Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Yoga ChairAs most of you know by now, SHJ offers Yoga stretch
FIT ' BALANCED classes every Tuesday and Thursday in the Lower Hall.  Scheduled times are 10:00-11:00, 11:30-12:30, and 1:00-2:00.  Every Wednesday beginning December 2 we will be offering two additional classes.  Yoga/Stretch, from 1:00-2:00, and the widely popular CHAIR YOGA FROM 2:30-3:30.  So now you ask yourself, can I do YOGA?  The answer is YES YOU CAN!!

What is the difference between the two classes?  Well, it is pretty straightforward, CHAIR YOGA is a great way for older adults to get the wonderful health benefits using a Chair.  Staying seated means that even frail seniors or those who are not as flexible can safely do the exercises.  Yoga is an excellent way for older adults to loosen and stretch painful muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation and concentration.  The YOGA/STRETCH class is basically the same with the exception that ALL poses are performed on a Yoga Mat.  This is an advanced class.

If you have never taken a Yoga Class do not be afraid.  It is a wonderful way to improve your posture, your flexibility, your mind, your body and spirit.  Plus, it will put a smile on your face.  Come to class and see what Yoga is all about.  You will not regret it.  Maximum number of slots available is 28 for each session.  COVID protocols will be followed.  If you are interested, and want to sign up, please email Linda Broome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 870-995-2797.
Pastoral CouncilThere were two open positions on the pastoral council, one for Social Justice and Charitable Outreach, and one for Parish Life.  No elections were held as there were not any contested positions.  We are happy to introduce two wonderful new members to the council:  karen Feckler on Social Justice and Bonnie Blue for Parish Life.

Karen Feckler:
My name is Karen Feckler and I have been a member of Sacred Heart since moving to the Village a little over 6 years ago.  I am a Eucharistic Minister, Lector and Cantor.  In the past, I served on the Liturgy Commission for two years.  I was president of LOSH in 2018 and have chaired several of the style show fund raisers for LOSH as well as helping with other endeavors.  I have many blessings in my life and believe it is important to give back, in whatever capacity you can.

Bonnie Blue:
Tom and I moved to the Village in 2007 from Highland Village, Texas.  I have been a member of St. Anthony Guild for 11 years.  I have enjoyed being a co-captain and co-social chairman and have really enjoyed my time volunteering and working with my wonderful guild members.  I became a Catholic in 2010 on Easter Sunday at Sacred Heart and feel blessed to have found such a wonderful church.
Rosary2Advent rosaries will once again be available FREE of charge in the Narthex and in the hallway going into the A&E building.  These beautiful rosaries were handcrafted by the Sacred Heart Rosary Makers.  The idea of these rosaries is you pick someone special to pray for each day during Advent.  Then at Christmas, you make that person a gift of the rosary.  What could be better than the THE GIFT OF PRAYER!  Supplies are limited, so pick yours up early.
shoesThe Village Outreach Christmas Basket program provides a certificate for a pair of shoes to every child in families receiving a Christmas basket.  That's over 450 children in the Jessieville, Fountain Lake and Mountain Pine schools.  The cost of this program is approximately $17,000.

If you would like to contribute to this program please put your donation in the "shoe box" on the cabinet in the hallway to the A & E building.  If you choose to donate by check please make the check to Sacred Heart with Shoe Fund on the memo line.

