Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Mens Club LogoThe December 8 meeting of the Sacred Heart Men's Club has been cancelled, as the Desoto Club will be closed on that date due to a Covid-19 case.  If you have sent your check to Bob Bowman for the meeting, he will destroy the checks.  Hopefully, the Men's Club meetings can resume at Church in January on the regular second Tuesday schedule.

The officers voted to donate a total of $5000.00, equally split among St. John's School, Our Lady of Fatima School, Samaritan Ministries of Hot Springs, and Jackson House.  The officers wish you a Blessed and Holy Christmas and hopefully, a Covid free New Year.
AngelWe want to thank everyone who took one of the Angels from the Giving Tree in the narthex for their generosity.  Over 40 families are being helped to have a better Christmas.  This is the last week-end to return the gifts to the Angel Tree.  If a parishioner took an Angel, please return the purchased gift to the tree, wrapped with the Angel attached.  Please be sure that the Angel is gift description side DOWN, so that the child will not know what is in the package.

If a parishioner took an Angel and, for whatever reason, cannot return the gift by December 6, please call Claudia Keearns (922-3832) so that another gift can be purchased.  The giftss will be inventoried Monday, December 7, and any missing gifts will be purchased from Food Basket funds.  We want to insure that each child receives four gifts and Angels not returned means that a child will be short a gift.

Boxes of Christmas gifts will be delivered between December 10 and December 19.  Schools will be out of session for the holiday season, so volunteers must contact their recipient families before December 19.  If there is a problem with delivery, the respective school's counselor is the person to contact.  The Food Baket Committee will help in any way possible.
cookiesLadies of Sacred Heart (LOSH) will hold their annual Cookie Sale on Saturday, December 12, before and after the 4:00 p.m. Mass and on Sunday, December 13, before and after ALL Masses.  Cookies and other goodies will be offered.  Please come by and check them out!!
LibraryThe library is in the process of being reorganized.  Please refrain from donating any books at this time.  Please check your video library to see if you may have forgotten to return a video that was borrowed from the church.  We have many DVDs not accounted for and would like to bring them home for others to enjoy.  Thank you.

                 ~ Sharon Board ~
2020 St. Bartholomew LRThe diocesan initiative One Church invests each year in a small mission church in our diocese that needs a leg up to become a thriving community.  The 2020-2021 partner is St. Bartholomew Church in Little Rock.  All funds donated to One Church for the next 12 months will help the parish build a new Parish Life Center, which they currently don't have.  Please pray for this project and give today.l  To give or for more information:
Mens Club LogoLOSH LOGOThe members of the Sacred Heart Men's Club and the Ladies of the Sacred Heart thank the Church members and friends who helped make the "We Bake It-You Take It" Chicken Bake a great success.  Over 220 meals were served.  Special thanks go to Ken Silvers, Jan DeBoer, and Bob Kulas who prepared the meal, spending most of the day in the kitchen.  Also, thanks to the volunteers from the Men's Club and LOSH who helped in making the event a success and to Fr. Bill for his support in advertising the Chicken Bake.

Fit n BalancedAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as 'the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.'  Based on this definition, fitness involves everything from getting out of bed to hiking to performing CPR.

In order to complete all of these tasks, one must consistently address their fitness levels.  This required proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.  Research has shown that it is especially important to get all four types of exercise:  Endurance, Strength, Balance, and Flexibility. 

I am sure that most if not all of you are aware that SHJ offers Fit ' Balance Classes every Tuesday and Thursday.  We now have available slots open from 10:00-11:00 a.m. and 1:00-2:00 p.m.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions the maximum amount of people that can attend is 28 per class.  We are taking every precaution to ensure that when attending the classes, everyone is in a safe enviorment.

If you are interested in attending, please either email or call me.  Come and see what it is all about.  Everything we do in the classes can be modified to suit your personal needs.

Looking forward to seeing you very soon.
Linda Broome

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LOSH LOGOLadies of Sacred Heart (LOSH) will hold their general meeting and Christmas Brunch, served by Home Plate, on December 14, 2020 after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.

Tickets (limited to 75 total for social distancing) have been presold.  We hope to see all who can't attend the Christmas brunch in January, where our "Something Extra" will be "Feed the Filly," a collection of notions and toiletries for the traveling women at Oaklawn.  We will continue to keep you posted with all LOSH related activities in the coming year.  In the meantime, we wish ALL members of LOSH a Blessed Christmas season!!
Pastoral CouncilParish Council elections will be held in November.  We have representatives who have agreed to serve another term, if elected, and they are on the Liturgy and Education commissions.  There is a need for new representatives on the Social Justice and Charitable Outreach commission and on the Parish Life commission.

     The Social Justice commission is comprised of Helping Hands, the Rosary Makers,
          Shawl Makers, Family Assistance and Respect Life.  The commission also directs
          the charitable giving of Sacred Heart in the community.

     Parish Life is comprised of Knights of Columbus, Ladies of the Sacred Heart, Men's Club,
          Singles, Sociable Six, Faith & Health, Bowling, Newcomers, Spades 'n Games and
          more.  The commission utilizes these committees, as well as, communication tools such 
          such as the parish website and FaceBook to increase social wellbeing and health in the
          parish and out in to the community.

The terms are for 2 years.  I am delighted to go over what is involved and answer any questions you may have about possible serving.  Please call Rebecca Huber at 501-844-7656.
Mens Club LogoThe December meeting of the Sacred Heart Men's Club is a "Holiday Meeting with Wives and Dates," and will be held on Tuesday, December 8, at the Desoto Club.  Dress for the dinner is evening casual with sports coats for men and evening casual attire for the ladies.  Masks and social distancing will be required.  Plan on 5:00 p.m. +/- arrival with social hour lasting until dinner is served by 6:00 p.m.  There will be a cash bar for alcoholic beverages.

