Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Ordination1Congratulations to Father Bill Elser for the celebration of his 34th Anniversary of Ordination to Priesthood and to Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer for the celebration of his 22nd Anniversary of Ordination to Permanent Diaconate.  Sacred Heart is truly blessed with your leadership and Godly service, dated May 31st.
The Word Among Us Catholic Mass EditionGive us this daySubscriptions are now being taken in the Narthex for the daily missals: "The Word Among Us" and "Give Us This Day."  The subscription runs from August 2020 thru July 2021.  Both subscriptions cost $20 annually.  In the narthex, there are sign up sheets and envelopes labeled with either "The Word Among Us" or "Give Us This Day."  Please insert your payment of $20 (check payable to Sacred Heart or cash) in the envelope that matches your desired subscription.  If you do not have the required payment at the time you are in the narthex, please write your name on the sign up sheet for the desired subscription and you may pay later.  The deadline to subscribe is Sunday, July 19.  As a reminder, there is no public liturgical reading material in the pews.  This is your chance to have your own personal liturgical reading material for Mass/daily use.
ConfirmationThe Confirmation Mass which was scheduled for Saturday, May 23, has been postponed to a later date which, at this time, has not been confirmed.  A variety of factors weighed in to making this final decision of which all families and confirmants were included.  The biggest factor was the lack of celebratory vocal rejoicing during Mass with family/friends/sponsors and after Mass with any type of reception.  These are time of uncertainty but with God's Grace of the Holy Spirit, positive outcomes will result.  Please stay alert to the announcement of the rescheduled date and time for these beautiful confirmants to make the sacrament of Confirmation.

Disaster ResponseThe Sacred Heart of Jesus's Disaster Response Team was called to action on Monday, May 18, after trees surrounding the complex of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church were hit by lightening in a recent storm.  Parishioners and team members Ray Ambrozich, Bob Bowman, Danny Elser, Dave Witchger and Gary Wolfer together worked for many hours to make our parking lots safer.  These trees were weakened and had the potential to fall on parked cars or maybe even a parishioner.  Thank you, Men, for your devotion and dedication.  KUDOS!
Mass IntentionsAlthough public Masses are currently suspended, Father Bill Elser celebrates a private Mass on a daily basis.  Sacred Heart currently has daily Mass Intentions available for the dearly departed, a friend that may be ill or to celebrate a special day in a loved one's life.  Please contact the front office, 501-922-2062, ext. 10 to inquire on reserving a Mass in honor of a loved one.  A card will be given to share this special Mass with that special honoree or loved one.
2020 CensusBishop Anthony B. Taylor is encouraging everyone to participate in the U.S. Census.  Every person living in your home April 1 needs to be counted.  That includes children and newborn babies, citizens and noncitizens, relatives and nonrelatives and even those staying with you temporarily.  Census data guides how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to state and communities each year for schools, health care facilities, roads and social services.  Your responses to the census are safe and secure.  The law requires the U.S. Census Bureau to keep your information confidential and your responses cannot be used against you in any way. 

You should have already received Official Census mail with detailed information on how to respond.  You can complete it however is easiest for you:  online at or by phone 844-330-2020.  If you do not respond, you can expect a questionaire to be mailed to your house.
USA flagUnfortunately, due to the COVID-19 precautions and health restrictions, the Parish Life/Knights of Columbus cosponsored picnic will be postponed.  We are planning for the picnic to be Labor Day weekend.  More details will be forthcoming.  God Bless America!
Peters PenceNext week, July 11/12, we wil take up the Peter's Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds to carry out his charitable works around the world will be collected.  The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters.  Please be generous.  For more information, vist
Exercise With gyms being closed and our parish not being able to partake in its usual activities, we miss our Wellness classes.  It is important that we keep our body in motion.  Linda Broome, 'Fit n' Balanced' instructor, has made videos which you may easily participate in from the comfort of your home.  These videos are sure to put a smile on your face and a "hop" in your step.  You may access them by clicking here and exercise away!  Or, you can contact Linda Broome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 870-995-2797.  Be well!  Be healthy!
Birthday of MonthThe last weekend of each month, an insert in the weekly bulletin has normally contained a monthly calendar with a list of our parishioner's birthdays on the reverse side.  For many reasons, this has been discontinued; however, the Monthly Calendar may be found on the Parish website along with the monthly birthday list,  This double sided document may also be found on either credenza in the Narthex next to the supply of weekly bulletins.  Please contact the front office, 501-922-2062, extension 10, with any questions you may have.  Thank you!
Contact InformationIf you have moved, changed your phone number, canceled your land-line or if you have an e-mail address that you have yet to share with the front office, please do so by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We would like to be able to communicate updates with our parishioners as much as possible.  Thank you so much for helping us out!.
FRONING JOHN NANCY"We are never lost for words but have to admit, we do not know how to say good-bye, so we just will not.  Instead we say thank-you for 10 of the most wonderful years of our lives, because of our friends and fellow parishioners here at Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Life always involves change and change can be scary, not because of what we are going to but because of what we are leaving behind.  A sincere thank-you to each and everyone of you for letting us into your lives.  You will always be in our thoughts and hearts.  May God bless and smile on you."  Here is our new contanct information for the next year while our condo is being built:  John and Nancy Froning, 2045 Moultrie Circle, Franklin, TN 37064.  Please text or call:  John at 501-226-9035; Nancy at 501-226-9030.
Face MasksLiz Edwards and her crew of sewers which have been making the cloth face masks that have been available to us, are now taking custom orders for a minimal cost of $5.00 per mask.  The money is still being donated to the Jackson House Food Pantry.  Please call the Sacred Heart Parish Office at 501-922-2062, extension 10 to place a custom order.  Let us know if you would like to order a large, small, floral, sports themed, bold colored, plain or just a 'surprise me' second spare mask.  Turn around time is just a few days.  Turn around time is just a few days.
Good byeIt is never easy to say "Good Bye" to a couple so DEAR.  This is only, "till we meet again."  A reception will be forthcoming when we are in the CLEAR.  A basket is available in the front office (day) and in the narthex (evening) to collect cards for Deacon John and Nancy Froning.  Their temporary address is:  2045 Moultrie Circle, Franklin, TN 37064.   Deacon John:  501-226-9035  Nancy:  501-226-9030.
Blood Unites Us Website Banner2The next Arkansas Blood Institute (ABI) Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7, 2020.  There will be a Blood Mobile available for those giving blood and extra precautions will be taken to ensure everyone's safety.  ABI is requesting that appointments be made for this drive, and patience is also requested during this trying time.  Please note:  There is an urgent need of blood at this time.  Previous donors with email addressed have been sent an email reminder.  New donors can contact Connie at 501-922-4891.  Thank you, in advance, for sharing your "gift of lie."
Please be advised that donations to Harvey's Chapel and Jackson House Thrift Store have been suspended during the coronavirus pandemic.  Donation pickup will resume after the pandemic is over.  However, food donations are still being collected for Jackson House.  Jackson House continues to provide lunches Monday through Saturday at their Malvern Avenue location in Hot Springs.