Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Looking for something on FORMED to inspire you for Christmas? Take a few minutes and watch episode 1 of a new 10 episode short film series on the Saints titled "Mary Mother of God". While you are on FORMED you may want to listen to Dr Brent Pitre's presentation "The Birth of the Messiah: Mary and the Mystery of Christmas". You can register for a free subscription by gong to and signing up as a Sacred Heart parishioner.
We have an unfulfilled hour at 3:00 a.m. on Fridays. Some adorers in these early morning hours choose to share the hour with a friend (or friends) on an alternating basis. If you are a group would like to share this hour, please contact Lori Vincent at 337-654-2871.
Signup for ALL small group study of Jesus and the Eucharist will take place in January.  Several times will be offered in the hopes that all parishioners will participate!  If you'd like to check out what is covered, visit the NER website:  Let this be our New Year's Resolution--to deepen our appreciation and love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
The onlty collection at the Christmas Masses will be for the Clergy Welfare Fund. This fund provides retirement and health care benefits to retired and infirm priests around our diocese. Our priests spend every day of their adult lives as humble and devoted servants, doing God's work and serving us until age or infirmity calls them to retirement. Your contributions to the Clergy Welfare Fund make our priests' retirement possible. Please share with the them the generosity that they continue to share with us. The amount collected during the Fourth Sunday of Advent Masses goes to our parish.
Three pillars to stimulate our growth in the Spiritual Life, (from Fr Declan Gibson's October Parish Mission)

  1.  Confession--If I was unable to come to our parish Reconciliation service last week, when will I come during Advent?
  2.  Preparation for receiving the Eucharist--Silent Reflection before Mass--What is about to happen?
  3. Thenksgiving, recognition of grace at work, immediately after Communion. What will I allow God to do in me now?

The normal Sunday Eucharistic Holy Hour will not take place on December 24 or December 31.

Perpeutal Eucharistic Adoration--Enrich your experience of Advent by taking the opportunity to spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Come as you are...joyful...broken...hopeful...grieving. Jesus is waiting to share it all with you. Visitors ALWAYS welcome! Be sure to sign in on the Ipad when you enter.
By now, everyone should have received their free 8x10 photo through the mail. If you have not, please contact Kateri Amrhein at 302-841-2042 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Planning ahead for your summer vacation?  Consider a holy pilgrimage to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis July 17-21.  Details of the incredible lineup of speakers and registration details are at  

Imagine celebrating Christ in the Eucharist with thousands of pilgrims!! 
There are various ways to save on registration.  Call Deb Troxel at 515-314-6955 to learn more and to let her know if you'd be interested in traveling with a group. 

Join us for Holy Hour this Sunday at 3 p.m.  Invite a friend or neighbor for prayer and reconciliation in this Hour of Divine Mercy!
How do you 'show up' at Mass?

Ponder your appearance, reverence, openness to Grace, vulnerability, attentiveness.  Each of us has work to do to fully participate!  Bring your whole self, fully committed and participating.  Place your whole life on the altar as Christ gave his whole self for us.

Holy Hour resumes this Sunday at 3 p.m.  Invite a friend or neighbor, and join us in prayer and reconciliation in this Hour of Divine Mercy!
"It <The Eucharist> is the center of existence for me; all the rest of life is expendable.  – Flannery O'Connor, American author, 1925 – 1964

Thanks be to God and to those who answered the call that allows us to return to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration!  We will continue to have absences over the Christmas holidays.  Please check the calendar for times when subs are needed.
Has Eucharistic Revival reached you yet?  Bishop Andrew Cozzens reminds us, "We want to start a FIRE, not a program."  Join us for Sunday Holy Hour at 3 p.m. in the church.  Adoration…Reconciliation…Prayer.  There will be no Sunday Holy Hour next week, November 26th.

Are you participating in Sacred Heart's Food Basket Program?  Volunteering at Jackson House, the Food Bank, or another area agency that helps the needy?  In this month of Thanksgiving, let these sacrifices of time and treasure, done in His name, be the spark that lights the fire of Eucharistic love in your heart. 
If you are an Adorer or substitute, please save the date, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. and join us as we celebrate 10 years of Eucharitic Adoration.

Galatians 6:9 "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we wil reap, if we do not give up." 
Are you looking for an opportunity to see what Adoration is all about?  In this season of Thanksgiving and gift-giving, consider giving the Lord and your parish the gift of an hour of your time in thanksgiving for all his blessings.  We will have multiple absences over the Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends as many adorers will be out of town.  Please call or text Kathy Clark at 203-816-7737 if you would be willing to sub on one of those weekends. 

Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Chairman of USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catchesis, notes that to ensure a real encounter with Jesus four things occur.  We're exploring these four things over four weeks.  Today we share #4:

A realization that I need to follow Jesus and then invite others to do so…

John 1:35-50.   John the Baptist led Andrew…Andrew led Simon…Phillip led Nathaniel,

Few encounters of God's infinite love and forgiveness are as intimate as hours spent in Adoration.  Come closer to our Dear Lord by adoring for an hour in our Chapel.  Contact Ann Bowman 501 922-6619 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with inquiries.

Fr. Declan Gibson of the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist will present our Eucharistic parish Mission on Monday, Oct. 30 and Tuesday, Oct. 31 at 6:30 pm each evening.

He will celebrate morning Mass on Monday & Tuesday at 9:00 am and offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation after the morning Masses and both evenings after the mission.  Adoration & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be highpoints of the Mission as we all seek to deepen our awareness and appreciation of the Holy Eucharist.

Please come!!

Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Chairman of USCCB, on Evangelization and Catechesis, notes that to ensure a real encounter with Jesus 4 things will occur. Today we share #3:

A realization that I am infinitely loved by God despite my sinfulness.

Romans 8:37-39 (Nothing can separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus.)

Few encounters of God's infinite love and forgiveness are as intimate as hours spent in Adoration. Come closer to our Dear Lord by adoring for an hour in our Chapel. Contact Ann Bowman at 501-922-6619 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with inquiries.

For wonderful opportunities to support our SHJ Eucharitic Revival go to the website The revival begins with each individual and his/her personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

First and foremost, pray for God to revive our spark and desire to know Jesus. With quesitons, contact Deb Troxel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 515-314-6955. Peace to you.
The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to renew the church by enkinkling a living relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. FORMED has many offerings for adults and children to assist you in participating in this revival.  Click on "Programs" at the top of the site and then the heading "Eucharistic Revival". 

One topic, "The Biblical Roots of the Eucharist" addreses Jewish Passover since it is very significant in understanding the sacrifice of Jesus Christ".  Go to to register for your free subscription.