Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
TelephoneDo you live alone or in circumstances which tend to isolate you?  Please consider our Buddy Phone Chain, a lively group of parishioners who receive a reassuring phone call each morning, and then make a call to a buddy in the phone chain.  This is a quick, noninstrusive way to feel safer, knowing that your buddy will take action if she/he can't reach you within the appropriate time frame.  Your daily peace of mind costs nothing, and takes just a few minutes each morning.  Call Buddy Phone Chain Coordinator, Gisela Heumann, 224-565-0266 for more information or to sign up.
helpinghandsWe are grateful for all of our Helping Hands Volunteers who have called us to offer assistance to our parishioners during this national health crisis.  We are especially appreciative of those who just carried on with the on-going assignments, and went the extra mile to make it possible for those we serve to shelter in place.


We invite you to join the ranks of the Helping Hands Ministry.  When you call a Coordinator (see below), we will mail a volunteer application to you.  When you return it by mail, we will send you your Helping Hands Volunteer Packet with all necessary information and procedures.  We welcome any and all newcomers!


1.  We cannot help you if we do not know who you are or that you need help.
2.  We can not help you if you do not call us.
3.  We will do our very best to SAFELY serve you.


CATHY WEDWICK 501-915-8456
PAT WIDLOWSKI 501-922-1395
Walk With Purpose1Lisa Brenninkmeyer, founder of Walking with Purpose, has created a Bible Study for EVERYONE in response to the Coronavirus moratorium on public Mass.  Each week she will make a new lesson available to download which will deal with the upcoming Sunday liturgy.  Day one will focus on the first reading.  Day 2 will be on the responsorial psalm.  Day 3 will be the second reading and day 4 and 5 will be the Gospel.

This study is designed to prepare our hearts to engage in the sacred mysteries in a new way while watching on TV and/or online.  As she says, "I challenge you to more deeply feast on the Word during this time when we are away from Christ in the Eucharist."

To access this wonderful opportunity, go to  Please download "Defining Moments" for FREE.  In these uncertain times, it is a blessing to have resources like this study io inspire and encourage us to grow our faith and relationship with Jesus.
sacred heart of jesusOur patronal feast day is coming up on Friday, June 19.  In addition to joing us for the celebration of Mass, either at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., or Parking Lot Mass at 7:00 p.m., we will have a special treat.  This treat includes a scoop of Fr. Bill's delicious ice cream with an accompanying heart shaped cookie crafted by LOSH.  One may savor this treat as a "to go" item, picked up in the narthex, and enjoyed out in the parking lot, "tailgated" six feet apaart from one another OR we will also be serving this treat in both the upper and lower halls.  Chairs will be socially distanced at six feet apart and each attendee will be personally served.  Inside seating is limited, please reserve your chair by calling the church office 922-2062, extension 10 OR you may sign up in the narthex.  If you plan to enjoy your treat inside, please let us know how many are in your household so everyone may be seated together.
Rice BowlCatholic Relief Service's effort to care for the poor.  Sacred Heart continues to collect the Rice Bowls in the narthex through Sunday, April 26, 2020.  You may stay at home and mail a check payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus church indicating in the memo line:  Rice Bowl CRS.  You may also give online by going to website and click on Donate Now.  Please note our parish when prompted for name of Faith Community.  Thank you for your generosity!
2020 BulletinThe bulletin is the center of our parish communication; we want to keep you informed.  We are now offering to send you the parish bulletin directly to your "smart phone" every week.  You may sign up by texting the word 'BULLETIN' to 94090.  Again, that is texting the word 'BULLETIN' to 94090.  Also, if you have an email address that you have yet to share with the front office, please do so by calling 922-2062, ext. 10.  We will be making the bulletin available to be sent to your email address on a weekly basis.
LOSHThe Ladies of the Sacred Heart (LOSH) will be holding a ceremony on Monday, May 11, at 9:45 a.m. to incorporate their monthly General Meeting and their Installation of Officers for 2020/2021.  The ceremony will begin with the annual May Living Rosary.  All guilds are invited to attend with special precautions being taken to prevent any COVID-19 transmission.  Please use hand sanitizer upon entering the church and wear a mask or face cover during the ceremony.  Social distancing of 6 feet is required.
2020 04 28 Tom and Jamie Henry farmers from Guy, AR
Strawberry farmers, the Henry's, from Guy, AR. Face masks provided by LOSH.
The Henry family have been busy on their farm growing delicious peaches.  Along with their peaches, local produce they may bring for purchase includes: cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, cantaloupe, baby red potatoes and most recently corn on the cob.  Varieties differ each week so come and check out the surprise you may find on Tuesdays in the lower parking lot from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Drive-thru service and social distancing are in action.  The following day, on Wednesday, leftover peaches are frequently found in the narthex or at the church office for sale.  Come and support our local farmer family:  Cadron Crest Orchard from Guy, AR.
2020 03 25 Drive Thru ConfessionIt was a beautiful, sun shiny Wednesday for the first time ever Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church drive-thru Blessed Sacrament of Reconciliation with Fr. Bill Elser.  Fr. Bill said there were approximately 7 parishioners who took advantage of the Blessed Healing Sacrament.  Keeping with the CDC social distancing COVID-19 crisis guidelines, Fr. Bill decided to give the drive-thru confession a try.  
Face MasksThe latest guidance provided by Bishop Taylor requires "all participants, including chilren over 10 years of age, must wear masks or other covering of their mouth and nose" while participating in Mass or attending other parish gatherings.  

