Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Rosary3The Knights of Columbus will continue to recite the Rosary on the fifth Sunday of the month before all Masses.  The weekend of July 29/30 is the next month with a fifth Sunday.  We invite all parishioners to come to Mass 25 minutes early and join us as we use this power of prayer to request Mary's intervention with our intentions.
socksPlease bring your donations of children's underware and socks, all sizes, to Harvey's Chapel by August 11, as the "Clothes Closet" will be open at that site on Saturday, August 12, for those children who need the items to help them return to school.  If you mark your donations and place in the closet at Sacred Heart before August 11, your donations will be delivered to Harvey's Chapel in Mountain Pine.  Thank you!
food basketWe will be delivering food baskets to needy families that have school-age children home for the summer.  It is an extra burden on some families when their chldren are home during the summer and do not eat breakfast and lunch at the school. The baskets will be paid for by the Sacred Heart Basket Fund and will be delivered between July 15 and July 25.  If you can deliver a basket to a family, please contact Ed Keearns, 922-3832, or transmit an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
thank you 1The Parish Life Commission wishes to express their deepest appreciation and gratitude to the many parishioners involved in bidding Deacon Bernie and Marilyn a final farewell.  There are too many volunteers to list, but you all are so appreciated for helping celebrate this wonderful couple who have more than 27 years of service to this amazing parish. May God truly bless each and everyone. Memorable pictures are posted on :
VeteransMy name is Becca Effrein and I am writing to reach out to your church.  I am a nurse practitioner with the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital out of Little Rock.  I work for Home Based Primary Care and I cover the Hot Springs Village area.

A little about our program.  We bring a primary care provider to the vereran instead of the veteran having to travel to the VA clinic for primary care services. We are like a mobile clinic on wheels and include a Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, social workers, occupational therapist, registered dietician, psychologist and pharmacist.  If you know of a veteran who would benefit from this service, please don't hesitate to reach out.  Our social worker can provide information and answer any questions.  Contact Becca Effrein at 1400 Malvern Avenue in Hot Springs, AR 71909, Office Telephone: 501-624-0700, Cell Phone: 501-412-0124, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Rosary3Making rosaries is a wonderful ministry.  It's fun and easy.  The rosaries that are made by our members are shipped all over the world.  It gives us great pride in knowing that people in foreign lands welcome these rosaries as sometimes their only possession. They wear them around their neck in order to keep them.  We almost always get letters in return saying how welcome they are and "please, please send more."  This ministry cannot continue without volunteer rosary makers.  We meet every Thursday in a classroom after morning Mass until 11:00 a.m. The time goes fast, and each week we have a different mix of people so conversation is lively and laughs are plentiful. Please consider joining us. Call Marge Newburn at 922-9047 for details.
Blood DriveThe next blood drive, supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church at 200 Carmona Road, is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 11, 2017. The church is located near the intersection of Carmona Road and DeSoto Boulevard.

