Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
The annual LOSH Guild 2 Palm Sunday bake sale will take place after all Masses this weekend. Come and enjoy all the goodies while supporting local charities.
- Besides participating in the Triduum both in church and at home, we will be offering gatherings to share food, and in the case of Holy Thursday (before the liturgy) and the Easter Vigil (after the liturgy) some fellowship with one another.

- Be ready next weekend to sign up for the Parish Meal on Holy Thursday (at 5:00 pm) in the Lower Hall. Chef Johnna will be preparing and the Men's Club members will be serving a delicious chicken entrée with sides to go with it and Fr. Bill's homemade ice cream.

-On Good Friday all are invited to share a meatless soup and video after the noon Stations of the Cross and before the main liturgy at 3:00 pm. After the Easter vigil we invite every-one to a cake and punch (or coffee) celebration in the Lower Hall to welcome our newly baptized and confirmed (Kyle Carter and Cynthia Norlin)!
The Knights of Columbus will be serving a Catfish Dinner on Friday, March 22 at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall. Come and enjoy a catfish dinner prepared by Melinda's for only $15 with net proceeds benefitting local charities. You can purchase tickets this weekend or next or commit by sending your money to or stop by the church office (295 Balearic Rd.) or contact Mike Gonda 501 226-3102 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to reserve your delicious meal of US farm raised fried catfish, shrimp, baked potato with toppings, coleslaw, roll, cocktail and tartar sauce and a cookie. Deadline is Monday, March 18 .
The faith is alive in the Diocese of Little Rock. Through the One Church program we have the opportunity to give a one time boost to mission and rural churches in Arkansas. The Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce our One Church Dinner on April 4. This year's beneficiary is Blessed Stanley Rother Mission in Decatur. This is the first church in the world named for the first US born priest and martyr to be beatified. Special guests for the evening are Bishop Taylor and Fr. Samy, the church's Pastor. Please pray for the Blessed Stanley Rother parish and consider donating generously at the dinner. Enjoy a traditional spaghetti dinner on April 4 in the Lower Hall. Social time begins at 4:30 pm. Tickets are $15. Call the Knight's ticket line 501 404-5195 for instructions on purchasing. Remaining tickets will be sold at Masses March 23/24 and 30/31.
The opportunity to be cleansed and renewed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation with visiting priests will happen Thursday, March 21 from 6 - 7:30 pm at various locations in the church. Please mark your calendars to prepare your hearts for the Triduum.
The March meeting for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, March 19 (a week late due to the Men's Retreat) at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall. All men or male spouses are welcome to attend. Dues remain $15 and new name badges are available for $10. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will take place at 5:00 pm followed by social time. The Refreshment Center will open upon the Chaplet's completion. The 6:00 pm dinner, by Home Plate is Salisbury steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, fresh baked yeast rolls and apple cobbler. The meal cost is $15. The program guest speaker Amy McNeely, Branch Manager of Regions Bank, will address protection against identity theft and scammers and what to do if scammed. Please call 501 922-1767 or email your meal reservation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5:00 pm Sunday, March 17. If you cancel after the meal reservation deadline you are still responsible for the cost.
The March 6 Lenten meal will be provided by the Men's Club. They will be serving sloppy joes and chips after 4:00pm Mass and before the evening group session. Sign up in the Narthex or call the church office by Monday to share in the meal. Donations for the meal are encouraged.
Come see what others love about the Jesus and the Eucharist study! There are three sessions: Monday 1-3 pm, Wednesday 1:30-3:30 pm (before 4 pm Mass) or Wednesday evening at approximately 5-7 pm (after the Lenten meal). Bring a friend! Do sign up for the meal if you plan on eating.

Holy Hour of Adoration in the church continues on Wednesdays during Lent at 3:00 pm prior to Mass. "Adoring the Body and Blood of Christ, let us ask him with our heart: Lord, give me the daily bread to go forward, Lord satisfy me with your presence!" Pope Francis

Watch the bulletin for ways you can participate in a Eucharistic pilgrimage locally or nationally thei Spring/Summer.


We currently have the following unfulfilled hours:
Sunday 1-3 am Contact Lori Vincent 337 654-2871
Sunday 5-6 pm Contact Jerry or Allison Kordsmeier 501 463-8325 or 501 282-2030
The March 13 Lenten meal will be provided by PEA Adorers. They will be serving pizza and salad after 4:00pm Mass and before the evening group session. Sign up in the Narthex or call the church office by Monday to share in this meal. Donations for the meal are encouraged.
Head's up! On Easter Monday, Formed is starting a twenty-one part video series online for couples of all ages. It is designed to make your marriage stronger and your relationship richer. Sign up on Formed for the "Waitlist" and you will be updated on this program. This view at your own pace series will discuss seven different topics. Haven't signed up for your free parish subscription? Go to to register.
Coming Soon! Women's Bible Study April 15 - June 3. Ordering Your Priorities: A Life Well Lived is a Walking with Purpose 8-week bible study that will help you discover and priori-tize what matters most in life by first paying attention to the One who made us. Sign up after Mass March 16/17 and March 23/24. The Study Book cost is $20. Please consider joining us for this spiritual journey. Contact Gretchen Dilday This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Kim Claassen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
You are invited to join fellow Singles. Reach out via email
at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or join us at our
Sunday Social March 10 at 1:00 pm.

 March 24: Sunday Matinee 2PM HSV Players present
"Madam Has Been Murdered, Tea will be
Late" at the Coronado Center. Purchase your
tickets and sign up to join at Dolce Vita for lunch
after Mass.

 April 11: Rick Thomas, Illusionist, at the Woodlands.
Purchase tickets and sign up for a preshow
dinner at Sunset Grill. Dinner reservation deadline is
April 1.

 April 26: Lake Ouachita Boat Tour. Meet at Sacred
Heart & carpool. $14.28 cash or check payable at
boarding. Bring a sack lunch; water provided.

SAVE THE DATE: Weds, Oct. 30 Murray's Dinner
Theater matinee. More details in our Binder.
Our Sociable Six will return for the months of April, May and June 2024. Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among themselves to share a simple brunch, lunch or dinner at alternate homes each month. Participants will enjoy getting to know their fellow parishioners in an informal setting. 

To sign up, call Nancy or Howard Emery at 815-861-0820 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. Final sign up for this season is March 27. You will receive a letter/email with the threee couples in your group the first week of April.
The next Arkansas Blood Institute Blood Drive supported by the K of C and hosted by Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Rd., is 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday, March 5, 2024. There is an urgent need for blood at this time. Previous donors with emails have been sent an email reminder. New donors may contact Connie at 501 922-4891. Thank you in advance for sharing your "gift of life."