Sacred Heart of Jesus church has been blessed by some very busy ladies and gentlemen of our parish and outside of our parish working together to provide homemade, well constructed, face masks for parishioners' respiratory protection.  Donations are being accepted to support Jackson House food pantry, and are GREATLY APPRECIATED by those affected by hunger and despair. 

Masses have resumed.  Please call or visit the front office to receive your homemade face mask, Monday thru Friday, 8:00a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 501-922-2062, ext.10.
Cancelled StampWe received a gracious "Thank you" note from Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN.  It reads.......
"Thank you!  We deeply appreciate your donation of cancelled stamps, which will help make the world a better place for people around the world through our Ministry With the Poor.  Your support means so much to us.  Please continue to pray for all our Sisters, as well as those to whom they minister.  We are praying for you too.  Blessings."
FaithAn understatement - "There has been a dramatic change on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church."  Nobody knows at this point how long this current change will be present but we ALWAYS do know that Jesus Christ is with us WHEREVER we are.  He is with us in the parking lot of the church, on a hiking trail in the village and in the living room of our home.  He is always with us!  Wherever we decide to participate in Mass, God is there!

  • Our church has been blessed to be able to offer a recorded weekend Mass, Celebrated by Fr. Bill Elser, whether it is accessed "live" at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning or accessed at a later time.  To participate in the "live" Mass, go to or to access this opportunity at a later time, go to Sacred Heart of Jesus's Website at, then click on the tab to the left titled, "Weekend Homilies."  (May be suspended - Please stay tuned).
  • The Catholic Television Network, EWTN, offers a variety of daily Masses, as well as weekend Masses for your participation, which may be accessed by your television.
No matter where or when you participate in Mass, not receiving Physical Communion is a solemn change; however, the alternative Spiritual Communion may make for an acceptable temporary substiution.  St. Thomas Aquinas defined "Spiritual Communion" as an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Sacrament and a loving embrace as though we had already received him.  The following "Spiritual Communion" prayer may be prayed:

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most
Blessed Sacrament.  I love You above all things
and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at
least spiritually into my heart.  I embrace You as if You
were already there, and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.  Amen.
DiapersCatholic Charity Adoption Services and New Beginnings are in desperate need of diapers for their clients.  If you would like to help, please bring sizes Newborn, 2, 3, and 4 on the weekends of May 31 and June 7.  There will be a baby crib in the narthex to place the diapers.  Monetary donations will also be accepted.  These two organizations dispense 20 diapers per week to about 60-80 people.  That equals about 6000 diapers per month.  We greatly appreciate your consideration and support.
June 2, 2020

To the people of the Diocese of Little Rock,
Please find attached my statement on the topic of racism, both in English and in Spanish, as well as the famous letter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from a Birmingham jail in 1963.  Many of us are too young to remember the struggle for civil rights and all of us can benefit from a refresher on just how crucial this struggle is for anyone who would consider themselves a Christian.
Sincerely in Christ,
+Anthony B. Taylor
Bishop of Little Rock


Statement from Bishop Taylor on the Topic of Racism
DeclaraciĆ³n del Obispo Taylor sobre el Tema del Racismo
Letter from a Birmingham Jail
SinglesSeptember 22 - 25:  4 Days and 3 nights trip to Branson, MO.  Details available now in the Singles area of the Narthex.
casalogo08As of April 1, 230 parish families have responded to the Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) by contributing $59,527 with a pledge balance of $15,829.  If the pledges are paid in full, the total collected will be $75,256 which is almost 90% of our goal.  Please help us reach and even surpass our goal by adding yourself and your donation/pledge to those parish families who thankfully have already become partners in funding Catholic ministries and activities that require the help of Catholics in Arkansas in order to function throughout the year.  CASA envelopes may still be found in the Narthex or in the pews of the Church.  CASA envelopes may be mailed from home or brought in to the front office.