Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Blood Drive 1The next Arkansas Blood Institute (ABI) Blood Drive supported by the Knights of Columbus and hosted by the Village United Methodist Church, 200 Carmona Road, is 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, 2020.  There will be a Blood Mobile available for those donating blood and extra precautions will be taken to ensure everyone's safety.  ABI is requesting that appointments be made for this drive; there is an urgent need for blood at this time.  Patience is also requested during this trying time.  Previous donors with e-mail addresses have been sent an e-mail reminder.  New donors can contact Connie at 501-922-4891.  Thank you, in advance, for sharing your "gift of life."
FaithYou can now access Fr. Bill's Masses by going to and click on Weekend Homilies on the left side of our home page and particpate at home.  You will have several options you can click on to view Masses from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church or you can go to for a list of other Masses on TV or the internet.
Spiritual CommunionYou may access Fr. Bill's Masses by going to Sacred Heart of Jesus's Website: and click on the tab "Weekend Homilies" to participate in Mass while at home.

There are some ways that we can make our "Home Environment" (the domestic church) a real and appropriate place of spirituality and worship especially in these times in which we are unable to come together as a faith family or individually for Eucharistic Adoration at Sacred Heart Church.

1.   At least on Sunday (though many have access to it daily) we can PARTICIPATE IN (not just watch) the Mass as an individual or family on television (ETWN) or the internet.  Pray the prayers out loud and sing along with whatever parts of the Mass are sung.  Remember any voice that sings praise to the Lord is a beautiful voice to his ears.  Stand, sit and kneel at the appropriate times just as you do at those time at Mass at Church.  You can even dress as you would if going to Mass!

2.   Take time to read, reflect and pray the scripture passages for the Mass of the Day (preferably before you participate in Mass).  Use reflections you can find in "Give Us This Day" or other publications.  Log on to for a five day preparation of the Sunday readings.

3.   Make a Spiritual Communion at the time after the priest receives communion.  St. Thomas Aquinas defined "Spiritual Communion" as an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacrament and a loving embrace as though we had already received him.  Speak to the Lord in your own words or use a "Spiritual Communion" prayer like the following:

                              My Jesus, I believe that you are  present in the Most Holy
                           Sacrament.  I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
                           You into my soul.  Since I cannot at this moment receive You Sac-
                           ramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.  I embrace You 
                           as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.  Never
                           permit me to be separated from you.  Amen.

4.   Bless yourself with Holy Water.......We have Holy Water bottles available (for a $2.00 donation) located by the large Holy Water Reservoir in the Narthex.  Fill them up with Blessed Water from Easter. Think of your Baptism every time you use the water to bless yourself (especially as you get ready for a televised Mass and thank God that you are his "adopted" son or daughter.   

5.   Remember to rest.......................................

Wash handsThose of us who watch or listen to the news are all well aware of the spread of the Coronavirus.  Medical experts have provided some quality advice to keep us healthy during this outbreak:
  • Don't shake hands
  • Use your knuckle to touch light switches/elevator buttons
  • Wipe off shopping cart handles with sanitized wipes
  • Don't open doors with your hands if at all possible.  Use gloves or a disposable wipes
  • Don't open door with your hands if at all possible.  If needed, carry a container with you when out
  • Use disinfectant wipes whenever available.  If needed, carry a container with you when out
  • Wash hands with soap for 10-20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that is at least 62% alcohol
  • Keep your own bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times and use it frequently
  • Discard disposable tissues after using them and/or wear latex gloves when shopping

These are some of the main precautions that are advised by those in the medical profession and they highly recommend we follow that advice so that we do not become ill ourselves and spread the virus to others.  Stay well!

Dear Brother/Sister Holy Hour Participants,

For the past week our PEA scheduling has been in an almost constant state of flux.  In spite of this situation, our adorers and subs have responded wonderfully to ensure all hours of the night and day have been filled.

The PEA Leadership Team, subs, adorers, our parish administrative personnel, the church maintenance crew, and our pastor have taken quick, continuous, and effective actions to provide a safe and sanitary environment for our Holy hour devotions.  The parishioners participating in Eucharistic Adoration have pitched in with fervor to support and sustain Holy Hour devotions.  Well done all ya'll.

On behalf of your PEA Leadership Team, we extend our sincere thanks with the sincere approbation all of you deserve.  For information on how to be a Substitute or a Regular Adorer during hours that fit your schedule, please contact the Divison Leader below:

6:00 am - 12 noon Gerry Millhouse 501-922-3384/501-226-9636
12 noon - 6:00 pm Bob Lennen 501-204-2814
6:00 pm - 12 MN Don Ritter 224-659-5001
12 MN - 6:00 am Lorie Vincent 337-654-2871/337-205-1745

St. JudeNow more than ever, we need 
to keep our eyes fixed on Christ.

We have to remind ourselves—and those
around us—that before God formed us
in the womb, He knew we would be
exactly where we are today.

But trusting God is easier said than done.

We need something—or someone—
to remind us that nothing is
impossible with God.

That’s where St. Jude comes in.

Tradition says that in the early days of
the Church, Christians had a misplaced
fear of praying to him because his name
was so similar to Judas Iscariot’s.

