bake which will be held on Friday, February 16.
The menu for the evening includes: salad with crackers, Beef Tips in gravy with Buttered Noodles, green beans, rolls and ice cream. Cost of the dinner is $10 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna at the DeSoto Club. For reservations, call Bill Patterson at 922-6965 or transmit an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, February 11, if you plan to eat with us.
The menu for the evening includes: salad with crackers, Beef Tips in gravy with Buttered Noodles, green beans, rolls and ice cream. Cost of the dinner is $10 per person and will be catered by employees of Chef Johnna at the DeSoto Club. For reservations, call Bill Patterson at 922-6965 or transmit an e-mail to him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 3:00 p.m. Sunday, February 11, if you plan to eat with us.
The Knights of Columbus Council 10208 membership meeting will be held in the Lower Hall on Tuesday, February 6, beginning at 5:00 p.m. with recitation of the Rosary, followed by a social, dinner and then, our meeting. The evening's meal will include Chili, Cornbread and dessert. Reservations will not be required unless you have invited guests. Please provide guests' names to Warden Ron Cuba at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call him at 922-6037 so that name tags can be prepared.
Couples . . . . Want to give each other something really special? How about a gift filled with romance and excitement? That's just the beginning of what you will receive on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. This special weekend is scheduled for February 9-11, 2018 and will be held at Subiaco, Arkansas. Space is limited.
Apply on line at www.arkansaswwme.org/apply. For more information, call Ben or Leah Brewer at 501-733-1235.
Apply on line at www.arkansaswwme.org/apply. For more information, call Ben or Leah Brewer at 501-733-1235.