Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
potluck2The Wednesday Spades group and our Singles will be having a Christmas Season potluck, a gift exchange ($10.00 gift wrapped), and will play cards on Wednesday, January 3, starting at 12:00 p.m. in the Upper Hall.  Our regulars and anyone else who enjoys cards, can join us for this fun-filled gathering.  Sandwiches and snack food (including desserts) will be accepted by those who wish to bring something to eat.  Bringing food is NOT required for you to join us for this annual event.
LOSHBecause the holidays are coming quickly, you are reminded that our "something extra" for our January 8 meeting is a baby shower item.  When you go Christmas shopping or grocery shopping over the next several weeks, you can pick-up items that a new mother could use for a newborn:  disposable diapers, wipes, baby bottles, onesies, undershirts, etc.  Watch for additional reminders in upccoming bulletins.
Bake SaleThe Ladies of the Sacred Heart Annual Christmas Cookie Sale will be held after all regular Masses on Saturday and SundayDecember 9/10.  Members of Guild 4 will be sorting and packaging the cookies on Saturday morning, December 9, in the Lower Hall.  All women of the parish who like to bake are invited to donate goodies to the Lower Hall of the church by 10:00 a.m. on Saturday.  If you have questions, please call Carol Barrett at 922-0071.  Cookies will be sold at $4.00 a dozen.
reconciliationOur Advent Reconciliation Service presents an opportunity for individual Confessions on Tuesday, December 19, at 4:30 p.m.
Scrambled eggs sausage and biscuitsThis Sunday, after bothe Masses, all are invited to attend our Parish Breakfast as sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in the Lower Hall.  The menu includes:  sausage and eggs, biscuits, gravy, hash browns, juice, coffee or milk.  We will welcome new parishioners who will be guests of the Knights.  Please join us in welcoming them to the Sacred Heart Family.  Breakfast is on $6.00 a plate, and, as always, children 12 years and under eat free.  All breakfast proceeds are used to help fund Knights Charitable activities throughout the year.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  This breakfast will be underwritten by Dick and Ruth Breckon.
7 month fetusYour baby will continue to mature and develop reserves of body fat.  Your baby's hearing is fully developed.  He or she changes position frequently and responds to stimuli, including sound, pain and light.  The amniotic fluid begins to dimish.  At the end of the seventh month in the womb, your baby is about 14 inches long and weighs from two to four pounds.  If born prermaturely, your baby would be likely to survive after the seventh month.  Please continue to pray for your baby and his mother.
Nelson RubioCome join your fellow parishioners and other guests for the first Mass of newly-ordained Father Nelson Rubio on Sunday, December 17.

Mass is at 10:00 a.m. with a reception immediately following in the Lower Hall.  Sign-ups available in the narthex.  Limited seating is available so please sign up early!  Dessert, wine, punch and coffee will be provided.  Donations of reception-style FINGER FOODS are being sought.  Please indicate on the sign-up sheet what FINGER FOOD you would like to share, if any.  Suggestions:  Fresh fruit, fresh veggies, cheese/crackers, shrimp cocktail, deviled eggs, finger sandwiches, meatballs or chicken wings.  Any suggestions, please contact Cathy Silk at 908-938-5545.
Bowling1Our Sacred Heart of Jesus Bowling League is off to a fun start!  We meet on Thursdays at 2:00 p.m. at Fiesta Bowl.  Currently we are in need of anyone who would like to substitute bowl.  The cost for a sub bowling three games is $7.00  Please call Ann Bowman at 922-6619 to get on our "Sub List" and be ready for a fun afternoon.
AngelThank you to those who have donated to the basket fund and to those who have taken an angel from the Angel Tree.  Please return the presents no later than Monday, December 4.  Place the presents under the tree.  Do not put them in the boxes in the Upper Hall.  Any presents returned after Monday cannot be used for these families.
Funeral In memoryIf you have lost a love one(s) to death in this past year, whether they lived in the Village or elsewhere, you are invited to participate in our annual special Mass of Remembrance on Wednesday, December 13 at 9:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church.  We invite and encourage all parishioners to come to this Mass to pray with and support all those whose loved ones have died over the last 12 months.  Please come early for Mass if you lost a loved one so we can get their name for use during the Mass.  A reception will follow in the Lower Hall sponsored by Parish Life.
Dominos PizzaThe Knights of Columbus have worked out a special fundraising program with our local Domino's Pizza Shop.  This weekend is the last time to purchase a "Slice the Price" card, before or after Mass.  The card is sold for $10 each which entitles the holder to use the card as many times as desired - until June 30, 2018!  Pay for these fundraising cards by cash or check.  Cards sould be available for pick-up December 16/17.

