Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Arrangements are in the process of being made for a CPR class. Please call or text Mary Ann Dale at 240 298-1216 if you would like to participate. Class date and time TBA.
The 2024 church directory is out to print. Once received, those who had pictures taken will receive a free copy. After all free copies have been distributed, those who chose not to have a picture taken but would like to have a directory may purchase one for $5.00. The directory information was taken from your church registration form. If you need to update, modify or delete any 2024 information, please contact the church office. There will be an APP available to download to your phone. Corrected information received will be available on the APP.
Bring your Rice Bowls with the money you have collected during Lent and place them in the "big" rice bowl in the Narthex before Mass or anytime during the first two weeks of the Easter season. Catholic Relief Services and our diocesan Catholic Charities efforts to help the poor are the beneficiaries.
Due to Holy Week restrictions, the Solemnity of the Annunciation (normally occurs on March 25) will be celebrated this Monday, April 8 at 9:00 am followed immediately by the annual "Rosary procession" to the monument of the unborn child (in our office parking lot). The Knights of Columbus honor guard will lead this prayerful procession. Please join us for this experience.

Also, the Wednesday Mass will, from now on, be celebrated at 5:00 pm preceded by a Eucharistic Holy Hour and the opportunity for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation starting at 4:00 pm.
The April meeting for the Sacred Heart Men's Club will be on Tuesday, April 9 at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall. All men or male spouses of a parish member are welcome to attend. Dues remain $15 and new name badges are available for $10. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will take place at 5:00 pm in the Lower Hall followed by social t ime. The Refreshment Center will open upon the Chaplet's completion. The 6:00 pm dinner, provided by Melinda's is baked tilapia, buttered red potatoes, creamed spinach, a roll and brownie. The cost is $15. The program will be guest speaker Keith Keck, retired Air Force Colonel and past POA Board member. Please call 501 922-1767 or email your meal reservation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5:00 pm Sunday, April 7. If you cancel after the meal reservation deadline you are still responsible for the cost.
Did you enjoy the Jesus in the Eucharist study? Watch your email and help the NER Core team by providing feedback in a brief survey.

Holy Hour of Adoration in the church continues on Wednesdays, now at 4:00 pm prior to 5:00 pm Mass. Come be blessed by an Easter gift of quiet prayer with the Risen Eucharistic Lord and other parishioners.
Want to know more about the Mass? Mystagogy Live! Is a seven week live-stream on Thursday evenings (or watch later) leading up to Pentecost. Search for the Eucharistic Congress You Tube channel to locate this series with Sr. Alicia Torres.


Jesus is waiting for you to receive the gift of himself in the following hours:

Sunday 1-3 am contact Lori Vincent 337 654-2871
Friday 9-10 pm contact Mike Ritch 832 231-7469
Saturday 6-7 am contact Debbie Garett 512 460-9903
Please participate in the Novena at home or at church. It began Good Friday at 3:00 pm and concludes today the second Sunday of Easter (April 7). The intention for each day and chaplet was prayed after each daily Mass and will be before the Masses on Divine Mercy weekend. There will be a Holy Hour here at Sacred Heart Sunday, April 7 at 3:00 pm.
The Caregiver Support Group meets once a month on the second Wednesday of each month in Classroom D from 10:30am - 12:30pm. A light lunch is provided. You are welcome to attend even if you do not have the care receiver living in your home. We also have trained men and women from our parish who will come to your home in order for you to attend the meeting. Call Evelyn 501 204-4134 or Maureen 228- 342-0491 for more information.
As the year of the Parish continues, we turn our thoughts and activity towards "pilgrimage." Whether you join with other Catholics across the country on pilgrimage to the Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July, join parishioners on a local pilgrimage to St Edwards in Little Rock or plan you own (see for ideas). Plan now for your unique experience. Watch the bulletin for more information on the national or local pilgrimage the Spring & Summer.


Jesus is waiting for you to receive the gift of himself in the floowing hours:

Sunday 1-3 a.m.--contact Lori Vincent at 337-654-2871
Saturday 6-7 a.m.--contact Debbie Garrett at 512-460-9903
Friday 9-10 p.m.--contact Mike Ritch at 832-231-7469
We have several new parishioners to be introduced: Welcome to Sacred Heart Church!

Michael & Diane Arms                Amy Dudenhoefer
Jo Ann Frazier                         Donald & Gail Hemler
Carolyn Keife                             Wes McFadden
Traci Steiner                              Greg & Donna Waller

We also welcome through a profession of faith at the Easter Vigil:

Cynthia Norlin

We are happy you have joined our parish and we look forward to becoming better acquainted!
  • Jim & Nancy Wilkinson celebrating 65 years on April 3
  • Frank & Cindy Morgan celebrating 51 years on April 4
  • Thomas & Gretchen Dilday celebrating 33 years on April 6

Call the church if you didn't recently sign up and provide you anniversary date.
Fridays and Saturdays, April 12/13, 19/20 at 3045 Spring Street, Hot Springs. Seasonal and decorator items, furniture, kitchenware, bedding, jewelry, books, toys, tools, crafts, fabrics, dedicated Christmas room, lamps, mirrors, picture frames and more.
The April 2nd meeting will be in the Lower Hall with the praying of the Rosary starting at 5:00 pm. After dinner, there will be a video presentation from Supreme concerning "Retirement Savings and Distribution Planning". Please try to attend the viewing of this important financial video. Take notes if you like. Online sign-up will be available until March 29 at 4:00 pm. Please contact Mike Gonda 501 226-3102 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions.
The annual nine day Divine Mercy Novena continues for the rest of the week and before the First Saturday Mass. Please join us for our Divine Mercy Holy Hour from 3:00 - 4:00 pm. On Divine Mercy Sunday (April 7). The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered during the holy hour. .
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish is blessed to have parishioner, Linda Broome, an experienced fitness trainer, in our Lower Hall every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 - 11:00 am and 11:30 am - 12:30 pm offering an exercise opportunity especially geared for anyone (parishioner or non-parishioner). The sessions involve stretching to improve flexibility, balance to decrease the chance of falling, light weights to improve strength and muscle tone, and a light cardiovascular component to help lower resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Everything mentioned above can be done in a seated or standing position, depending on the person's comfort level. Come join this group for good exercise, fun and fellowship (before and after the session)!!
Harvey's Chapel Baptist Church in Mountain Pine is accepting donations of clothing, linens, small kitchen appliances, kitchen utensils and books. Please place your donations in the closet to the left of the church front doors. Deliveries to the church are made by Tom & Linda Luyet every Monday. If you are unable to deliver to church or have a larger donation (please coordinate first; our church has limited space) or with questions please call Linda 501 472-5113.