Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Having trouble getting to sleep at night? Formed has a sleep story compilation from the Amen App they could help. This video features meditation from Exodus, Psalm 23 and the book of Tobit. Listen to stories of God's companionship and healing power. Fall asleep with the comfort of God's Word. "Begin the year with Hope and Rest" and sleep in peace. Sign up for your free subscription as a Sacred Heart parishioner at .
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the K of C and hosted by Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Rd., is 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday, March 5, 2024. There is an urgent need for blood at this time. Previous donors with emails have been sent an email reminder. New donors may contact Connie at 501 922-4891. Thank you in advance for sharing your "gift of life."
There will be two Masses, one at 9:00 a.m. and one at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14 with the distribution of ashes. Please make one a priority to begin your Lenten journey.
"Charity begins at home" is an old proverb and for Catholics across our state; charity really begins at CASA. The Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal is our annual campaign to fund a multitude of projects around our diocese including Catholic schools, a charitable medical clinic, Youth Ministries, disaster relief and adoption services. Please donate generously and make a difference in our own back yard by being a CASA supporter. Use the envelopes that were sent to your home or those provided in the pews.
It's once again time for the 16th Annual Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament benefitting St John's School student financial assistance. There are currently 34 students experiencing a superb education due to this charity. Since the inception of this event, over 300 children have received financial aid from this charity. The tournament is scheduled to take place on June 15, 2024 at Granada Golf Course. Due to the extreme rise in green fees, this year's cost is $100 per player. Teams may be all male, all female or a combination. Entry deadline is June 15. Please do not wait to enter. Last year 6 teams were unable to participate because the tournament filled prior to the deadline.

Obtain entry forms at or The tournament cannot be successful without  individual and business sponsor support. Hole sponsorship starts at $100. For any entry, sponsor or tournament information contact Scott Krantz at 512-626-7711 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We have four collection counting teams that count Sunday's collections on the following Monday. Each team has a leader responsible for the accuracy of the count and depositing the funds at the bank. We begin at 8:00 a.m. and use a room set up for counting located off the Upper Hall. Based on the number of collections that Sunday, the process takes from 35 to 90 minutes. Each team counts for one month out of every four. These teams are in need of additional counters:

Feb-June-Oct (1) person
March-July-Nov (1) person
April-Aug-Dec (2) people 

If you are interested, contact Mike Kerwin at 501-922-1531. Training will be provided.
Please pray for our youth preparing for Confirmation: Bethany Benson, Adrian & Natalia Pineda. They will attend an all day retreat in Little Rock on February 11. We ask that the Lord continue to strengthen their faith and lead their confirmation journey. May God also bless their parents, guardian and leaders for their guidance along the way.
If you haven't yet come to one of the Jesus and the Eucharist small groups, there is room for you! Contact Deb Troxel at 515-314-6955 for more info.

Consider attending theEucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July? Join with thousands of Catholic in thanking God for his gift to us in the Eucharist. Discounts from the website, for Knights at EWTN, etc abound. Daily/weekend passes are available. Visit for details.

Holy Hour will now be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Our next Holy Hour will be March 6.


Recent weather closures have made it clear that it is important for each adorer to "opt in" for robocall and that you monitor your email for messages. Please call the church if you are not receiving robocalls. Also, know your division leader's phone number in order to identify their call when they need to be in touch.
Our annual retreat is Monday, March 11--Thursday, March 14 at St John's Center in Little Rock. Bishop Taylor is the leader, don't missout! This cost is $200 for a private room and all meals. Sign up with Ed Doyle at 501-922-5771 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Checks payable to Knights of Columbus and mail to Mark Leslie, 13 Accesso Circle, HSV 71909. All men of the parish are invited to this memorable event!
"There are many offerings on FORMED: audio talks, movies, book studies and discussions that get to the core of our spiritual life. If you browse through the site under "Lent" one of many offerings is "A Quick Thought on Lent". If you get  the message of this analogy, you will be reminded that spiritual renewal is possible during Lent but participation is necessary.

Not yet signed up for FORMED? Go to and register for your free subcription.
We will be collecting your old palms. You may bring in any that you have and place them in the container in the Narthex in order to be properly disposed.
The February 7 Lenten meal will be provided by the NER Core team group. They will be serving pizza and tossed green salad after 4:00pm Mass and before the evening group
We are in need of one or two parishioners to assist with live streaming Sunday Mass and funerals on a rotating basis. With additional volunteers, the responsibility may be only one weekend a month. Funerals vary due to family requests. Training and a detailed step-by-step "User Guide" will be provided. Your consideration is appreciated!
Our directory information was sent to Universal for compilation. Once the rough draft is returned and proofed we will resubmit for completion. This entire process may take 8-12 weeks. Thank you for your patience.
To honor our wives and significant others, our 4th Degree Knights are sponsoring a Valentine's dinner and dance Saturday, February 17, 2024. The social hour begins at 5:15 pm with dinner at 6:00 pm and the dance starting at 7:00 pm. Music for this event is provided by Marcus Suggs. The menu will be a dinner salad, prime rib, twice baked potato, freshly baked yeast roll and assorted cheesecake for dessert. The cost is $30 per person with table selection available upon ticket purchase. Ticket sales will be prior to and after all Masses the weekends of February 3/4 and 10/11.
Each year the diocesan initiative called One Church invests in a small mission church that needs a leg up to become a thriving community. The 2023/24 beneficiary is Blessed Stanley Rother Church in Decatur, AR. All funds donated will be used for much  needed renovations to the church building.

The Knights of Columbus will host a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Sacred Heart of Jesus on April 4. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. All proceeds and your generous donations from theis event will directly benefit One Church.