Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Our Sociable Six will return for the months of July, August and September 2024. Three couples will be grouped together and then arrange among them-selves to share a simple brunch, lunch or dinner at alternate homes each month. Participants will enjoy getting to know their fellow parishioners in an informal setting. It is a great way for newcomers to get acquainted with members of our parish family. To sign up call Nancy or Howard Emery 815 861-0820 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please provide your name, address, phone number and email address. Final sign up for this session is June 27. You will receive a letter/email with the three couples in your group the first week of July.
The June 4 meeting will be in the Lower Hall with the praying of the Rosary starting at 5:00 pm. Our guest speakers Pietro & Jackie Tomassi will share some of their Prison Ministry experiences. In addition, there will be several presentations awarded to special guests. Our caterer, Home Plate, will serve pork chops, scalloped potatoes, broccoli and dessert. Cost is $15. Deadline for online signup is Friday, May 31 at 4:00 pm. If you do not register online contact Gary Wolfer 501 204-1192 no later than noon on Monday, June 3.
The following hours are available for you to meet with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to hear the special Word he has just for you:

Sunday: 1 - 4 am (individual hour or 90 minutes; individuals or groups needed to share times)

Sunday: 3 pm

Friday: 11 am

Saturday: 1 am

Thank you to our wonderful subs who have been helping with Spring absences. If you would like to regularly adore or fill in as a sub contact Kathy Clark 203 816-7737
The Feast of Corpus Christi was originated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Today in the United States in order to make it easier for Catholics to attend Mass it is celebrated this Sunday. Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers for thirty minutes on FORMED for a conversation on the Feast of Corpus Christi and enrich your understanding of the feast. Sign up for your free parish subscription on
We are in need of new singers and-/or musicians to join us. Keyboard players or guitarists are most welcome. As a singer, it is not essential that you are able to read music. We have and will provide YouTube versions of all our songs. Your commitment time is minimal and the rewards are many. Please contact Diane Patterson 501 922-6965 or Bill Lamoureux 914 643-6094. See you Saturday!
 Bob & Mary Ann Farner, 57 years on June 3

 Steve & Ann Picou, 58 years on June 4

 Wayne & Charmaine Gahr, 58 years on June 4

 Peter & Janet Freidel, 26 years on June 6

 Mark & Janet Lindsey, 37 years on June 9

* Call the church office to provide your anniversary date
The Caregiver Support Group meets once a month on the second Wednesday of each month in Classroom D from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (NEW TIME). A light lunch is provided. You are welcome to attend even if you do not have the care receiver living in your home. We also have trained men and women from our parish who will come to your home in order for you to attend the meeting. Call Evelyn 501 204-4134 or Maureen 228 342-0491 for information.
The Knights of Columbus would like to invite parishioners to a free will offering breakfast after both Masses Sunday, June 9. Come and enjoy scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, biscuits with gravy, sausage, coffee and juice. All proceeds are used to help fund Knight charitable activities throughout the year. Your support is greatly appreciated.
To the Sacred Heart parishioners, LOSH members, the Knight's wives and the Knights, on behalf of the Knights of Columbus we would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to all donors who participate in our Blood Drive. Its success depends on all of you! Because of your donations approximately 9000 lives have been impacted over the past 11 years. New donors welcome!!
Thank you for your generosity toward last week's collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). Your support helps the CCC connects millions with Christ. If you missed the collection you may choose to visit to donate.
Arkansas Catholic is hosting an 11 day pilgrimage to Rome for the Holy Year September 17-27, 2025 with Fr. Mauricio Carrasco. Pilgrims worldwide will be in Rome for the Jubilee Year to walk through the Holy Doors and receive a plenary indulgence. Experience Rome, Florence, Milan Turin and Siena with expert Catholic guides. The land portion costs $4,448.00 per person which includes 9 nights' accommodations, breakfast and dinner daily, deluxe motor transport, your tour escort and entrance fees to scheduled sites. A $600 deposit is due at registration with a $100 discount offered to those who register by August 15, 2024. An informational meeting will be held Sunday, June 9 at 3:00 pm at St. John Center in Little Rock. RSVP For more information contact Kathy Primm 501 771-0987 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Knights of Columbus Council 10208 proudly accepted several prestigious awards during the recent Arkansas State Convention. The most significant honor was being named Large Council of the year for the state of Arkansas. Additionally, we received the Helping People with Special Needs (HPSN) Award, Life Category Award, Faith Category Award and the Third Quarter Faith in Action Award. We are also thrilled to announce that Murray Claassen was named District Deputy of the Year and will also be serving as the new State Delegate. Furthermore, our Grand Knight Gary Wolfer, received two Awards of Appreciation recognizing his dedicated service and leadership.

None of these accolades would have been achieved without the selfless contributions and efforts of our dedicated members!
The following hours are available for you to meet with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to hear the special Word he has just for you:

Sunday: 1 - 4 am (individual hour or 90 minutes; individuals or groups needed to share times)
Sunday: 3 pm
Friday: 11 am
Saturday: 1 am

Thank you to our wonderful subs who have been helping with Spring absences. If you would like to regularly adore or fill in as a sub contact Kathy Clark 203 816-7737.
There are a number of offerings on to enrich your understanding of Trinity Sunday. Use the search function at the top of the page to find them for both adults and youth. Don't miss Dr. Tim Gray's short discussion on the readings of Holy Trinity Sunday. In his discussion, he highlights the key actions of God: first his love and second his giving. He reminds us that love is an action, not a feeling, and that love is expressed in giving. Finish with listening to "Holy, Holy, Holy" the Christian hymn that was written to use on Trinity Sunday. All of these can be found with your free parish subscription at
If you are a new parishioner as of January 2024 and would like your relevant information (no photos) included on our APP please contact the church office at 501 922-2062 x10 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.