Your baby's arms, hands, fingers, feet and toes are fully formed. Your baby can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming. Your baby's reproductive organs also develop, but the baby's gender is difficult to distinguish on ultrasound. By the end of the third month, your baby is fully formed. All the organs and extremities are present and will continue to mature in order to become functional. The circulatory and urinary systems are working and the liver produces bile. At the end of the third month, your baby is about 4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce. Since your baby's most critical development has taken place, your chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.
The members of our parish family have an opportunity again this year to "spiritually" adopt a child who was newly conceived several months ago. As you know, not all newly conceived babies are allowed to be born. It is these babies, who are in danger of having their lives ended before birth, who you are being asked to "adopt."
You will receive monthly reports in the bulletin describing your baby's development, and your child will be born in January 2021. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts, which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers. These centers are overwhelmed each year by the generosity of this parish.
We all want to stop abortion, but we seldom have the opportunity to do something that facilitates women who do make the decision to keep their baby. This program allows us to put actions behind our words.
You will receive monthly reports in the bulletin describing your baby's development, and your child will be born in January 2021. At that time we will have a baby shower and all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners will be invited to bring gifts, which will be donated to local Pregnancy Centers. These centers are overwhelmed each year by the generosity of this parish.
We all want to stop abortion, but we seldom have the opportunity to do something that facilitates women who do make the decision to keep their baby. This program allows us to put actions behind our words.
With COVID-19 restrictions lessened while being outdoors, meetings may decide to be held outdoors. Please inform Lynne Border at 922-2062, extension 13 so that everyone does not sit under the same shade tree at the same time.
Very often, the Sacred Heart Rosary Makers receive letters of thank you and appreciation from around the world. A letter from Nigeria was recently received. It explained that "Nigeria is being attacked by Bokoharam, Muslins who are killing, raping and 'Islaming' the country." It is only through faith and saying the rosary that they escape from the violence. This is very similar to a letter we recieved about a year ago from Columbia.
Even in this time of social distancing, the Sacred Heart Rosary makers are still making and shipping out rosaries. We have been shipping approximately 900+ rosaries a month since the COVID pandemic has started. The rosaries are all made at home and left in a church drop box to be shipped.
Thank you everyone who supports and contributes to this mission.
Marge Newburn, Coordinator
Even in this time of social distancing, the Sacred Heart Rosary makers are still making and shipping out rosaries. We have been shipping approximately 900+ rosaries a month since the COVID pandemic has started. The rosaries are all made at home and left in a church drop box to be shipped.
Thank you everyone who supports and contributes to this mission.
Marge Newburn, Coordinator
The state is allowing you to use an absentee ballot for voting because of Covid-19. You can print out the form to request an absentee ballot and mail it to your respective county clerk. Once you receive your ballot, you must mail it in 7 days before the November election.
* In Saline County, go to, then go to voter information and print the request for an absentee ballot.
* For Garland County, go to, select files/forms, and then print the request for an absentee ballot.
* In Saline County, go to, then go to voter information and print the request for an absentee ballot.
* For Garland County, go to, select files/forms, and then print the request for an absentee ballot.
Exercise classes led by Linda Broome have resumed, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Lower Hall. Class times are: 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Classes run close to an hour to accommodate ALL activity levels. As before, a chair is the main tool used in class along with light weights, resistance bands, yoga Pilates rings and coordination balls. Linda's classes follow in detail the AR Department of Health's Directive for reopening of fitness classes. Wearing a face mask is an absolute necessity until class begins. Chairs are socially distanced at 12' apart. Foreheads are scanned for a temperature reading and hands are thoroughly sanitized for cleanliness. All equipment is disinfected between classes and "at risk" questions are ascertained. There are a limited number of seats available. Call Linda at 870-995-2797 if interested in reserving a "chair" for an upcoming class.
We are continuing to provide cloth masks for our parishioners and any others who are in need of a cloth mask. These may be washed after each use and reused. If you would like a homemade mask, please call the Parish Office 501-922-2062, extension 10 and request a mask or you may contact Liz Edwards at 832-236-3350. Special orers are being accepted with some extra masks being available at times. With the new school year beginning soon, feel free to order masks for children and grandchildren. Cute "age appropriate" material designs are available, Star Wars, etc.....
Over the past several months we have supported the Jackson House Food Pantry with over $4,300 in donations. What a gift of generosity from this Parish to Jackson House. Going forward, we are supporting the Matthew Sarver Memorial Fund. Matthew was a resident and home builder of Hot Springs Village who lost his life tragically in a car accident here in the Village on January 15, 2020. His parents, Margaret and Randy Sarver, began a scholarship memorial fund for a graduating Jessieville senior who wishes to pursue higher education. The criteria for this scholarship is the senior must show a commitment to academics and sports, respect for school staff and fellow students, and who has a strong desire to pursue further education in college or vocational school. All donations will be given to this Memorial Fund. Thank you!
Over the past several months we have supported the Jackson House Food Pantry with over $4,300 in donations. What a gift of generosity from this Parish to Jackson House. Going forward, we are supporting the Matthew Sarver Memorial Fund. Matthew was a resident and home builder of Hot Springs Village who lost his life tragically in a car accident here in the Village on January 15, 2020. His parents, Margaret and Randy Sarver, began a scholarship memorial fund for a graduating Jessieville senior who wishes to pursue higher education. The criteria for this scholarship is the senior must show a commitment to academics and sports, respect for school staff and fellow students, and who has a strong desire to pursue further education in college or vocational school. All donations will be given to this Memorial Fund. Thank you!