When a card holder purchases one large-size pizza (14 inch) at regular price, that person will receive one large (or smaller) pizza for FREE!  The $10 card purchase does not go toward the purchase of your pizza.  It is a donation.  So, when you pay for one large-size pizza, you get the second pizza at no extra cost!  The card can also be used for larger purchases.  

See your Knights of Columbus this weekend!
This month we are highlighting Guild 3, St. Mary Guild.  Members are involved in sponsoring one of the classes at Mountain Pine, providing students with school supplies, personal items and visits to the classroom five times each school year.  Guild members also donate Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter food baskets for the Village Mission Outreach.  They host a luncheon in May honoring our church personnel, as well as having a Christmas social with spouses.  If you would like to be a part of St. Mary Guild, contact one of the Guild Captains:  Sarah Aucoin at 617-7268 or Irma Gremillion at 922-4553.
2017 Stolen SummerThe next Movie Night will be held on Thursday, November 30, at 6:00 p.m. and will be hosted by the Ladies of the Sacred Heart.  The movie presentation will be "Stolen Summer" and is about the friendship of two young Chicago boys, Irish Catholic Pete and Jewish Danny, is challenged when Danny discovers that he's dying.  He and Pete team up to figure out how they can guarantee they'll get into Heaven; making a list of ten good deeds they call the "Decathlon of Heaven."  You are invited to come early and enjoy pizza, and if you wish, ping pong - in the Upper Hall.  Join us for fun and food for participants and spectators alike!
handandfootThis new sessions of Hand & Foot will be held from January to May, 2018.  No experience is needed, the game is easy to learn, and is played once a month in a hosted home as a group of three couples (married or singles, male or females).  This gathering presents a social atmosphere of getting acquainted with different people and having lots of fun.  Since this session is only for five months, there will be no dues as there will be no large group meeting at the end; instead, we will play cards as normal.  Sign-up sheets are in the narthex.  Please note if you are able (or unable) to host in your home.  Call Ann Krawczynski at 501-915-9629.
Our first "Breakfast with a Doctor" event went so well, CHI St. Vincent is returning with Dr. Robert Olive, Jr. an Orthopedic Specialist.  The event is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, at 10:00 a.m. in the Lower Hall.  Light snacks will be served, and the event is free and open to the public.  Please invite your friends.

The Orthopedic specialists at CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs are dedicated to helping patients recover from injury, regain mobility and experience freedom from pain.  Dr. Robert Olive, Jr., along with Dr. Walden, will be at the breakfast to give an overview of the orthopedic clinic in Hot Springs and answer questions.

Please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the narthex if you plan to attend.  Call Cathy Silk at 908-938-5545 with questions.
Praying HandsWe all need a prayer warrior in times of crisis - a critical or dangerous situation that needs serious attention, including emergencies, surgery, imment death or the loss of a loved one.  Our Parish Prayer Warriors are ready to help.  Some 90 prayer warriors in our Sacred Heart Parish are prepared to offer daily intercessory prayers to God for you and your loved ones at these and other critical times.

All you need to is call Sharon Board at 922-6995;  Martha Dixon at 922-2811;  Jim McDade at 915-0730;  Martha Rogers at 580-1750;  or Chris Stein at 226-5105 to get these intercessory prayers started.  They will continue for 30 days, unless cancelled by you, and may be continued by request.  And, you, too, can become a member of our Parish Prayer Warriors by calling any of the warriors listed above.