The menu for the evening is roast beef, au jus, and horseradish cream, champagne chicken, green beans, sauteed fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes, brown gravy, roasted reds with rosemary and a large tossed green salad, all served via a serving line with a carving station for the roast beef.  The cost of the dinner is $25 per person, which includes tax and gratuities.  

The program for the evening will be a special surprise hosted by Wally Newburn.  If you would like to attend send your check, made out to Sacred Heart Church with Men's Club in the memo line, to Bob Bowman, 16 Isabella Way, Hot Springs Village, 71909, by December 3.
baby bottleThe Knights of Columbus Council 10208 has completed our 2020 Baby Bottle Campaign.  We thank all parishioners for their generosity and the recipients of the funds will be grateful for your continued support.  If you still have one of the baby bottles, please return it to Church with or without a donation.  Please place the bottle in the basket in the Narthex.  We are missing approximately 30 bottles.
Christmas MassesThe Christmas Masses at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church will be as follows:

December 24 2:30 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass
Parking Lot Mass
December 24 4:30 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass
December 24 6:30 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass
December 25 8:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass
December 25 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass
This year we are providing a wider variety of Christmas Masses (including a parking lot Mass) for Christmas Eve (see above).  The hope is that parishioners will spread out so that there won't be "too many" at any one Mass.  Since the first Church Mass on Christmas eve (4:30 pm) is traditionally our most crowded Mass of the whole year, a decision has been made to ask those who want to come to that Mass to make a reservation either by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or if you don't have email by calling the church office 922-2062, ext. 10, 12 or 17 and give us your name and phone number and how many from your family are coming to that Mass.  If the number happens to get too high to safely (given COVID) fit those who want to come to that Mass, we will handle admittance based on whose reservations came in before we reached capacity and will contact those who sent in their reservations after we filled up so that they can choose one of the other Christmas Masses (Christmas Eve 6:30 pm, Christmas Day 8 and 10 am) to attend and participate.  Please indicate when you make a reservation if you are open to attending the 4:30 pm Mass if necessary in the Lower Hall (where the Mass will be livestreamed and Communion brought down to those who are there) or just the Church.
All Souls DayAll Souls' Day Masses at Sacred Heart Church will be as follows:

  9:00 a.m. In Church
10:00 a.m. In front of Columbarium Garden
(remain in your car or bring a chair)
11:00 a.m. At CedarVale Cemetery
(bring a chair)

Please join us at one of these Masses as we lift up to the Lord our deceased loved ones on this special day.  Also, remember to submit your envelopes with the names of your deceased loved ones at the churh or in the mail before November 2, 2020.  Any money you choose to give will go toward the "One Church" recipient this year 'St. Bartholomews Church' in Little Rock as they seek to get enough support to construct a parish hall.
LOSH LOGOThe Ladies of Sacred Heart (LOSH) will hold their next general meeting on November 9, 2020, socially distanced, in the lower hall, immediately after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.  Our speaker will be our own Mary Ann Dale, who will tell us about the work of our parish's new Health Ministry.  Please let your guild captain know if you plan on attending, as space will be somewhat limited to Covid-19 restrictions.  Masks and social distancing will be required.  Remember to bring your smile and:
  • Something to drink and any food (not to be shared) that you would like to consume at the meeting.  Our something extra for November will be warm clothing and linens for the Oaklawn workers who travel here for racing season.  They are requesting the following gently used items in any size.  Men:  sweatshirts, jeans, jackets, hats, gloves, tennis shoes and boots, as well NEW socks or underwear.  For Women:  gently used or new jackets, sweatshirts, jeans, hats and gloves.  Towels, blankets, pillows, and twin sheets are also needed.  If you are staying home, and prefer to send a cash donation for supplies, contact Susan at 501-226-8546 for instructions or mail a check payable to Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Oaklawn collection on the memo line and send to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Attention: Susan Harrell, 295 Balearic Road, HSV, AR 71909.
  • Cash!  We will accept cash donations for Something Extra so our charity can purchase items they need.  And don't be left out of our raffle ($1 each or 6 tickets for $5) for four baskets of goodies, and a silent auction for some new holiday "bling"--various beautiful jewelry items.
We hope to see you on the 9th!  We welcome any guests interested in seeing what we're about!
BazaarSt. John's 2020 bazaar is Friday, October 30, and with your continued support we can make this bazaar even better!  We will have a raffle, silent auction and lunch.  A parking lot-drive thru lunch, which consists of an Italian sausage sandwich, green salad and chips for $10.00 will be offered from 11 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  Raffle tickets are $5.00 per ticket, $20.00 for 5 tickets or $40.00 for a sheet of 10 tickets.  Electronic bidding is available for the silent auction at and follow the prompts.  Online bidding will end on Friday, October 30, at 8:00 p.m.  Contact Marianne Layne for details at 501-282-5751 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Thank you for your continued support of St. John's School.
2020 Sinclair Jr. ThomasThomas Sinclair, Jr., son of Thomas Sr. and Peggy Sinclair, will play preludes before Mass this weekend, December 6, before the 10:00 a.m. Mass.  He is enrolled with the Jessieville School District.  Thomas will be playing What Child Is This and Beethoven's Op 49, No. 1, 1st Movement.  Thank you Thomas for sharing your gift of music!