It has been a privilege to help provide face masks for our Parish family. We have a wonderful team of ladies who have put their heart and soul into making these masks for you and we hope you are wearing them and keeping safe and healthy. A special thanks to also, Sherrie Nichols that continues to provide homemade cloth masks, as a very generous donation. Thank you ALL!
~ Liz Edwards ~
~ Liz Edwards ~
The Diocese of Little Rock pays the cost of a seminarian's education out of the seminarian endowment fund, charitable bequests and other fundraising activities, such as the Taste of Faith dinners. You can view the virtual Taste of Faith recorded event by going to the Diocese YouTube channel The Knights of Columbus are still accepting donations to support our seminarians. Checks should be made payable to the Knights of Columbus, with "Seminarian Support" in the memo line. Your check may be mailed to Rick Phillips, Financial Secretary, 11 Vuelta Lane, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909; or you may drop your donation check in an offertory basket, located in the narthex.
Our very own seminarian is Jonathon Semmler. Please keep Jonathon and all of our seminarians in your thoughts and prayers as they continue on their formation journey to becoming a priest in our diocese.
Our very own seminarian is Jonathon Semmler. Please keep Jonathon and all of our seminarians in your thoughts and prayers as they continue on their formation journey to becoming a priest in our diocese.
For a variety of reasons, a decision has been made to revamp the "Prayer List" of names that appear in the bulletin each week and rename it "Sick List." We ask our parishioners to pray for the people whose names are on this list. Those who are seriously ill, who are facing surgery, who are in recovery or who are in rehabilitation, whether at home or at an inpatient facility, are invited to submit your name to be put on the list for as long as 60 days.
Please call the church office at 922-2062 and leave your name with the person who answers or when prompted to do so if the office is closed. You may call as well whenever you want to have your name removed from the list. If we do not hear from you after 60 days, your name will automatically be removed. It is hoped that this new set of procedures and conditions will keep our list up to date and encourage prayers for those who need it the most.
A family member or friend of the sick person may request their name be put on the list but ONLY after the sick person agrees to have their name put on the list. Respecting the wishes of the sick person is important. Please call Father Bill 209-2502 or Cathy Silk at 922-2062, extension 17 if you have questions. A revised list of names will appear in the bulletin the first weekend in August 2020.
Please call the church office at 922-2062 and leave your name with the person who answers or when prompted to do so if the office is closed. You may call as well whenever you want to have your name removed from the list. If we do not hear from you after 60 days, your name will automatically be removed. It is hoped that this new set of procedures and conditions will keep our list up to date and encourage prayers for those who need it the most.
A family member or friend of the sick person may request their name be put on the list but ONLY after the sick person agrees to have their name put on the list. Respecting the wishes of the sick person is important. Please call Father Bill 209-2502 or Cathy Silk at 922-2062, extension 17 if you have questions. A revised list of names will appear in the bulletin the first weekend in August 2020.
The seminarians have an exciting event planned for you that will take the form of a late-night talk show featuring interviews with Deacon Joseph Friend and Daniel Velasco, who will be ordained in August and introduce you to the other seminarians and see what it is like to live at the House of Formation. You will even discover one of our guy's secret recipes. The show will be hosted by Msgr, Scott Friend, vocations director. There are sure to be special guests and other surprises, so make sure and watch. You won't want to miss it!
All are invited to watch "Taste of Faith: Virtual Edition" live from the House of Formation on Saturday, August 8, at 7:00 p.m. on the Diocese of Little Rock website, Facebook page or YouTube channel For more information, contact Dianne Brady, Director of Stewardship and Development, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you may call her at 501-664-0340, ext. 391.
All are invited to watch "Taste of Faith: Virtual Edition" live from the House of Formation on Saturday, August 8, at 7:00 p.m. on the Diocese of Little Rock website, Facebook page or YouTube channel For more information, contact Dianne Brady, Director of Stewardship and Development, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you may call her at 501-664-0340, ext. 391.
Sacred Heart of Jesus recently approved the creation of a Health Ministry to serve our congregation while focusing on Wellness and Preventative health care measures. There has been positive movement with this ministry since its inception. With the uncertainty surrounding certain health conditions, it is a good time for the newly formed ministry to expand and recruit additional members to better serve our congregation. If you are an active or retired health care professional, ie: MD, PA, Social Workers, APRN, RN, LPN, Therapist, Counselor, etc. and have a passion to serve our congregation to best meet their preventative health care needs which, in turn, helps the needs of the whole person, please email Cathy Silk, RN at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your contact information. In your correspondence, please indicate your professional health care role. Please, also, include which days/times best suits your availability to hold the next Health Ministry meeting. Stay Well!
A hefty amount of pull tabs were brought to Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church by Lanny Mabus and his daughters to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. As they are collected by LOSH, it was a special dedication to their mom, Kathy Mabus. All of the pull tabs were delivered to the Ronald McDonald House in Little Rock on July 3. This fine charity was very thankful for such a large donation and were very impressed with the quantity of pull tabs (8 large water jugs, the Mabus Collection, and lots of bags, parishioners' collection). Thanks to all and keep 'em coming to the collection box located on the credenza in the A&E hallway. For more information, please contact Ann Bowman, 922-6619.
The Respect Life committee will be meeting after Mass on Wednesday morning, August 12 in Classrooms A & B. We will primarily be discussing the baby shower in January and getting organized for that event. Respect Life is involved in anything that promotes pro-life, from stopping abortion and the death penalty to opposing assisted suicide. If you would like to learn more or help out, please text me at 501-844-7656 or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks. Rebecca Huber.