Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Black and OrangeOur cocktail social will soon be here!  Have you circled October 30 on your calendar, 5:00 p.m?  And, have you called Dottie Asten at 922-5297 with your reservation?

Check your closets for your black and orange attire and be prepared to enjoy meeting new people and visiting with old friends.  We'll see you there!
OklahomaThe Rodgers and Hammerstein musical OKLAHOMA! will be performed on the Woodlands stage November 2, 3, 4, and 5.  Several of our parish thespians are involved in this production:  Cathy Kraus (Assistant Director), Karen Feckler (Aunt Eller Murphy), Ken Silvers (Ali Hakim), Bill Lamoureux (Jud Fry), JoAnn Dobscha (dancer).  Choir Director Lynne Border is serving as the Music Director for the production.  The two main leads, Curly and Laurey, will be performed by non-members, Ken Goodman and Audrey Findlen.

Tickets can be purchased at the POA offices or online at
pumpkin patchPumpkin Volunteers needed for the annual HSV Fall Festival on Satuarday, October 28, at Grove Park in the Village.  (Rain location is the Ponce de Leon Center).  Volunteers will help festival attendees pick their prized pumpkins-of-choice.  No experience or skill is necessary, just a friendly, faith-filled spirit with smiles to share.  Two parishioners per hour are needed between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.  Sign-up in the nartex or call Cathy Silk at 501-922-2062, extension 17, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
veteransTo honor our veterans, Father Bill will have a Patriotic Rosary at 8:30 a.m. followed by a 9:00 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 11.  Immediately following the Mass the fourth Degree Knights of Columbus invite all parishioners to join us in the Lower Hall for a reception to include coffee and pastries.  The Sunbeams singing group will perform patriotic songs for our enjoyment.
food basketThe fact is:  Families find themselves buying cheaper and less nutritious food, or cutting meals out of their diet, just to make ends meet.  Increasing all the time, this pattern leads to chronic malnutrition, affecting children and families in profoundly destructive ways.

With your help, Sacred Heart of Jesus can help these local families through our Food Baket Program.  Any donation in the second collection at the Masses this weekend, October 28/29, will be channeled to this program to provide food for families at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and hopefully at other times throughout the year.  Checks should be made payable to Sacred Heart with "Food Basket Fund" in the reference line.

Thank you for your continued support in this most worthwhile fundraiser.