Thank you for your continued help!
RCIAIf you or someone you know is interested in possibily becoming a Catholic and fully a member of Sacred Heart Church, Fr. Bill invites you (or them) to call him at 501-209-2502 to find out more information and perhaps to meet with him.  There is a possibility of group preparation for reception of the sacraments of initiation, or it can be done individually with consideration being given to each person's background in faith, current situation and needs.  PLEASE don't hesitate to inquire!
SILK JEFF CATHY BOSUN CALYPSODaily, weekly and throughout the year, one thanks God for the bountiful blessings he sends our way.  We, Jeff and Cathy Silk, thank God for the many opportunities that have been shared with each of you.  We have both been blessed by having the privilege of being Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church parishioners.  This parish is very special and has touched both of our hearts in a very humbling way much like an extended family.  We depart Hot Springs Village early December to travel east bound but promise to return to this special parish very soon for many wonderful visits.
Cancelled StampWe received a very special letter from Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN:  "Thank you!  We deeply appreciate your donation of stamps which will benefit our Ministry With the Poor Fund.  I wish you could see for yourself what your gift means to us, and the difference it makes to those who are in need.  Thank you for being part of our Holy Cross family.  We love having you on our team!  You are in our hearts and our prayers."
food basketFood insecurity does not mean that a family has to make some difficult decisions.  "Can I pick up that prescription at the pharmacy today, and still put food on the table for dinner?"  "Can I fill up the gas tank so I can get to work all next week, or do I spend money on groceries so we can all eat through the week-end?"  The answer to these questions are made easier by the Sacred Heart of Jesus Food Basket Program.  By providing a family basic non-perishable food stuff, the family can meet some of their other obligations with money from their own pockets.  Parishioners' generosity in the Thanksgiving/Christmas Food Baskets special collection continues to be collected and will help to make it possible to help families in the Jessieville, Fountain Lake and Mountain Pine school districts.  Please return the special marked envelope in the monthly offering envelope pack or mark the reference line on the check as "Food Basket Program."
JS Paluch logoPlease take a moment and review the various advertisers on the bak of our weekly bulletin.  The generosity of these sponsors allow for the quality printing that J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. provides to us.  Please frequent these vendors when requiring any of their needs or services.  Thank you for your service.  For information on being an advertiser, please contact J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. at 1-800-833-5941.
PickleballRegister now for Pickleball instructions.  Still accepting registrations for beginner instructions for America's fastest growing sport Pickleball!  Learn a new exciting game for's all about fun and good healthy exercise.  Lessons held at the beautiful outdoor courts on DeSoto Blvd.  Sacred Heart parishioner, Rick Varley, is your instructior.  Send your replies to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you're interested in signing up.
formed logo semiboldAdvent is upon us.  Have you started a plan to prepare your heart for one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given?  FORMED has many videos, audios, books and studies to choose from to assist you in preparing for Advent.  There is even a 4 week study called ADVENT which you many find by using their "Search" function.  Why not plan on using it to stay focused on the season?  You could even use your telephone or your computer to study with fellow parishioners.  It's easy to get started:

*  Go to up
*  Enter our parish zip code or name to select our Parish
*  Enter your name and email

The COVID pandemic has changed how we do things, but by thinking outside of the box and using FORMED resources, we may continue to grow in our faith.  FORMED is transforming lives.  Please consider checking it out!
Religious RetirementThanks for giving!  "We are conscious of the great generosity of the many benefactors who support the Retirement Fund for Religious each year," says a Catholic sister.  "Support from the fund has been a tremendous blessing to our retired sisters."  Thank you for donating to last week's second collection.
2020 Sinclair Jr. ThomasThomas Sinclair, Jr., son of Thomas Sr. and Peggy Sinclair, will play preludes before Mass this weekend, January 3, before the 10:00 a.m. Mass.  He is enrolled with the Jessieville School District.  Thomas will be playing "Waltz of athe Flowers" and "Great Is Thy Faithfulness." Thank you Thomas for sharing your gift of music!
Mary Mother of GodA group of parishioners would like to invite any parishioner to join them.  'The Mother Mary Prayer Group' which meets every Sunday in the Classrooms A & B for one hour, 3:00 p.m.  They pray the rosary, for individual intentions, the Divine Mercy and other prayers.  If you have any questions, please call Deacon Larry at 922-3283 or Jim Goodson at 204-2494.  Please remember to social distance, masks required.
face maskThe front office has quality handmade face masks available "in stock."  We have youth, women and men sizes.  Special orders may also be taken for specific colors, designs and sizes.  Please stop by Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or call 501-922-2062, extension 10.  A minimum donation of $5/mask is being collected for Ladies of the Sacred Heart (LOSH).
Treasure SaleDue to COVID-19, the Treasure Sale has been postponed until spring of 2021, so please don't throw out or give away any of your "treasures!"