Previous donors at this site with e-mail addresses will be sent an e-mail reminder. New donors can go to for detailed information and to schedule an appointment.  Contact Bill Taylor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 501-922-0959 with questions, to schedule an appointment, or to be place on an e-mail list.
2017 My All AmericanJoin us Thursday, July 27, at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall for "My All American," a true story of Freddie Steinmark who was thought to be too small to play football and end up playing for the University of Texas.  Invite your friends.  Refreshments included.
2017 Fountain Lake HSFountain Lake Charter High School has created time for their students to receive extra help in core areas.  They are now looking for retired teachers to volunteer to tutor students in high school English, math, science and social studies.  Many time slots are available throughout the day.  If you would like to invest your time to help students, please plan to attend an information meeting on July 6 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fountain Lake Auditorium.
Church Library NewsJune is the month to honor our fathers.  In honor of St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, books about him are on the featured books shelf in the library. Learn more about this holy man chosen by God to be the father of His only Son.
2 monthsYour baby's facial features continue to develop.  Each ear begins as a little fold of skin.  Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming.  Fingers, toes and eyes are also forming.  The neural tube (brain, spinal cord and other neural tissues of the central nervous system) is well formed.  Your baby's digestive tract begins to develop.  Bone starts to replace cartilage.  By the end of the second month, your baby is about one inch long and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce.  At about six weeks, your baby's heart beat can usually be detected.  Please continue to pray for your spiritually-adopted baby.
dolr14If you are interested in playing in this special four-person scramble golf tournament on September 25, 2017, and are open to playing the morning round (8:00 a.m.), the fee for Sacred Heart parishioners wll be $50 per person if a commitment to play and pay is made before May 31.  After that date and afternoon, tee time rates are $75 per person. Commit as a single or as a team by seeing Father Bill or sending in your name(s) and check made out to Sacred Heart Church.  Send to 295 Balearic Road, HSV 71909.
Give Us This DayIt is time to reorder your subscription to "Give Us This Day."  Fr. Bill reflects in his Pastor's Column in this weekend 's bulletin "that over 100 parishioners or families have recognized how good it is to stay connected to the Lord daily (and throughout the entire year) and have done so by being part of our bulk subscription.  For only $20 a year (a savings of 50% since we get it in bulk), you can get each month's edition and know you are getting a different short morning and evening prayer for each day, the scripture readings that are proclaimed at Mass each day, and wonderful reflections from a variety of different people from clergy to laity, to saints of the past.  There are also short two-page reflections at the start of each week which are informative and inspirational. The week's two-page reflection was penned by the fromer Abbot of Subiaco (here in Arkansas), Father Jerome Kodell."

Fr. Bill goes on to say that "if you are interested in joining in the bulk subscription which begins a new year's worth with the July issue, either stop by the Office and leave your money and name with Linda, or pay your $20 (check to Sacred Heart CHurch or cash) or sign-up and pay your money in the narthex over the next few weeks.  Even if you don't do all that's available in this monthly booklet, you will certainly benefit from what you do read and from the prayers that are found (some in the front of the book that are unique each month) in this wonderful spiritual aid.  I would love to see our number of subscribers rise in this new cycle. Please consider being one of them or continuing if you have already been a subscriber."
seminarians vocations friend bishoptaylorOur annual Seminarian Support Dinner, sponsored by our Knights of Columbus Council 10208, will be held on Friday, July 14, 2017. Tickets will be on sale the weekends of July 1/2 and July 8/9, before and after all Masses.  Dinner will be catered by Chef Johnna. Tickets are $20 each with your choice of (1) Tilapia, (2) Roast Chicken or (3) Prime Rib.  All meals feature salads, delicious sides and Father Bill's famous ice cream!

Ten seminarians, Bishop Taylor, Monsignor Friend and other guests from the diocese will be attending.  Entertainment provided by "Treble in the Village."

Please mark your calendars to attend this special event honoring our seminarians.  Space will be limited.  All money donated will go directly to the Seminarian Fund.  This fund is the foundation for the education of our future priests who will be dedicated to upholding the principles and doctrines of our Catholic faith.  We would like to have you join us, mingle with the seminarians and special guests, and be a part of this special evening.  We have always had a lot of fun at this event with the seminarians in years past and this year promises to be equally enjoyable.
BusThe trip is on to Dallas, November 2-6, 2017, and the bus is almost full. We will accept late registrations until July 1-according to availability.  A completed registration form and a $200 deposit is required.  Balance is due August 1.  For more information, contact Rosemary Miller at 501-922-5850 or 501-922-8801. Thanks to all the ladies and their friends for joing us on this trip-making memories.
Church Dinner2The Ladies of the Sacred Heart group is pleased to host the Parish gathering for the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 23 after the 5:00 p.m. Mass.  The event will be caterd by Corky's of Little Rock featuring barbeque and all the fixins. Dessert will also be provided.  The entire meal is free-of-charge.  Sign-up sheets are in the narthex.