Donuts and CoffeeParish Life will sponsor another Donut Social on Sunday, October 29 after the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Masses.  Donuts and coffee plus fellowship and friends make for Social Sunday FUN!  Donut Social will be held in the Lower Hall.  Please join us for some wonderful fellowship and delicious treats!  See you there!
St. Johns BazaarMark your calendars for October 27 for the Tiki-Rific Bazaar at St. John's School in Hot Springs - from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Bake Sale begins at 10:00, lunch from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and a Spaghetti Dinner will be served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., followed by a Live Auction.  Join us!
2017 Blessed Stanley RotherEveryone is cordially invited to a dinner/presentation by our bishop, Anthony Taylor, on Blessed Stanley Rother, who is the first American-born priest to be beatified by the Catholic Church.  We will first enjoy a catered dinner of fried chicken and some side dishes and Father Bill's ice cream for dessert.  We will eat at 5:00 p.m. and the presentation will follow (around 5:30 p.m. in case you can't make it for the dinner).  If you want to join us for the meal, sign-up in the narthex by this Monday, October 23, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and let her know how many from your family will be eating with us.  Bishop Taylor was one who participated in the work that led to Father Rother's beatification (and hopefully someday, canonization), as he has unique insights into the life and ministry of this missionary priest from Oklahoma.  Please join us Friday, October 27, at 5:00 p.m.
baby bottlelThe Knights of Columbus Council 10208 is conducting its annual Baby Bottle Campaign to support Pro-Life efforts through October, Respect Life Month.  This year's proceeds will go, in part, to support the purchase of a "Stork Bus" which takes ultrasound machines "out and about" to encourage a woman to see the child in her womb and complete her pregnancy.  Please take a bottle and return it with your donation to the playpen in the narthex by the end of October.
dogTails 'N Trails Dog Walk for Diabetes, sponsored by the Village Lions Club, is a "pooch-friendly" walk for Diabetes awareness on November 4 at 9:00 a.m. at the Ponce de Leon Center.  The day will begin with pre-registration for $25 which includes a t-shirt and dog-event bandanna - with or without your dog.  There will also be a Dog Parade with prizes for the best costumes.  Various booths will be set up, including a booth for the Village Animal Shelter.  Proceeds will go to the American Diabetes Association of Arkansas and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Association.  Please check our website for forms and information: or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Questions can be directed to parishioner Larry Bauer at 501-538-9790.
Spiritual DirectionPaula Doyle, a certified spiritual director since 2001 and Sacred Heart parishioner, is again offering to accompany you on your spiritual journey, now in a private practice from her home. There is no charge for the first visit, and subsequent sessions are subject to a nominal fee.  If you are interested or have questions, please call Paula at 922-5771 or transmit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
TennisAll tennis players of Sacred Heart are invited to a FUN DAY of tennis with tennis players of other churches in the Village on Saturday, October 21 at the Coronado Tennis Center.  This will include men, women and mixed doubles in a format of playing thirty minutes, then resting thirty minutes and watching others play.  We will start at 10:00 a.m. and finish at 3:00 p.m. with time in the middle for lunch.

The cost will be a one-time court fee of $7.00 (if you are not already yearly).  If you are interested, sign-up on the clipboard in the narthex or call Rick Meyers at 922-9031 with questions or to sign up.  Let's have fun tennis with your fellow parishioners and people from other churches.  EVERYONE WINS!
2017 Ashley NaramoreParishioners and guests are invited to join Ashley Naramore of the Baim, Reagler & Naramore Law Firm on Thursday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lower Hall for a candid conversation about estate planning.  Items addressed:  who needs an estate plan, who needs a trust, the importance of a Power of Attorney, handling the challenges of a blended family, who to appoint to make decisions, and whether to add a child to a bank account.  Dessert will be served.  A sign-up form is in the narthex.  For information, contact Donna Aylward, Vice President of Business and Developement at Arvest Bank at 501-922-6020 or 501-984-2605.
DvdDid you miss any of the summer movies shown at Sacred Heart?  If so, the DVDs of God's Not Dead 2, My All American and Risen are in the library.  Check them out and enjoy a good movie.
Bald EagleSacred Heart Singles is a group ready for fun and fellowship.  All members, past and present, graciously thank Ann Hooper for her dedication and devotion she shared with her past leadership of this awesome Singles group. 

All singles are invited to attend the Fall Foliage and Eagle Watch Tour at Lake Ouachita State Park on October 14 at 11:00 a.m. The tour will take two to three hours, and a restroom is available on the boat.  Tickets are $12 each.  Carpooling is available; sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  Please note if you will need a ride to the location.  Space is limited to 13 Singles.  Please contact Cath Silk at 501-922-2062, extension 17 or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Singles play the card game Hand and Foot the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall.  The next date to meet is Wednesday, October 18.  No previous experience or sign-up is necessary.  Hand and Foot is a simple, yet stupendous, game for laughs, excitement and fellowship.  Feel free to bring a snack to share.
RosaryRosary In the Public Square is just one of 92 in Arkansas and over 20,000 estimated worldwide will be held today at noon, Saturday, October 14.  We will be located at the vacant lot in front of Walmart on Hwy 7 behind the Murphy Gas Station.  Bring your Rosary, folding chair, water, sunscreen and your friends.  Please share this message with your friends.  Everyone is welcome.  Contact Jim Goodson with questions at 501-226-5312.