But St. Jude was so eager to pray for
people that when they did seek his
intercession, he would powerfully
intercede, even for the most
desperate causes.

Now he is the go-to saint  
for impossible causes.

We all experience anxiety, but
we don’t have to be stuck in it.

Cultivate a devotion to St. Jude and all  
the healing saints, and remember
that God is always in control.

Read more ...

2014 Jackson HouseJackson House and Sacred Heart Church thanks all those who continue to support the effort to "feed the hungry" through the food that is brought to Church each week, as well as, monetary donations (given in the wooden box in the Narthex).  Last year over $11,800 was contributed.  We say "over" because some made checks out to Jackson House and put them in the "Jackson House Box" which were then forwarded to Jackson House by mail.  In the future, please consider making checks out to Sacred Heart Church and put in the memo line, "Jackson House Donation."  The amount given will be added to cash donations and one check will be sent to Jackson House every month.  Thank you for your generous donations.
ink cartridgesThere is a basket in the library for recycling ink cartridges.  They are donated to HSV Animal Welfare League to help with their many projects.  Thank you for donating your used cartridges.
Divine MercyThis Sunday we conclude the Divine Mercy Novena that started on Good Friday.  Fr. Bill will offer the sacrament of Reconciliation from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. this Saturday and Sunday in the Reconciliation Room.  Please know that the Apostolic Penitentiary is granting a plenary indulgence to the Faithful who offer a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or reading the Holy Scriptures for at least a half hour, or the recitation of the Rosary, or the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross or the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with the will at least to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as possible.  In all these prayers we are to implore from Almighty God an end to the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation to those he has called to himself.
food basketThank you for volunteering to deliver an Easter Basket to needy families this year.  Many of the families in our area work in the service industry and will soon be needing any and all the help they can get.  In order to comply with social separation, we have changed our method of helping for this delivery.  The committee believes we should use gift cards for this one delivery.  The committee will split the families among the committee members.  Each member will call 5-6 families to determine their needs and current address.  We will then mail a Walmart gift card to those families we determine need assistance.  The gift card will be restricted from being used for alcohol, tobacco and firearms. 

Since the committee is taking care of contacting the families and delivering the basket, we will not need volunteers to participate this time.  We hope by the next time we reach out to help these families we will be able to return to our previous method.  We don't want to ask anyone to put themselves at risk in any way to support this program.  We believe this updated method will accomplish that.  Even though you may believe you are healthy enough to endure this virus those you contact may not.  Please help by staying home, staying cautious and staying healthy!  If you have any questions, please call or e-mail Ed Keearns, 501-922-3832 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Give us this day our daily bread.  For most of us, this is not our most pressing daily concern.  We will not wonder what we will find to eat or where we will sleep tonight.  One of the best expressions of gratitude that we can show for all the blessings that we enjoy each day from God's providential hand is to share some of our "bread" with those who don't have enough of their own.  Please consider becoming a monthly supporter of the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal.  Together, we can make a difference right here at home.  Return your CASA Gift/Pledge in the envelopes provided.

Bishop: No public Masses through May 18


En Español

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor issued the following letter to the people of the Diocese of Little Rock, April 15, 2020, to address further changes to his March 12 mandate suspending all public Masses and non-essential events during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I want you to know that I appreciate what a difficult time this has been for all of us, especially the suspension of public Masses and all other public gatherings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I think we have all grown in our love for and longing for the Eucharist. I know this has been very hard for our priests, who miss intensely the joy of celebrating the Eucharist with the community, and even more so for you in the laity who must participate in the Mass through the Internet or on TV, if that.

taylor-2019.jpg"And of course, there is everything connected with COVID-19 itself: the illness, the deaths, the loss of jobs and income, the isolation, the closing of schools, etc. I am convinced that the Lord will use this adversity to bring us many blessings, even if we can’t always see it at the time. Hopefully drawing us closer to himself, helping us to see more clearly what is really important and perhaps reassessing our priorities going forward. I hope that the increased time spent together will strengthen the bonds within our families and that time spent in prayer together become a source of spiritual growth. 

"As I am sure many of you will recall, on March 12 I promulgated required changes for the rest of March and the entire month of April in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the temporary suspension of all public Masses and previously scheduled confirmation ceremonies plus the cancellation or postponement of all non-essential gatherings in your parishes pending further notice. I also indicated that on April 15 I would make a determination regarding activities in the month of May.

"Well, we have now reached April 15 and the COVID-19 cases have not even peaked yet in Arkansas. According to our public health officials, physical separation needs to continue to be maintained for the time being, so I am extending our present suspension of activities (and the corresponding dispensation of the Sunday obligation) to May 18. On April 30 I will make a further determination regarding the remainder of the month of May, including whether an earlier opening date might also be possible if things have changed for the better between now and then. May 31 is Pentecost; let us pray that by then the conditions will be right for us to resume normal activities.

"In the meantime, let us pray for those who are ill and those who have died, for those searching for a cure and for medical caregivers who risk their own health to care for others, for those who are faced with unexpected financial difficulties and for those who due to age or underlying medical problems know themselves to be especially vulnerable.

"Sincerely in Christ,
+Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock"